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soft drink made of cow urine

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I don't understand, why Indians(Hindus) are so reluctant to their religious believe? I mean, Cow is sacred animal and it's waste also consider sacred among some sects of Indian Hindus. Correct me if I am wrong?
This is very disgusting. The blatant display of bigotry, particularly by two/three "classy" members (one of them obvsiously displaying classic symptoms of PTSD), is very amusing. I guess the Mods are out celebrating Christmas.
And those of you that are advocating censorship or questioning the validity of this as a news item . You are the ones that are taking the proverbial not us. I have not said it is a disgusting act, I would defend the right of anyone who wishes to partake in this activity. Why you guys find it disgusting. These guys have come up with a novel way to produce this drink good luck to them and as I said viva la difference.
^ tthis is why i said respect others beliefs to get respected. hun changay rahay
Where and how? Did you read my post about Hadith? This camel urine story has no credibility so it was disposed.

Yes.... but there are millions of so called Muslims, who would believe any BS fed to them as Hadees.

Imagine.. you born in Muslim family!!! in bharat and you grew up with such twists in the name of Islam... its your fate.
It's rather best both sides don't post these kinds of threads you have indians posting crap and pakistanis posting crap.

Why are members who start such a shytestorm of a thread allowed to go scotfree? This when they know that it would be a troll bait. This when its been explicitly stated by the admins that Urine among others is forbidden and posters starting such threads would face consequences?

We would like to see what those 'consequences' are.

ps: Three names who are responsible for this mess: Batman and Al-Zakir. Shameful act.

guys I dont know if this discussion can go any further without taking offence or insulting each other.

I am aware of the subject but its very sensitive specially when people try to make fun of some practices.

some Sunnis make fun of Shia Moharam mourning and some Wahabis make fun of Sunni rituals. and then Muslims and Hindus make fun of each other and the whole west makes fun of our food, clothing and the way we talk.

point I am making is its better to keep the discussion academic.
I came across the article which was a recent article i.e. late Nov 2011.

I at no times suggested that it was unnatural or disgusting. On the contrary I said that I stand by and support the right of any Hindu to practice his or her faith and if that involved making soft drinks out of cow urine then that is their right. I reject those suggesting censorship here on PDF on an article freely available in the reputable Times of India.

Some of you have come on here and gone off topic and taken this as an attack on Hinduism. I fail to see how so? If it is part and parcel of the Hindu faith why do you think it is bad and or disgusting?

Your responses to this OP suggest that you do not have open minds and that you think that this act is unnatural or disgusting. I only put up the post. What if you were faced with someone drinking “Gau Jall” in a restaurant on the table next to you. Judging by your responses on here you would find that unacceptable. That I would say goes to the heart of Indian secularism. You are a people who ape the west and say you are secular yet you would not allow a sect of Hindus to enjoy Gau Jall and practice what they see as their religion.

There was also a further serious point made by an Indian in the OP about health implications for others and in that respect any information about this practice should be widely disseminated to reach a large audience as possible. I believe this to be in the Hindu public interest. This article has been posted in PDF for the sake of awareness and honest discussion

There could also be some business for Pakistanis Chinese and Bangladeshis wishing to export cow urine to India and that could lead to economic progress in the neighborhood.

Finally we must all congratulate India for this break through that allows some Indians to enjoy a refreshing “Gau Jall” at any time of the day.
Thanks for clarification

there are some religious practices that people dont feel comfortable to discuss hence there is some Indian opposition to this thread. whether cow and its urine is sacred to Hindus is none of my concern, I respect their faith.

in modern times Catholic faith and Islam gets a lot of attention and scrutiny and we try to explain or defend what we feel is misinterpretation.

I was hoping that fellow Hindus will give reasons behind using it but they started referring to camel urine which for Muslims is nothing more than, well urine of any other animal.

Cow and camelare both humble animals meant to serve the man.
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