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Sorry, folks. Starbucks is not coming to Pakistan

It may be every coffee lover's dream, but it isn't coming true yet.

Contrary to rumours on the internet, popular American coffeehouse chain Starbucks is not setting up shop in Pakistan.


In the past fortnight, news of Starbucks' impending arrival has been circulating on social media forums, and fans of the coffee company have been speculating where it's likely to open its first outlet.

Upon enquiry from Starbucks' press management, Images learned that Starbucks has "no plans at this time to open a store in Pakistan."


This isn't the first time wishful thinking has gotten out of hand. There have been strong rumours in the past that a whole bunch of coveted foreign brands' are "coming to Pakistan", from fashion retailers like Zara and Victoria Secret to tech giants like Apple.

Those brands have yet to materialise — and Starbucks won't either. At least, not yet.


...حسرت ان غنچوں پہ جو بن کھلے مرجھا گۓ

@waz @Gufi @Zibago @PaklovesTurkiye @GreenFalcon @DESERT FIGHTER @Doordie @coffee_cup

Bharh me jaye starbucks aur iski coffee.... Not interested at all....:)
It could have been a hit in Pakistan, though i they have overpriced items.
Maybe in a year or two they will come to Pakistan.

Pakistan is not a coffee production country


Means you have to import coffee beans to pakistan and will add cost for Starbucks and affect their margin in comparison to India.If it found expensive, then less people will drink coffee from starbucks, which also affects their business or its expansion considering purchase power capacity of a population/country.

In Delhi it was 2.87 USD, means in pakistan this cost can be higher and the 1000 dollar question is how far many people willing to pay lets say 3.5-4 USD for just a coffee in pakistan.

@Windjammer @saiyan0321 @Dazzler @lastofthepatriots @Moonlight @PAKISTANFOREVER @pakistanipower @Peaceful Civilian
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Starbucks is shi* seriously. The only attractive factor about Starbucks is the novelty around its image. Going to Starbucks may be seen as cool by many teenagers. Their coffee is however crap and many of their drinks are overloaded with sugar (13 teaspoons in a chai latte if I remember correct).
Here in Sweden people prefer smaller local cafes, and I hope Pakistan sticks to that as well.
Well considering the review Pakistanis, Indians and Americans and English werebgiving star bucks, this isn't so bad a news especially considering the local business choke for a coffee that does not taste well ( well according to the view of many posters) .

Well for me no difference considering I wouldn't have gone there. I don't like paying a lot of money for tea or coffee.
Well considering the review Pakistanis, Indians and Americans and English werebgiving star bucks, this isn't so bad a news especially considering the local business choke for a coffee that does not taste well ( well according to the view of many posters) .

Well for me no difference considering I wouldn't have gone there. I don't like paying a lot of money for tea or coffee.

Your statement proves my point that in pakistan less people willing to pay for an expensive coffee and this might be the big reason that they are not coming to pakistan
Your statement proves my point that in pakistan less people willing to pay for an expensive coffee and this might be the big reason that they are not coming to pakistan

I can only speak for myself. Quite frankly the burger lot that likes to associate themselves with cafes would be living there to showcase status symbol. I have seen people buying expensive coffee in 5 star hotels that I wouldn't order no matter how much money i have.
Sir @Oscar
Looks like will have no problem in visiting Pakistan now.. :)

By the way, if you use Starbucks as a criteria for visiting the countries, then you may find the list of countries you want to visit rather short :) Just pulling your legs :)
Its an international brand. Kids fall for this kind of crap. Over here the likes of McDonalds are most often frequented by teenagers. Was the same in the UK.

It's so sad. Imagine being seen in a place like Starbucks and then on top of that, sharing it with the world.

To hell with Starbucks.
Starbucks not coming to a country is not a very big thing to have a dedicated thread.
So funny !
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