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Sri Lanka is a friend of China. Even if they believe Vietnam is in the right, the smart move would be to keep quiet and stay behind the scenes. This is most unusual and disappointing.
Colombo Gazette
May 10, 2014

Sri Lanka supports Vietnam’s stance on demanding China adhere to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and withdraw its drilling rig HD-981 out of Viet Nam’s sovereignty and exclusive economic zone, the Vietnam Prime Minister’s office said.

Sri Lanka’ PM D.M. Jayaratne made the statement at a reception given by PM Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday (May 9), regarding the East Sea issue.

He proposed dealing with the issue by peaceful measures on the basis of the international law.

The host leader affirmed that Viet Nam will do its utmost to work with Sri Lanka to make the two nations’ relations more efficient.

He welcomed Sri Lanka’s delegation led by PM D.M. Jayaratne to the United Nations Day of Vesak in Viet Nam and praised the country on its achievements over the past years.

He suggested the two nations support each other at multi-lateral forums, boost economic, trade and tourism cooperation, sign a bilateral agreement on trade and a cooperative plan between the two nations’ Ministries of Finance as well as set up a sub-committee on commerce.

The Vietnamese PM expects that Sri Lanka will create favorable conditions for Vietnamese businesses to launch long-term operation in its nation.

PM D.M. Jayaratne also confirmed that his country expects to cooperate with Viet Nam in crime prevention, realizing ethnic policies, science and technology.
Lanka backs Vietnam over China | Colombo Gazette

mysterious slip of tongue may be,

from Colombo Gazette,

May 10, 2014

The Ministry of External Affairs today attempted to play down comments reportedly made by Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne on the South China Sea dispute between China and Vietnam.

The Vietnam Prime Minister’s office had yesterday quoted Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne as saying that Sri Lanka supports Vietnam’s stance on demanding China adhere to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and withdraw its drilling rig HD-981 out of Vietnam’s sovereignty and exclusive economic zone.

However the Sri Lankan External Affairs Ministry says Sri Lanka’s position has been that the disputes concerning the South China Sea need to be settled bilaterally through negotiations by the concerned parties.

“This has been Sri Lanka’s consistent position on the said issue,” the External Affairs Ministry said.

Jayaratne had reportedly made the controversial comments at a reception given by Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday. (Colombo Gazette)
Sri Lanka didn't demand China to adhere to the UN Convention but support Vietnam P.M demand China to adhere to the UN convention. Different from Sri Lanka P.M issue the statement to demand China adhere from the UN convention. Sri Lanka PM only support Vietnam P.M made those statement.
That is why I call it stupid beyond imagination. Let it bullied by India, and sanctioned by Western nation. Then it will learn the lesson. For those countries, you need stick and carrot working together.

Let more information come out first and dont be so quick to turn on Sri Lanka. There has to be more to this story. China helped in destroying the Tamil Tigers while blocking UN intervention and inquiries. I dont think that Sri Lanka will be a turncoat.
China set up the oil rig to dare Vietnam to use military force to blow up the rig but Vietnam navy in no position to start a naval war against China without the help from other nation.
why should we fall into Chinese trap by starting a war?

China plans to withdraw the rig in August. so we just continue to harass the Chinese everyday.
mysterious slip of tongue may be,

from Colombo Gazette,

May 10, 2014

The Ministry of External Affairs today attempted to play down comments reportedly made by Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne on the South China Sea dispute between China and Vietnam.

The Vietnam Prime Minister’s office had yesterday quoted Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne as saying that Sri Lanka supports Vietnam’s stance on demanding China adhere to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and withdraw its drilling rig HD-981 out of Vietnam’s sovereignty and exclusive economic zone.

However the Sri Lankan External Affairs Ministry says Sri Lanka’s position has been that the disputes concerning the South China Sea need to be settled bilaterally through negotiations by the concerned parties.

“This has been Sri Lanka’s consistent position on the said issue,” the External Affairs Ministry said.

Jayaratne had reportedly made the controversial comments at a reception given by Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday. (Colombo Gazette)

Precisely my point, from the moment I see how previous way they phase the sentence originally. I have already found it fishy...
Why would vietnam PM need to announce the sentence instead of SL PM himself? I believe Vietnam PM is playing a trick on SL PM. Shame on Vietnam PM for misquoting his sentence and twist to suit his own agenda.
why should we fall into Chinese trap by starting a war?

China plans to withdraw the rig in August. We will contiue to harass the Chinese everyday.

I thought Vietnam is the top dog, why don't Vietnam show the world Vietnam naval power and blow up the rig and dare China to start a naval war with Vietnam.
we can help them eliminated, we can also rekindle it. India's Tamil Nadu are happy to cooperate
Stop talkin nonsense. US propangada at work and trying to create mistrust. Everything clears up!

you are wrong.
America and Japan back Vietnam.

They back by what? Send ship to drive China rig out? Or just talking? :lol:
why should we fall into Chinese trap by starting a war?

China plans to withdraw the rig in August. so we just continue to harass the Chinese everyday.

:lol: Self delusion. Aren't you afraid to face the reality of your previous bragging?
Viet is actually the only reasonable Vietnamese poster on PDF. This thread is based on false information.
The American media is on full gear anti-China. They will use whatever means to influence others to misquote and misled whatever anti-China.

The only thing they stop of doing is action :lol: Just like how Georgia and Ukraine suffer under US delusion.
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