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Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

No it is very immature and wastage but chinese do the same. What happened in Hong Kong, world saw that. It was on the brick of Tiananmen 2.
If the west keep supporting those rebel money and resource in Hongkong, they are pushing CCP doing it agian. then they could sanction us agian like 1989, you happy with that?
how do you perceive India politics, is it mature?

Politics in India is very Mature, but the system limitation in India is the weak rule of Law due to a almost dead judiciary.

Which is why politics have to fill that space too.
Nothing compared to the 1984 massacre of Sikhs, which by the way was 5 years before the Tiananmen incident, and resulted in the killing of tens of thousands of Sikh men/women/children.

Or what the mass murderer Modi did to Indian Muslims.
Modi was banned for this by the American goverment, and now he turns to be a saint.
Nothing compared to the 1984 massacre of Sikhs, which by the way was 5 years before the Tiananmen incident, and resulted in the killing of tens of thousands of Sikh men/women/children.

Or what the mass murderer Modi did to Indian Muslims.

Nothing at all, that was a civil war people killed eachother. What happened in China was Military vs Civilians, shame!
Why the trolls discuss anything but defence in this thread?

Modi was banned for this by the American goverment, and now he turns to be a saint.
lol, he had been to america 3 times after ban you unaware person. And total 5 times. :rofl: . That banning was total drama before elections.
I see so many Indian posters who are fan boys of Dassault Rafale.

This shows they have no confidence in their own engineers and sientists. Which is really sad to see.

Aerospace industry and capacity of India is now among the best.

So do not waste money on buying 100s of Dassault Rafales. By a squadran or two.

Save the hard earned billions and build your own.

Sure it may take a bit of time, but it will be yours.

And above all, it will give high tech jobs to 1000s of Indians instead of exporting them to EU>

Actually you are right. Our AMCA is going to be better than Rafale but it will take atleast12 years to get operational and we urgently need some aircraft in this class so rafale is important. We have learn a lot in LCA, We shall learn further in MK2. Soon we expect to reach a level of competency in designing and building the plane where we are in missile technology.

Just read this article of couple of years back.

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'dud' missiles | Daily Mail Online

and look how the whole perceptions have changed in 2 years. We expect the same to be happened with MK2.
Nothing at all, that was a civil war people killed eachother. What happened in China was Military vs Civilians, shame!
They are told to leave, the goverment had warned them. I'm sad for those dead students in 1989, but i never regret it happened. When you plan to overthrow the goverment, you are ready to die. I know CCP has many flaws, everyone has. We need stable enviroment and strong military force to prevent being bullied again. Some of those students in perusue of democracy in 1989, but many others are US spy or proxies. They want a weaker China in the name of political reform. we Chinese are smart enough to see it through.
They are told to leave, the goverment had warned them. I'm sad for those dead students in 1989, but i never regret it happened. When you plan to overthrow the goverment, you are ready to die. I know CCP has many flaws, everyone has. We need stable enviroment and strong military force to prevent being bullied again. Some of those students in perusue of democracy in 1989, but many others are US spy or proxies. They want a weaker China in the name of political reform. we Chinese are smart enough to see it through.

why are you telling me this? lol. This thread is about planes.
CCP failed to kept a close eye on USA's penetration during honeymoon with them in 1980s.

why are you telling me this? lol. This thread is about planes.
You quoted me, and i give you my answer. what;s the problem?
Come man! Better than all those? Brazil makes commercial jets and exports them too. Check Embraer 70 and 90.

China's aviation industry is most advanced in Asia with them building and designing so many fighter jets.

Can India compare with these two? Keep your nationalistic chest thumping to yourself. Be realistic.

Brazil is no competition but china is way ahead of us. Embraer type accomplishments are well within our scope. We have not allowed any private players to operate till now, right now they're picking up speed. Otherwise state units like HAL have been building aircraft successfully. If you look at their overall aerospace tech, they are not in our league.

Some would question this assessment, it would be easy to overestimate the J-20 purely because the makers have designated it as a VLO, next generation fighter but what experience does China actually have in VLO/next generation technology? The US (the world's premier aerospace power) has been working on the F-22 for more than 3 decades, China significantly less.

The Rafale's electronics are world class and some would argue superior to the F-22s in certain ways. If the EA-18G is said to present a risk to the F-22 in certain combat tests due to its powerful electronics then there is clearly something to this theory.

Besides every AF has to be a 'mix' of different roles. Else the US would have deployed only raptors.
I see so many Indian posters who are fan boys of Dassault Rafale.

This shows they have no confidence in their own engineers and sientists. Which is really sad to see.

Aerospace industry and capacity of India is now among the best.

So do not waste money on buying 100s of Dassault Rafales. By a squadran or two.

Save the hard earned billions and build your own.

Sure it may take a bit of time, but it will be yours.

And above all, it will give high tech jobs to 1000s of Indians instead of exporting them to EU>
China bhi hai!
Yes, there are actually that many potential jobs... it will not only require a couple of hundred guys putting the planes together, you obviously forgot to add the workers in the countless supply industries, infrastructure, service sector etc etc etc

So yes, it would create thousands of jobs.

you are forgetting

in the ancilliaries are alredy setup

they already have many things in place and many workers in place

sor requirement of 108 units they are not going to hire new workers

so there are no thousands of Jobs


when HAL will close down Su30 line to convert it to PAKFA line

it will utilise the same

Land /plant ( machines will differ)
same employees ( earlier working with Su30 now with pakfa)
mostly the same vendor base
etc etc

so now come back to reality

thousands of new job created is myth
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