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Some positive thoughts and prayers for my dad would be appreciated

Hi man, sorry to hear that about your dad :(

You are one of the posters here I personally feel a bit closer too through our interactions here.

Although the textual interaction is limited in conveying emotion, please know that I wishh all the best for your father and you.

Take care buddy ^_^

Edit: @KAL-EL good to hear the good news buddy :-)

Thanks buddy. The feeling is mutual :) Haven't been on all that much lately due to helping out with my dad, school and a few other obligations. Going to try and change that soon.
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My dad is doing very well. Wanted to again thank everyone for their well wishes. They're much appreciated !!

That is good to know. I wish him further and speedy recovery till he is back 100%. Godspeed!
May the Good Lord give him Health , Stamina and a Happy Productive long life.
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