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sorry, i will oppose any #boycott dollar movement

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Stop this bullshit man...all these are blackmail tactics ...rich and corrupt people keep on doing what they do but when a poor or a middle class person does the same ,he is made to look a villain...all these superficial measures dont bring an iota of change as long as there are corrupt people in the society...we indians learnt this lesson when we common people suffered while rich got away with their blackmoney during demonetisation....tell imran to try to squeeze all the blackmoney from zamindars and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians.
u too trying it
zakheera andozi
munafa khori
bro m telling u
if u call urself muslim
do ur own good and rest leave on allah
his justice will happen but people have lousy iman
Instead of selling, Public should open FCY account in banks and keep their dollars investment in Bank instead of stashing hard currency at their homes.
Do you really believe , chors , rishvootkhor , haram-Khor , zakhira-andoz , munfa-khor will do that !!!
u too trying it
zakheera andozi
munafa khori
bro m telling u
if u call urself muslim
do ur own good and rest leave on allah
his justice will happen but people have lousy iman
bhai pakar lo na stocming kar ay wallay ko; kyon nai pakartay? govt sasti hai isloye! then why blame awaam!!
i vehemently oppose any #boycottdollar movement.

to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people! . this nation is already hard pressed and under financial burden .

either drag zardari on streets or hang nawaz shareef upside down to get the looted money out, the responsibility lies with government ! thats why we voted for them

Sorry but you have a disgusting attitude. People like you are the reason Pakistan is where it is today. One of the most famous quotes in American history is:

Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"

Soon after America landed a man on the moon.
Dear bro , what you said have some solid points but what you said is "Very Kitabi" ….. Not going to work with Pakistani nation ….. What I said sound so dam stupid but it have "danda" in it and will work on Pakistani Nation..

What I am suggesting is instead of shutting down money changers (which is not practical to begin with unless you want multiply the chaos), make them buying and transfer agents of banks.

Forex transactions via banks are already controlled under rules and guidelines provided by state bank (improve that if needed), State bank is already involved if transaction is more than set limit. So, banking channel and transfers from FCY accounts is not of that much concern because black money mostly flow via non-banking channels.

If you force people who have purchased $ for investment and keeping hard currency to sell it on 40% loss, It will simply give the opportunity to same mafia involved in illegal transfers to buy it by giving little better exchange rates (but in fact they will be buying lot cheaper) and transfer it. Big fishes who have black money stashed are the ones who buy most of Forex, and they will not be moved by this danda as danda in Pakistan is only for mango man not for bigwigs.

Do you really believe , chors , rishvootkhor , haram-Khor , zakhira-andoz , munfa-khor will do that !!!

And do you really believe that they will become afraid of threat and sell dollars @ 110 to government? Bhai, abhi tak state nai kisi baray dakoo ka kya ukhar lia hai jo tum samjhtay ho k ab ukkar le gi?
Let's take example of last two fiscal years, In FY 2017-18, Pakistan earned $23.2 billion by exports and had to pay $60.8 billion for Imports. In FY-2016-17, exports were $20.4 billion while import bill was $52.2 billion. Please tell me from where the PM (No matter who he is) should bring these $37.6b & $32.5b extra dollars in just 2 years to pay for imports, keep in mind we aren't United States of America hence not allowed to print our own dollars.

From the known corrupts.

That's the mandate given to Imran Khan.

You can't please the corrupts and expect them to give looted money willingly.

There's also the elephant in the room that's taboo to even talk about. Our military budget is humongous and no matter what the condition of the country, these generals never suffer or have to care. Make them suffer too especially the higher ups.
i vehemently oppose any #boycottdollar movement.

to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people! . this nation is already hard pressed and under financial burden .

either drag zardari on streets or hang nawaz shareef upside down to get the looted money out, the responsibility lies with government ! thats why we voted for them

Actually responsibility lies with everyone not just govt. This is like saying I will not declare my income its govt job to investigate every person's income to collect income tax.
Actually responsibility lies with everyone not just govt. This is like saying I will not declare my income its govt job to investigate every person's income to collect income tax.

Bro, in Western world they actually do that.

Goro say impressed zehni ghulam people make them angels but they're just as crooks as Pakistanis. Difference is they have functioning institutions.

Try to hide from IRS and see what they do tl you
What I am suggesting is instead of shutting down money changers (which is not practical to begin with unless you want multiply the chaos), make them buying and transfer agents of banks.

Forex transactions via banks are already controlled under rules and guidelines provided by state bank (improve that if needed), State bank is already involved if transaction is more than set limit. So, banking channel and transfers from FCY accounts is not of that much concern because black money mostly flow via non-banking channels.

If you force people who have purchased $ for investment and keeping hard currency to sell it on 40% loss, It will simply give the opportunity to same mafia involved in illegal transfers to buy it by giving little better exchange rates (but in fact they will be buying lot cheaper) and transfer it. Big fishes who have black money stashed are the ones who buy most of Forex, and they will not be moved by this danda as danda in Pakistan is only for mango man not for bigwigs.

And do you really believe that they will become afraid of threat and sell dollars @ 110 to government? Bhai, abhi tak state nai kisi baray dakoo ka kya ukhar lia hai jo tum samjhtay ho k ab ukkar le gi?
Bro , This is Pakistan...…. Bus Allah Khair He Karay . Ameen.
Bro, in Western world they actually do that.

Goro say impressed zehni ghulam people make them angels but they're just as crooks as Pakistanis. Difference is they have functioning institutions.

Try to hide from IRS and see what they do tl you

try not filing taxes and then see what happens to you, In Pakistan you can bribe tax officials if you get caught but in Goro ke zahni ghulam countries have no examples of bribing CRA officials, but again its not your job to hire honest tax agents govt should do that. Same goes with using Kunda to get electricity and everything bad thats happening. Whenever someone tells you something that goes against your crookedness just say Goro ke zahni ghulam.
Interestingly most of these "dump dollar/Stop import" ideas are coming from people living abroad. People who left Pakistan for their own economic betterment are calling names to people living in Pakistan if they chose to not follow those ideas.

People not having any skin in the game, are asking people living in Pakistan to tighten their belt . Common Pakistanis should give up their already poor lifestyle so that those abroad can feel patriotic.
Lol of course.
If such "ideas" Come from blue collars,, it's kinda understandable.
But frm white collars,,, just imagine,,, either these so called expats r so incompetent tht they r unable to make an honest living in the own country or they r just plain greedy n ran to greener pastures,,,,.but but but they send money to Pakistan(albeit to the own relatives),,bohot bara kaam karte hai,,yeh log hi asal ghairtmand or patriotic hai,,,ab in logo se nasihat lo,,,galiya suno,,,u r a neech leech:D.
Leech why u not running to other country n get dollars + patriot certificate. Ur fault
Childish campaign ,First any one knows who is buying dollars from Market ? its not public its institutions secondly PK open market is not more than 20 Mil US$ a day ,3rdly the geniuses has given opportunity to India to create panic in Pakistan through free fall ,Market
From the known corrupts.

That's the mandate given to Imran Khan.

You can't please the corrupts and expect them to give looted money willingly.

Good luck with retrieving anything from corrupts when people showering them with rose petals on their way to jail temporarily. Courts and NAB are doing bandar naach and govt. don't have numbers to do any legislation.

There's also the elephant in the room that's taboo to even talk about. Our military budget is humongous and no matter what the condition of the country, these generals never suffer or have to care. Make them suffer too especially the higher ups.

You are changing goal post, We are discussing Forex here not budget unless you think that we shouldn't import defense equipment (How much it will reduce our yearly import bill? $1-2b?). We can discuss that latter once you answer my simple question, from where you think government should bring dollars to pay the import bill?
I dont think zardari nawaz have looted more then 10bn$
try not filing taxes and then see what happens to you

And in Pakistan, every tom, d!ck and harry get their chaddies on fire if you just ask them to file tax return.
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