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Sophistication of Indian tech is now sufficient to build a Rafale

I see so many Indian posters who are fan boys of Dassault Rafale.

This shows they have no confidence in their own engineers and sientists. Which is really sad to see.

Aerospace industry and capacity of India is now among the best.

So do not waste money on buying 100s of Dassault Rafales. By a squadran or two.

Save the hard earned billions and build your own.

Sure it may take a bit of time, but it will be yours.

And above all, it will give high tech jobs to 1000s of Indians instead of exporting them to EU>

India Sufficient to build

1. Light weight helicopter.
2. Light combat Helos
3. Light wt single engine aircraft
4. Aircraft carriers
5. Frigates
6. Destroyers
7. Warships
and so on.

Need more skills and time
1. heavy lift helos
2. heavy weight combat helos
3. Engines for different warmachines
4. different subcomponent for warships

and so on
If India can make rockets, space probes and cryogenic engines, I am sure it can produce any world class fighter plane in quick time if ToT is provided and managed efficiently.

First you need to understand what ToT is.

Then you will realize that no one will part with their know how without adequate planning.

Last, no India cannot make a Rafale type fighter today or in the next 10 years. If it could, it would drop MMRCA procurement altogether. So please, don't be stupid.
So please, don't be stupid.

I think you are trying to be funny.

When did I said India can make Rafale by itself in near future? If you read carefully what I said is India can make it if ToT is bring provided as requested and then the project is managed efficiently.
But LCA capabalities are much limited.Not good in NE theatre .But we will get necessary advanced tech from this deal.
As an Indian ,perhaps this deal would be the last deal of importing.In coming years we will either develop our fighter or JV .

Jv with Russia means India provide the finds and then wait outside.
I think you are trying to be funny.

When did I said India can make Rafale by itself in near future? If you read carefully what I said is India can make it if ToT is bring provided as requested and then the project is managed efficiently.

Then that's not India building Rafale, but rather, assembling. Yes India can assemble Rafale.
Why did Facebook buy Whatsapp?

i think software buying software is for different purpose than hardware buying hardware..

In your analogy is the facebook = tata & Whatapp = jaguar ?

and who bought whom ?
i think software buying software is for different purpose than hardware buying hardware..

In your analogy is the facebook = tata & Whatapp = jaguar ?

and who bought whom ?

You are living in a global world spearheaded by WTO type (160 countries as members) which dismantles such barriers...
Its all about mergers and acquisitions on a world scale.

Microsoft bought Nokia, and Nokia is software behemoth? Lol

Get your priorities right Mr. bright.
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