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Some disscussion between me & Kasmiri guys(ex friends now I guess)

There has been a huge demographic change since the terrorists entered , the referendum Nehru talked about is of before teh demographic change.

Even if Kashmiris want an independent state, the demand is not feasible.

:lol: you Indians are afraid of it since you know you will lose big time.
When the War is initiated by pakistan how come... India become aggressor????? why pakistan attacked kashmir... when the maharaja decision is still pending?

Pakistan never attacked first until indian enter, it was just Tribals from FATA who went there to save Kashmiris from DOGra's army.
Have you looked at the population for the two parts compared to Kashmir itself?

The people who want secession with Pakistan in IOK are ignored often. Instead even here the focus is on freedom struggle or independent Kashmir state.

No those pics do not show the real truth, Lot of people have voted and trusted in Indian democracy and are not in favor of Pakistan.
Straight from my heart. But I still want special measures to be taken to reduce and remove HR violations and psychological support system for our soldiers. Conflict zones create monster out of anyone, all it takes is a SNAP.

if that is the case,then we share the same thoughts.
few hundred Kashmiri pundits even if stuffed into Kashmir does not change its demography unless the Indian Extremist Hindu groups like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal bring as you said millions of Indian Hindu pundits to change the demography

Well Muslim population before insurgency began was only 77 pc. REST 23 pc were minorities. 23 pc is still a huge number. The present demography is a forced one...
It's not his claim . It's a fact that has been proved in various independent Indian and international surveys done in J&K.

Check out Robert Bradnock's Chatham house kashmir survey.If you talk to average people from the Kashmir valley , jammu and ladakh , u will see these surveys are accurate.

Then why is India afraid of holding referendum? if what you claim is true then you must go for referendum and as per your claim India will win right
@American Pakistani Dude you don't know your own Flag ? :lol:

And 4th pic is photo-shopped. The white strip is added. Look at the top of the pic and flag in hand of that man.


Now I know why Pakistanis are ruled by people like Zardari. They are easily fooled. :D
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Then why is India afraid of holding referendum? if what you claim is true then you must go for referendum and as per your claim India will win right
Afraid ? :lol: Why did you send jehadis at the first place instead of asking Referendum all the way long.

It would have saved thousands of lives of Kashmiris.
@American Pakistani Dude you don't know your own Flag ? :lol:

And 4th pic is photo-shopped. The white strip is added. Look at the top of the pic and flag in hand of that man.


Now I know why Pakistanis are ruled by people like Zardari. They are easily fooled. :D


Here is one more view of same picture by Reuters. Are you Okay with it?

Come on man even you know what the truth is. At least speak truth.
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