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South China Sea Forum

This forum so weird ?
As many as thread related to the aggression of China in moving Oil rig 981, was removed ?
in favor of Chinese ...

So this forum is just for Pk and cn to mastubate each other ?
This forum so weird ?
As many as thread related to the aggression of China in moving Oil rig 981, was removed ?
in favor of Chinese ...

So this forum is just for Pk and cn to mastubate each other ?

no problem bro, is just putting in one thread. In chinese defence forum, we should be baned after some our post.
1. There is no dispute in Paracel. We own it 100% when UNCLOS was sign in 1982. There is no dispute, do you understand? Just because your Northern VN regime changed tactic and decided to call it a dispute does not mean it is a dispute. In order to be a dispute, you need to occupy and control at least one or two islands in Paracel Archipelago. Spratly is a dispute because multiple parties occupy and are in control of various islands, reefs, and rocks. At Paracel, there is none. We control and administer all. You want to talk fact, let do it but you better answer and reason with me here.

2. Paracel is a contest territory. In international term, it is open to relevant state to impose their jurisdiction and administrative rights in according with legitimate ownership. Since no one owns Paracel completely. Your Southern VN regime at the time owned the Southern part while we owned the Northern part. But it is not important as I have said Paracel is a contest territory, claimed by both at the time. It is open to anyone to take before any maritime international agreements are signed, such as UNCLOS. In international law, it is fait accompli because we control 100% by the time UNCLOS was sign in 1982. Nobody gives a shit if you own it in 18th century. We can also say we have Ming general outpost in one of the Paracel's island back in 1500s (believe it was the Woody island). It was established to be an extension of Hainan at the time. But you see, nobody gives a shit whatever happen prior to international law taken place which is pre-UNCLOS. The solution is clear, who control what when UNCLOS was sign should be given full consideration for EEZ.

I want to see a westerner reason with me over this. You, on the other hand, is not at my level when it comes to international law dispute, justice.

1. You have gone nowhere with your 'invisible historical sovereignty'.
Now you are turning into International Laws? It's absolutely interesting, China is talking about International Laws! How ironic =))
You occupy it 100% does not mean that you have the legal right. We were owning those legally and you invaded us by force. Can you understand that simple thing?
Besides, the South Vietnam protested your invasion. The new Vietnam (SRVN) protested it too. So, your invasion is protested.
Again, the North Vietnam has nothing to do with Paracel. They have no right with that. I have said before and I won't say it again. Just read.

2. We own them not only in 18th Century, but from that point to the modern time until you invaded us by force. We protested it too and haven't quit claiming our sovereignty. If you invaded us in Ming or Qing dynasty time and stuffs, it's a different thing. But you invaded us in 1974, in the modern time when international laws are applied.

3. You just know nothing about UNCLOS and stuffs. In short you have no idea about international laws. Even if we own Paracel now, we can't extends our EEZ from our islands, since we are not an Archipelago Nation.
Your EEZ must extends only from your low-water line, understand?

Read this if you can read:



Breadth of the territorial sea

Every State has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles, measured from baselines determined in accordance with this Convention.



Outer limit of the territorial sea

The outer limit of the territorial sea is the line every point of which is at a distance from the nearest point of the baseline equal to the breadth of the territorial sea.



Normal baseline

Except where otherwise provided in this Convention, the normal baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State.




In the case of islands situated on atolls or of islands having fringing reefs, the baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the seaward low-water line of the reef, as shown by the appropriate symbol on charts officially recognized by the coastal State.



Straight baselines

1. In localities where the coastline is deeply indented and cut into, or if there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its immediate vicinity, the method of straight baselines joining appropriate points may be employed in drawing the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

2. Where because of the presence of a delta and other natural conditions the coastline is highly unstable, the appropriate points may be selected along the furthest seaward extent of the low-water line and, notwithstanding subsequent regression of the low-water line, the straight baselines shall remain effective until changed by the coastal State in accordance with this Convention.

3. The drawing of straight baselines must not depart to any appreciable extent from the general direction of the coast, and the sea areas lying within the lines must be sufficiently closely linked to the land domain to be subject to the regime of internal waters.

4. Straight baselines shall not be drawn to and from low-tide elevations, unless lighthouses or similar installations which are permanently above sea level have been built on them or except in instances where the drawing of baselines to and from such elevations has received general international recognition.

5. Where the method of straight baselines is applicable under paragraph 1, account may be taken, in determining particular baselines, of economic interests peculiar to the region concerned, the reality and the importance of which are clearly evidenced by long usage.

6. The system of straight baselines may not be applied by a State in such a manner as to cut off the territorial sea of another State from the high seas or an exclusive economic zone.

You china just know nothing about international laws and UNCLOS. You know nothing about what you signed. Next time remember to read what you are going to sign before signing it!
1. You have gone nowhere with your 'invisible historical sovereignty'.
Now you are turning into International Laws? It's absolutely interesting, China is talking about International Laws! How ironic =))
You occupy it 100% does not mean that you have the legal right. We were owning those legally and you invaded us by force. Can you understand that simple thing?
Besides, the South Vietnam protested your invasion. The new Vietnam (SRVN) protested it too. So, your invasion is protested.
Again, the North Vietnam has nothing to do with Paracel. They have no right with that. I have said before and I won't say it again. Just read.

2. We own them not only in 18th Century, but from that point to the modern time until you invaded us by force. We protested it too and haven't quit claiming our sovereignty. If you invaded us in Ming or Qing dynasty time and stuffs, it's a different thing. But you invaded us in 1974, in the modern time when international laws are applied.

3. You just know nothing about UNCLOS and stuffs. In short you have no idea about international laws. Even if we own Paracel now, we can't extends our EEZ from our islands, since we are not an Archipelago Nation.
Your EEZ must extends only from your low-water line, understand?

Read this if you can read:

You china just know nothing about international laws and UNCLOS. You know nothing about what you signed. Next time remember to read what you are going to sign before signing it!
1. Which country recognized that you owned it legally. Give me a list and their respective position on Paracel sovereignty prior to 1974s.

South Vietnam regime no longer existed in Vietnam. In fact, they are exiled and have no international political recognition. It's fact that you need to accept that it's fait accompli.

2. I said it before and I will say it again, anything prior to international agreement is sheep talk. It is all open and free to take because the whole South China Sea island chains are uninhabited. No in 1974s, there was no agreement on maritime territorial rights. You can cry all you want but the regime that owned half of Paracel no longer exist in international arena so it's a moot point to talk about ownership. We are still the same one and currently the owner of Paracel, completely 100%. No dispute.

3. Go read UNCLOS regarding EEZ. It does not matter whether a country is archipelago nation or not. EEZ will apply to any territory that can "sustain life on its own". Paracel fits this description. In 1998 agreement, we settle this with UNCLOS already and was given an EEZ. Stop wasting my time to argue whether Paracel has its own EEZ. If Haiwaii archipelego has an EEZ, then Parcel deserves to have one. That the end of the talk. I'm sorry, my friend. Our American friends are free to discuss this with us over legal term.
Mr xunzi mainland chinese here is too narrow-minded and too righteous. I can't explain him by words. He just doesn't give a heck.

1. Which country recognized that you owned it legally. Give me a list and their respective position on Paracel sovereignty prior to 1974s.

South Vietnam regime no longer existed in Vietnam. In fact, they are exiled and have no international political recognition. It's fact that you need to accept that it's fait accompli

2. I said it before and I will say it again, anything prior to international agreement is sheep talk. It is all open and free to take because the whole South China Sea island chains are uninhabited. No in 1974s, there was no agreement on maritime territorial rights. You can cry all you want but the regime that owned half of Paracel no longer exist in international arena so it's a moot point to talk about ownership. We are still the same one and currently the owner of Paracel, completely 100%. No dispute.

3. Go read UNCLOS regarding EEZ. It does not matter whether a country is archipelago nation or not. EEZ will apply to any territory that can "sustain life on its own". Paracel fits this description. In 1998 agreement, we settle this with UNCLOS already and was given an EEZ. Stop wasting my time to argue whether Paracel has its own EEZ. If Haiwaii archipelego has an EEZ, then Parcel deserves to have one. That the end of the talk. I'm sorry, my friend. Our American friends are free to discuss this with us over legal term.

1) Did any country recognize your sovereignty over Beijing yet? I guess no. Why? Did anyone challenge your sovereignty while you are administrating it? No. Did you take it from anyone else by force in the modern age? No. International Laws go that way, man.

Just read what I said before in this thread and you will know my points, proofs evidences. I'm not posting it again and again. I'm too tired. Even when I copy it here again, in the next page you or your countrymen will ask me this again. Come on.
By the way, if you are very willing to hear again from me, leave your email address here, I will send you my proofs and evidences, since I'm not allowed to post link yet so it will be very difficult to post.

The South Vietnam does not exist now, yes, just like your Qing dynasty. But there are successors, Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
In fact, South Vietnam is largely recognized, since it was the US's allies.

2) So, you mean that International Laws are all sheep talk to China? It's not uninhabited, no people live there, but we did garrison there, from the 18th Century until when you invaded. And yes, in 1974 there were international laws that you can't invade others, especially when they did fought back, resisted and protest against your invasion.

3) Since there was/is no civilian in Paracel when you signed UNCLOS (and until now), and it still need the supply from the mainland, it can not "sustain life on its own". There are Vietnamese civilian on Spratly Islands, but we have no EEZ in Spratly too, because we still need shipment to supply us.
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bla bla bla...as usual you use bullshit language. escort and so on. what is your solution for Vietnam now?
I assume we shall surrender?

pls send more oil rigs and more warships to Vietnam. we enjoy it.

Good suggestion. A great country shall move with times and act according to situation. The problem with you all vietnamese is you all have not updated your mentality and still stay in the 70's and 80s thinking.. Vietnamese need to update their mentality and realise this is year 2014. China has grow into a juggernaut that can be only matched by US. China is no more the poor neighbour in the 80's that lives in the shadow of Soviet Union.

Why Russian decide to work with the China? And Why China decide to support the Russian despite some of our difficult times? Great country know how to adapt to times and know their strength. Blind nationalism and inflexibilities will only lead one country to death. Vietnam shall bid their time now and cede to China. That is the best solution.

one thing I can see in your bahavior is you like to lick the boots of the Russians despite they raped you and took a big chunk of your country. Do you have any dignity at all?

money is just a part of the equation.

answer yourself this question: why do America and Japan support Vietnam in this conflict?

Does your repeated insult will suddenly make Vietnam become stronger. It does not change anything from the reality that Vietna, now do not have any chance against mighty China. We have more money, we have more military weapon. we are stronger and do not be naive and think Russian will stand on your side.

Are you now also attempt to lick the bum of US and Japan? And the worst is they will not come to your help but expect you to bear the damaged against China just to serve their interest. Didn't you realise Vietnam is just a poor weak pawn in the eyes of superpower games? :lol: Poor vietnam.
bla bla bla...as usual you use bullshit language. escort and so on. what is your solution for Vietnam now?
I assume we shall surrender?

FYI, you use a lot of "bullshit language" too, using a melodramatic term like "surrender" to simply describe putting an end to your absurd tantrum and acknowledging the reality on the ground. China is not a stupid kindergarten teacher, we know that when toddlers act up, yell and scream and throw things around, the worst thing the kindergarten teacher can do is to indulge the kid instead of teaching it to behave.

pls send more oil rigs and more warships to Vietnam. we enjoy it.
Evidently you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be screaming in despair right now. Terrible liar, you are :lol:.

one thing I can see in your bahavior is you like to lick the boots of the Russians despite they raped you and took a big chunk of your country. Do you have any dignity at all?

Are you projecting right now? You seem to forget that how quickly you've gone on your knees and begged for Uncle Sam, who, only a few decades, scalded your men with Agent Orange and made whores of your women. Like the behavior of a battered wife who always returns to her drunk, abusive husband. :lol:

We have had our ups and downs with the Russia, but in the end, we can take a balanced view. We acknowledge that they liberated Manchuria from Japanese imperialism, and that they offered crucial assistance to us before the Sino-Soviet split. Compare this to your relationship with China, with whom you have your share of grievances, but who also provided the basis of your entire culture, and also offered crucial assistance during your war with the USA, without which you could never grind them down. But evidently, you can't take this balanced view - you would rather open your legs for the one predator who has always harmed you and burned your precious jungles down with chemical defoliants.

Chinese people can't stand people who don't know history. Because having no history is the foremost characteristic of a barbarian people. It is impossible to interact with these types. So study history first before you blabber on with your misplaced rage.
no problem bro, is just putting in one thread. In chinese defence forum, we should be baned after some our post.
I went to chinese defence section one or two times, then I stopped.
it is so worthless to discuss with chinese clowns.
Colombo Gazette
May 10, 2014

Sri Lanka supports Vietnam’s stance on demanding China adhere to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and withdraw its drilling rig HD-981 out of Viet Nam’s sovereignty and exclusive economic zone, the Vietnam Prime Minister’s office said.

Sri Lanka’ PM D.M. Jayaratne made the statement at a reception given by PM Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday (May 9), regarding the East Sea issue.

He proposed dealing with the issue by peaceful measures on the basis of the international law.

The host leader affirmed that Viet Nam will do its utmost to work with Sri Lanka to make the two nations’ relations more efficient.

He welcomed Sri Lanka’s delegation led by PM D.M. Jayaratne to the United Nations Day of Vesak in Viet Nam and praised the country on its achievements over the past years.

He suggested the two nations support each other at multi-lateral forums, boost economic, trade and tourism cooperation, sign a bilateral agreement on trade and a cooperative plan between the two nations’ Ministries of Finance as well as set up a sub-committee on commerce.

The Vietnamese PM expects that Sri Lanka will create favorable conditions for Vietnamese businesses to launch long-term operation in its nation.

PM D.M. Jayaratne also confirmed that his country expects to cooperate with Viet Nam in crime prevention, realizing ethnic policies, science and technology.

Lanka backs Vietnam over China | Colombo Gazette
I think this is because Sri Lanka is in the same position in Indian Ocean when facing India as Vietnam in SCS. All countries are selfish. Fairness is not the first thing they'll take into account.

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