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sorry, i will oppose any #boycott dollar movement

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to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people

Are you in your senses?
This country does not only belong to PM Imran Khan. Educated nations get together to help their countries in crisis and you ranting here that it isn’t people’s concern?

Also, this is happened because of PEOPLE. People who sold their votes for 30 years just with one plate of Briyani.

What a pathetic thought.
Are you in your senses?
This country does not only belong to PM Imran Khan. Educated nations get together to help their countries in crisis and you ranting here that it isn’t people’s concern?

Also, this is happened because of PEOPLE. People who sold their votes for 30 years just with one plate of Briyani.

What a pathetic thought.
What can you expect from these corrupt patwaris. These are selfish opportunists who want all the facilities for themselves by depriving other more deserving people but when it comes to sacrifice, they simply oppose and decline. Every society, ethics, law despises such low lives. It is better for him to have mercy on us by immolating his selfish self. Their cult leader used to spend holidays and vacations abroad by sucking our blood. He taking loans to enjoy his life and increase his assets which the nation has to pay today... these are suckers..really if this filth had said the same thing in person, he won't be standing his bloody legs.
i vehemently oppose any #boycottdollar movement.

to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people! . this nation is already hard pressed and under financial burden .

either drag zardari on streets or hang nawaz shareef upside down to get the looted money out, the responsibility lies with government ! thats why we voted for them

My man! High five

I am glad saner elements like you exist in this country because i thought i was the only one that thought why should i go through inflation and financial hardship just because Imran Khan is in government and in previous government, the name of the game was to blame the government.

It's like if you hire someone to fix your company's finances and the guy is incompetent so instead of doing his job, he asks you to cut down your spending and sell your assets and live like a poor. The most stupid thing ever.

Imran Khan came to power promising fixing the country. If he can't do it, resign.
My man! High five

I am glad saner elements like you exist in this country because i thought i was the only one that thought why should i go through inflation and financial hardship just because Imran Khan is in government and in previous government, the name of the game was to blame the government.

It's like if you hire someone to fix your company's finances and the guy is incompetent so instead of doing his job, he asks you to cut down your spending and sell your assets and live like a poor. The most stupid thing ever.

Imran Khan came to power promising fixing the country. If he can't do it, resign.

It's like you say to doctor I am not going to quit unhealthy habits I am paying you and you have to cure me and if you can't do that then leave this job and do something else
i vehemently oppose any #boycottdollar movement.

to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people! . this nation is already hard pressed and under financial burden .

either drag zardari on streets or hang nawaz shareef upside down to get the looted money out, the responsibility lies with government ! thats why we voted for them
Jaisi Awam waisi hukmarani. Btw u cant blame government only and no country runs only on governing of government but also the people of the country that abide by law and if something that brings loss to country shall be boycotted.

Start with child policy where you have to make certain amount of income to have x amount of child
2nd, make voting criteria more strict! certain amount of question must be asked before a person can be cast a vote!
I say jahils awam and previous government are the biggest enemy of pakistan
It's like you say to doctor I am not going to quit unhealthy habits I am paying you and you have to cure me and if you can't do that then leave this job and do something else

No it's like the doctor tells you to do half the surgery on your own and he will do half the surgery. You can imagine what a disaster that would be.

Imran Khan job is to run the country. My job is to work for the company doing what i was hired to do.

If i tell my employer that i need your help to do my job, he will show me the door faster than i could blink my eye.
No it's like the doctor tells you to do half the surgery on your own and he will do half the surgery. You can imagine what a disaster that would be.

Imran Khan job is to run the country. My job is to work for the company doing what i was hired to do.

If i tell my employer that i need your help to do my job, he will show me the door faster than i could blink my eye.

It's not like that surgery is a different thing
he is asking to quit bad habits which are responsible for this current situation
Interestingly most of these "dump dollar/Stop import" ideas are coming from people living abroad. People who left Pakistan for their own economic betterment are calling names to people living in Pakistan if they chose to not follow those ideas.

People not having any skin in the game, are asking people living in Pakistan to tighten their belt . Common Pakistanis should give up their already poor lifestyle so that those abroad can feel patriotic.
i vehemently oppose any #boycottdollar movement.

to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people! . this nation is already hard pressed and under financial burden .

either drag zardari on streets or hang nawaz shareef upside down to get the looted money out, the responsibility lies with government ! thats why we voted for them
Exactly you got my support on this brother. Its job of government.
I am sure next thing they will ask is to stop breathing for better air quality in country like wtf is this PTI government upto.

What can you expect from these corrupt patwaris. These are selfish opportunists who want all the facilities for themselves by depriving other more deserving people but when it comes to sacrifice, they simply oppose and decline. Every society, ethics, law despises such low lives. It is better for him to have mercy on us by immolating his selfish self. Their cult leader used to spend holidays and vacations abroad by sucking our blood. He taking loans to enjoy his life and increase his assets which the nation has to pay today... these are suckers..really if this filth had said the same thing in person, he won't be standing his bloody legs.
Why always common man has to sacrifice for the country . bring back looted money if you can't then just go home and dissolve assembly.
Exactly you got my support on this brother. Its job of government.
I am sure next thing they will ask is to stop breathing for better air quality in country like wtf is this PTI government upto.

Why always common man has to sacrifice for the country . bring back looted money if you can't then just go home and dissolve assembly.

People like you don't have any right to talk about looted money or anything like that those who looted and you have exactly same mindset
they think why our children and we should live like a common man for the betterment of country
Responsibility lies with every single citizen of the country and that includes you.
The government is not responsible for the financial mess they are caught in but each and every one of you is, for voting and tolerating the thug mafia that were busy looting your country while you were enjoying your comfort zones.

Stop trying to throw away the responsibility and accept every bit of it before expecting any one else to.
It starts from you, not from any one else and if you are unwilling, then so is the government because they are to govern your stupid asses, by expecting you to do your part, and not by conjuring up some magic to fix your issues while you sit at home and do nothing.

If you are not willing to take a little bit of burden for the better of the country then you simply do not deserve any better from the country.

Beautifully said
No it's like the doctor tells you to do half the surgery on your own and he will do half the surgery. You can imagine what a disaster that would be.

Imran Khan job is to run the country. My job is to work for the company doing what i was hired to do.

If i tell my employer that i need your help to do my job, he will show me the door faster than i could blink my eye.

Let's take example of last two fiscal years, In FY 2017-18, Pakistan earned $23.2 billion by exports and had to pay $60.8 billion for Imports. In FY-2016-17, exports were $20.4 billion while import bill was $52.2 billion. Please tell me from where the PM (No matter who he is) should bring these $37.6b & $32.5b extra dollars in just 2 years to pay for imports, keep in mind we aren't United States of America hence not allowed to print our own dollars.

Interestingly most of these "dump dollar/Stop import" ideas are coming from people living abroad. People who left Pakistan for their own economic betterment are calling names to people living in Pakistan if they chose to not follow those ideas.

People not having any skin in the game, are asking people living in Pakistan to tighten their belt . Common Pakistanis should give up their already poor lifestyle so that those abroad can feel patriotic.

In last financial year - The contribution of 210 million patriotic Pakistanis living in Pakistan into Forex was negative $37.6 billion while few million unpatriotic overseas Pakistanis was positive $20 billion.
If I was PM in this situation, I will declare emergency and freeze and snatch the FCY from each and everyone.

I will have strict monitoring and control over artificial inflation being created in the name of dollar hike. I will adopt strict import policy (no imported cosmetics, edibles, fruits, edible oils, dates, honey, cereals, soaps, garments etc ... in nutshell no imports of products that can be and have been produced in Pakistan) I hate eating Turkey ka saib in Ramazan when my country should be able to supply Pakistani saib in any season.

I will see and have people work on Pakistani exports, I will try getting oil in a currency other than dollar.

I will keep my public informed with multiple public addresses (won't go into hiding). I will try to restore and build confidence. And last but not least I will try telling idiots that USD is a currency not some commodity, stop treating it like a commodity. I won't let the open market decide dollar's value (its plain stupidity in my view, dollar is not a commodity that has a competition available in market)
i vehemently oppose any #boycottdollar movement.

to save a sinking economy is the government's job, not the people! . this nation is already hard pressed and under financial burden .

either drag zardari on streets or hang nawaz shareef upside down to get the looted money out, the responsibility lies with government ! thats why we voted for them
Very good decision boss...only middle class and poor people suffer by getting carried away by these calls...best example is demonetisation in India...we poor and middle class suffered for a year hoping it will curb black money..but nothing happened...rich people still havr blackmloney..not even a single rupee of black money was recovered..look after your own interests...even if u dont buy dollar,the rich and above middle class folks will definitely buy..
No use of sacrificing yourself..buy as many dollars as you can.
boycott the dollar and end the empire.

before 1971 the USD was real money and exchange. in practise you could go to a US bank at anytime and exchange your $100 bill for #$100 worth of gold. The US had to always keep the value of USD in gold.

this ended in 1971 with Nixon losing in Vietnam, and realizing the US could no longer fund its evil empire. He changed the dollar to a completely artificial currency. with the American government printing out as much as it wants with nothing backing it. The only reason the USD doesn't face the hyperinflation other currencies would see is because of the petro dollar and the Saudi animals. they made an alliance with the US to accept only USD for oil , and that force all the other countries in the world to keep huge dollars in their reserves and fund American money printing scam.

this scam needs to end. Gadaffi tried and he got sodomized by a stick. saddam tried and he got hanged like a dog. Iran tried and they are trying to starve us to death.

now China is trying... with peto yuan . Go China.
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