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Skirmish at Afghan-Pakistan border

Once i was of opinion that either pakhtunkhwa should join Afghanistan or Afghanistan should join Pakistan........but now i think there is no need of that, the emphasis should be on unity of pashtuns, decreasing gap between them, cooperation on various pashtun-related matters.............without erasing border. This would eliminate the un-necessary hostility between two countries, once peace is restored to Afghanistan, every pakistani pashtun should consider it his moral obligation to help pashtuns on other side to rebuild their country, in various fields like education, health, engineering etc....language , customs and norms of society are same , so easy to work there. Unfortunately no such sensations exist due to widened gap between two people of the same quam.....i mean look at @EyanKhan, not ready to accept them as his people, most of pakistani pashtuns in KPK think like that. @ghilzai say he spits on afghans. @Abu Zolfiqar stresses on pakistaniat only. @Luftwaffe detest them due to polio and some mysterious diseases and for pak-afghan border clash that took place in late 80s

Your post are so r3t@rted & full of nonsense. By your stupid logic should Punjabis on either side consider each other brothers? Or Muhajirs consider themselves as Indians?:crazy::crazy::crazy:

Both Afghanistan & Pakistan are different countries. Afghans does not care about Pakistan & invite enemies of Pakistan to operate & create troubles for Pakistan...it is Pakistan's & Pakistanis national duty to stop being namak haram/haram khor & support the interests of Pakistan.
Your post are so r3t@rted & full of nonsense. By your stupid logic should Punjabis on either side consider each other brothers? Or Muhajirs consider themselves as Indians?:crazy::crazy::crazy:

Both Afghanistan & Pakistan are different countries. Afghans does not care about Pakistan & invite enemies of Pakistan to operate & create troubles for Pakistan...it is Pakistan's & Pakistanis national duty to stop being namak haram/haram khor & support the interests of Pakistan.

I would rather listen to Khushal khan khattak who struggled for pashtun national solidarity and tried to bring unity among tribes
I would rather listen to Khushal khan khattak who struggled for pashtun national solidarity and tried to bring unity among tribes

You can listen/follow anyone for all i care but stop awarding other patriotic Pakistani Pushtuns with your nonsense words...you are nobody here...kindly stay in your limits or your raciest posts will be reported.

TBH i would suggest & advice you to see a psychological expert because it seems like you are suffering from inferiority complex.
Pakistan air force should be asked to take out this menace across the border. Its high time Pakistan should put Afghans to their place. Disgusting creatures makes me sick to the stomach.
You can listen/follow anyone for all i care but stop awarding other patriotic Pakistani Pushtuns with your nonsense words...you are nobody here...kindly stay in your limits or your raciest posts will be reported.

TBH i would suggest & advice you to see a psychological expert because it seems like you are suffering from inferiority complex.
With mention of khushal khan Khattak, did i hit a nerve, i wonder.
I would rather listen to Khushal khan khattak who struggled for pashtun national solidarity and tried to bring unity among tribes

Allama Iqbal was much better than Khushal khan khattak. At Least A punjabi struggled for Muslim Ummah instead of some bull shyte ethnic or nationalist struggle.

Did any Pathan succedded in liberating themselves from British and Hindu raj? Remind us who liberated pathans from them?
Did any Pathan succedded in liberating themselves from British and Hindu raj? Remind us who liberated pathans from them?

No, Thats why khushal khan khattak stressed on Pashtun unity and national solidarity in tribes...united you stand, divided you fall. By the way which hindu raj you are talking about?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal called Khushal the Hakeem and Tabeeb (physician) of Afghan Millat and Afghan Shanas. Maj: Roverty and certain other orientalists say that Khushal was not only Afghan Shanas but like Goethe and Shakespeare he was also a great Insan- Shanas (one who knows man) Iqbal expressed his desire that if he knew Pashto he would have translated Khushal’s poetry into Urdu or Persian. Iqbal borrowed concept of shaheen from khushal's poetry.

And Khushal baba was a religous person , evident from his poetry and work, he wrote Fazl-nāma, a handbook on religious and social duties, Tarjuma Hadia which Explains various aspects of Fiqha hanafia
Afghan, Pakistani border guards skirmish; one killed - World - DAWN.COM

KANDAHAR: Afghan officials say a shootout between Afghan and Pakistani border guards has killed one Afghan policeman in a remote southern region where the border between the two countries is poorly marked.

In the Afghan province of Kandahar, police spokesman Zia Durrani said the skirmish started shortly after dawn on Thursday and lasted for about two hours.

Durrani says the two sides engaged in sporadic shooting using rifles and firing rockets across the boundary.

Kandahar government spokesman Dawakhan Minapal says the fighting in remote Maroof district was sparked by an attempt by the Pakistani border police to construct an outpost on the Afghan side of the border.
Yeah, I doubt the afghan story, as they've used this exact same excuse before just to take potshots at Pakistani border guards/
I heard this name first time here on PDF, 15th century poet? When will you come back to 21st century?
You are such an akhroat, how poetry becomes outdated? you still read mir dard and mir taqi poetry ,of 1700s, in urdu text books, dont you?.
No, Thats why khushal khan khattak stressed on Pashtun unity and national solidarity in tribes...united you stand, divided you fall. By the way which hindu raj you are talking about?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal called Khushal the Hakeem and Tabeeb (physician) of Afghan Millat and Afghan Shanas. Maj: Roverty and certain other orientalists say that Khushal was not only Afghan Shanas but like Goethe and Shakespeare he was also a great Insan- Shanas (one who knows man) Iqbal expressed his desire that if he knew Pashto he would have translated Khushal’s poetry into Urdu or Persian. Iqbal borrowed concept of shaheen from khushal's poetry.

And Khushal baba was a religous person , evident from his poetry and work, he wrote Fazl-nāma, a handbook on religious and social duties, Tarjuma Hadia which Explains various aspects of Fiqha hanafia

Congressi and British Raj. Thanks to Quiad e Azam he liberated you guys.
Congressi and British Raj. Thanks to Quiad e Azam he liberated you guys.
Fear of hindu dominance was problem of you indics/desis, not ours. Jinnah was british himself, our people didnt become angraizified for british, we welcomed them with bullets. Hindu raj lol, tell this to 18 crores indian muslims which your angraiz jinnah baba left to "hindu raj"
Fear of hindu dominance was problem of you indics/desis, not ours. Jinnah was british himself, our people didnt become angraizified for british, we welcomed them with bullets. Hindu raj lol, tell this to 18 crores indian muslims which your angraiz jinnah baba left to "hindu raj"

Hindus were dominating your race through their puppet masters. Despite your bullets, It was Baba Jinnah who liberated you and gave you independt home free from the clutches of either side, with a new identity to begin with
Fear of hindu dominance was problem of you indics/desis, not ours. Jinnah was british himself, our people didnt become angraizified for british, we welcomed them with bullets. Hindu raj lol, tell this to 18 crores indian muslims which your angraiz jinnah baba left to "hindu raj"

I know every Indian Muslim who would take offence to that. They chose India, they were't left. They had lived in those areas for years.

As for the thread it's sad to see clashes. I hope things get better. No one should wish for war.
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