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Skirmish at Afghan-Pakistan border

Not surprised. I have seen many awans and most of them were idiots. Most of the non-pukhtoon supporters of TTP I have seen from punjab are Awans. Your posts make sense now.
Awans are in heavy number in pak army
Being a descendant of anyone holds no sway @DESERT FIGHTER. Doesnt make them better or worse.

All in the end that matters is the nationality and that is Pakistani.

**** you Afghanis.
And his involvement in indian politics was also wrong, he should have focused on afghanistan and liberating NWFP

Im sorry.. but his ideology was wrong.. people supported Jinnah ... than how was bacha khan an "intellectual" and a "great leader" ..:lol:
Once i was of opinion that either pakhtunkhwa should join Afghanistan or Afghanistan should join Pakistan........but now i think there is no need of that, the emphasis should be on unity of pashtuns, decreasing gap between them, cooperation on various pashtun-related matters.............without erasing border. This would eliminate the un-necessary hostility between two countries, once peace is restored to Afghanistan, every pakistani pashtun should consider it his moral obligation to help pashtuns on other side to rebuild their country, in various fields like education, health, engineering etc....language , customs and norms of society are same , so easy to work there. Unfortunately no such sensations exist due to widened gap between two people of the same quam.....i mean look at @EyanKhan, not ready to accept them as his people, most of pakistani pashtuns in KPK think like that. @ghilzai say he spits on afghans. @Abu Zolfiqar stresses on pakistaniat only. @Luftwaffe detest them due to polio and some mysterious diseases and for pak-afghan border clash that took place in late 80s

Yes as Pukhtoons we feel it is our duty to help Afghans as in whole and not just Pukhtoons to help then rebuild their lives and their nation.

I have strong connection with the land Of Afghanistan not just Pukhtoons, Afghanistan without Uzbecks, Tajiks, Hazara is like Pakistan without Sindis and Punjabis.

We are More then ready to help them all but are they willing to be genuine, decent and law abiding and respectful of the fact that we have a border, we are Pakistanis and that is something we choose to be.

I spit on those afghans regardless of ethnicity who have brought crime and foreign sponsored violence in to our lands.

We normally don't see eye to, but I respect your thoughts, time has moved on and we must move with it as Pakistanis, work on ummah starts at home.

Im sorry.. but his ideology was wrong.. people supported Jinnah ... than how was bacha khan an "intellectual" and a "great leader" ..:lol:

He got rejected by the common man, and common being the majority didn't believe in him or his ideology.
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Hay People....Afghans are Our Brothers.....Dont talk cheap language
They are sacrificing their lives for last 30 Years, we have fulfilled out interests by the blood of afghans blocking Russians ...
You have Disgust against Talibans...but talibans have many GROUPS..not all Groups are against pakistan....And here..we need little bit of Politics to engage Good ones with Bad ones...

Get this through your head, No Afghan is our brother No Afghan, we may share similarities with them but they are not our brothers, they never were they never will be.

Afghans sold their own kind to the British for less then 30 pieces of silver.

My brothers are those who sacrificed like me to create a country we can call our own, My Brothers are Pakistanis.

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