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Some positive thoughts and prayers for my dad would be appreciated

Hope he has recovered well dude. BTW I have some news if it helps. They've just discovered that pomegranate juice everyday reverses heart plaque by 40% a year- in 3/4 years heart vessels can be almost 'fully' cleaned out. You may wanna put your old man on pomegranate juice every day.
Hi everyone. My dad very recently got out of the hospital after suffering from a stroke. The worst is over, but he still has a bit of recovering to do. His name is Declan, and I would appreciate any positive thoughts and/or prayers you would be willing to send his way for a full recovery. Thank you!.

Hope he recovers very soon and continue to have a blessed and a healthy life.
Hi everyone. My dad very recently got out of the hospital after suffering from a stroke. The worst is over, but he still has a bit of recovering to do. His name is Declan, and I would appreciate any positive thoughts and/or prayers you would be willing to send his way for a full recovery. Thank you!.

My prayers are there for your father and for you.... May god bring him back to normal health soon.....

Wish him long life and fulfillment, long live and god bless...
Best wishes for your dad. But please do take care of him as recovery from stroke is long and it takes a lot of family effort. I wish and pray you and your family have strength and fortitude in this challenging time. God bless you and your dad.
Hi everyone. My dad very recently got out of the hospital after suffering from a stroke. The worst is over, but he still has a bit of recovering to do. His name is Declan, and I would appreciate any positive thoughts and/or prayers you would be willing to send his way for a full recovery. Thank you!.
May he get well soon....hope hes recovering....
Thank you my friend. may god help him get back on his feet soon.
Hi everyone. My dad very recently got out of the hospital after suffering from a stroke. The worst is over, but he still has a bit of recovering to do. His name is Declan, and I would appreciate any positive thoughts and/or prayers you would be willing to send his way for a full recovery. Thank you!.

Hi man, sorry to hear that about your dad :(

You are one of the posters here I personally feel a bit closer too through our interactions here.

Although the textual interaction is limited in conveying emotion, please know that I wishh all the best for your father and you.

Take care buddy ^_^

Edit: @KAL-EL good to hear the good news buddy :-)
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