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So what is your story? Why joined PDF?

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We want Muslims who are not in their mid 30s but think it's cool to copulate with 15 year old girls because they smiled at them.

Cheers, Doc

Bhai jaan, why did you tag me if you didn't want me to post to you ?
Bhai jaan, why did you tag me if you didn't want me to post to you ?

You are an Indian Muslim. So is xeuss.

I don't know any other Indian Muslims here.

My post was directed at Indian Muslims.

Those are the only kind that impact my life as an Indian.

You are doing good work professionally. Please find a good Muslim girl your age and start a family. There is a time and age to be a lothario. You are well past it. In a few years girls will be calling you a creep if you continue like this

Cheers, Doc
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Is naofumi back?

I believe he's doing online classes, hence busy. But I saw him three or four days ago.

They permabanned cliftonite man. Sweetest most genuine Pak kid here.

Maybe they found him too critical.

Show I know. Not seen him for long.

Yeah it's been more than at least a year.

This drizz guy I don't know. Isn't he a Pakistani? He writes like one.

Definitely an Indian.
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Maybe they found him too critical.

Genuine. Wore his heart on his sleeve.

One of us. On the wrong side of the line.

Hope he's doing well and continues fighting the good fight.

Satyameva Jayate.

Cheers, Doc

So I am originally from reddit, where I stumbled upon r/chutyapa and we had a lot of fun, thought provoking discussions there. Reddit got strict tons of bans were given and the glory was gone. Some members had mentioned PDF there. Used to go and lurk around here, then around September I officially made an account.

Me and @Huffal had a lot of fun back in the day.
Either you are nuts.

Or have lost your balls and can't seem to find them.

Or you are simply too desperate to stick around in this place.

The simple answer is that we will nuke this land and every living soul on it before we let Islam back in a position of power.

Be honest, if you insist on representing us here.

@Bagheera @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8

Cheers, Doc

There are only two ways of organizing India into a functional state and why it has been a sporadic faltering nation building process previous to that:

1) Either Hindu Nationalism

2) OR True Pure Communism where you start off by killing 10 million of each religion and destroy religion in India

3) Everything else is Window Dressing Khichdi that won't be able to galvanize the population or make India even a low middle income country
There are only two ways of organizing India into a functional state and why it has been a sporadic faltering nation building process previous to that:

1) Either Hindu Nationalism

2) OR True Pure Communism where you start off by killing 10 million of each religion and destroy religion in India

3) Everything else is Window Dressing Khichdi that won't be able to galvanize the population or make India even a low middle income country

No one in India, except 200 million Muslims (who would have a problem with anyone or anything not Muslim anyway), has a problem with Hindu nationalism.

The fires stoked in India have been by the social class war that is currently being waged in India.

It's not dislike the French Revolution.

No one really has split opinions on the Muslims.

You can bet your last rupee that no true Indian minority will ever agree to living as second class to the Hindu majority.

Cheers, Doc

No one in India, except 200 million Muslims (who would have a problem with anyone or anything not Muslim anyway), has a problem with Hindu nationalism.

The fires stoked in India have been by the social class war that is currently being waged in India.

It's not dislike the French Revolution.

No one really has split opinions on the Muslims.

You can bet your last rupee that no true Indian minority will ever agree to living as second class to the Hindu majority.

Cheers, Doc

It's interesting that you believe that once the Muslims have been 'dealt with' the other minorities would just be left alone.

So I am originally from reddit, where I stumbled upon r/chutyapa and we had a lot of fun, thought provoking discussions there. Reddit got strict tons of bans were given and the glory was gone. Some members had mentioned PDF there. Used to go and lurk around here, then around September I officially made an account.

Me and @Huffal had a lot of fun back in the day.
Reddit moved their anti evil team to India as well, so reporting anti pak sub reddits was basically a no go

It's interesting that you believe that once the Muslims have been 'dealt with' the other minorities would just be left alone.

Nobody leaves no one alone.

Everyone fights for their place in Indian society.

This is not a Hindu Muslim fight.

The Muslims are on the wrong side with everyone. There is no split opinion or support where they are concerned.

They have made their bed. No one else is going to lie in it.

India is in the throes of a civilizational class war. A rebalancing. A realignment.

There are ancient equations being thrashed out here. Medieval ones. Definitely those spanning the past 2000 years of Indian civilization.

Muslims are simply new kids on the block.

In the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong side of history and circumstance.

It will be very complicated for you to see it as a non Indian, purely through an Islam centric prism.

Cheers, Doc
No one in India, except 200 million Muslims (who would have a problem with anyone or anything not Muslim anyway), has a problem with Hindu nationalism.

I am sure the ghost of Rohith Vemula will disagree with you.
Please expand.

The late Rohith Vemula was a student of Hyderabad University. He was a Dalit so was duly harassed by the Upper Caste university officials. The matter went up to the Central government and he found injustice from there too. Perhaps he should have become more engaged in the university's Ambedkar Study Circle or he should have become engaged with the Left. In 2016 he chose to commit suicide by hanging in a friend's hostel room.

The matter became a cause celebre for quite some time that year and the next few. I too attended a protest gathering in his honor at my city's town hall.

Right in 2016 his mother and brother chose to adopt Buddhism in Bombay probably partly in protest and partly in desire of a better life without rampant discrimination.

India is quite a disharmonious society, with or without the complaints of Muslims.
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