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Six reasons, why India can beat China.

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Do you know how many related industries that can be driven by real estate ?Iron and steel, cement, metal, glass, chemicals, ceramics, plastics, machinery, electronics, textiles......almost every industry!Along with the development of the real estate industry, China has become the world's largest manufacturer of building materials and construction machinery productions.

what China has done in manufacturing?it is it your real thoughts?do you want to be the biggest fake goods manufacturer? do you forget that you often laugh at our manufacturing?

before you build enough roads ,you need to establish and improve the traffic rules .

I agree but all real estate being built in China is way more than demand. China's economy in 1999 was 1 trillion$. Even than China had more highrises and more length of metro trains than India has today with almost double the economy. In India real estate is demand driven. It is not built by surplus money from exports. We are actually in deficit. :lol:

Now I never laughed at Chinese manufacturing atleast not now. Chinese manufacturing has now almost peaked as more people move into cities China will turn domestic and move into high middle income countries. I don't personally agree with debt related written articles written about China. I don't even think that China is in much of debt. Even if China's debt is over 100% still China has nothing to worry about.

India will take its time to develop and China will just keep marching ahead. So just go on :)
Will need a close-up to see if curtain wall is on those buildings.

no.i have asked an indian about the main exterior materials used in india.his answer is cement,then i asked him if there are any energy-saving materials used .his answer is no.
I suddenly understood:a building of frequent power outages and no air conditioning does not need to be designed with energy-saving measure.
@A.Rafay , looks like now you have a Chinese member too asking you to do so

So you want me to start a new thread of reasons where China beats the hell out of India
Yes, please do. That would be even more fun.

Now be a good Pakistan and honor the Chinese member + Deeper than Oceans and higher than mountains friendship .

We are all waiting
no.i have asked an indian about the main exterior materials used in india.his answer is cement,then i asked him if there are any energy-saving materials used .his answer is no.
I suddenly understood:a building of frequent power outages and no air conditioning does not need to be designed with energy-saving measure.

Shows how low your understanding is :lol:
Its India not some failed country.
I agree but all real estate being built in China is way more than demand. China's economy in 1999 was 1 trillion$. Even than China had more highrises and more length of metro trains than India has today with almost double the economy. In India real estate is demand driven. It is not built by surplus money from exports. We are actually in deficit. :lol:

Now I never laughed at Chinese manufacturing atleast not now. Chinese manufacturing has now almost peaked as more people move into cities China will turn domestic and move into high middle income countries. I don't personally agree with debt related written articles written about China. I don't even think that China is in much of debt. Even if China's debt is over 100% still China has nothing to worry about.

India will take its time to develop and China will just keep marching ahead. So just go on :)

Rare and wise insights!some mistakes:
1.Our housing demand is far greater than supply.This case will last at least a decade.Our current problem is that the prices are too high!
2.Our real estate funds are from bank loans.Foreign exchange reserves can not be used in the domestic real estate development,for we don't by constructing materials from overseas.
There are million reasons india cant beat china.................................

India's China Envy

Some citizens of India, the world's largest democracy, find themselves looking jealously at a neighbor with a very different sort of government: China.

Karan Thapar, an Indian columnist, recently took a trip to Beijing. He thought all the shiny buildings and wide, new roads were "awe inspiring." But it was a painful kind of awe.

In the middle of the last century, India and China were in the same place economically. Now China is three times richer. Its childhood malnutrition rate is far lower than India's.

Yes, Indians are free, Thapar says — free to be poor.

Partha Sen, director of the Delhi School of Economics, says that "democracy in an everyday sense, in terms of getting things the poor need, has clearly not functioned. Somehow democracy has failed us."

Democracy moves slowly. People debate things. Infrastructure — roads, water, power — remains underdeveloped.

The Chinese government doesn't have endless parliamentary debates and legal battles. It doesn't ask a lot of questions. It does things — builds roads, trains, power plants.

"China invests a lot in infrastructure," Sen says. "So China, they are on the ball. We are not."

Eswar Prasad is an economist who has lived in both worlds. He used to be the head of the China division at the International Monetary Fund; now he advises India's government.

"We economists think that a benevolent dictator — a benevolent dictator with a heart in the right place — could actually do a lot of good," Prasad says.

The problem, he says, is that the economic record of dictators and single-party states is not very good. China seems to be an exception.
Why India just can’t beat China in jobs, infrastructure

NEW DELHI: India often likes to believe it could be a ‘super power’ but analysts say a more realistic target is to beat China first. That goal is going out of reach, new World Bank figures show.
In key areas, the gap between China and India is widening, the World Bank's 2013 jobs report said. It suggested the country will have to leapfrog several years of drag to match Chinese levels. Chinese have more access to jobs than Indians with comparatively better pay. That's because India isn't creating enough new cities.
Neither is India adding adequate infrastructure to old ones. Since India could not create urban clusters — a source for new jobs — it could not absorb surplus labour, evidence suggests.

How did the Chinese do it? In 1990, the share of Indians in cities was the same as China's: 27%. Two decades later, this had grown only to 30%, while China's became 50%.
The story behind the number is that the Chinese government started a policy of rewarding local governments, setting off competition in creating more job-supporting centres. The result was “unprecedented”, said the World Bank report that covers more than 60 nations.
The Chinese also earn more wages than Indians for the same job because of better productivity linked to infrastructure.
Many areas in Delhi and Mumbai have only “four to five hours” of water supply a day, the report said. Power crisis remains a top hurdle for Indian business.
“An Indian company can face up to 17 power disruptions in a month.” This has kept both business and jobs from growing, a comparison with China showed.
Chinese job-creation was the result of new urban centres, driven “through a phenomenal expansion of commercial power supply, urban infrastructure, highways, and ports”. China saw a slew of coastal towns come up, while India has had none.

Post those million reasons then, :)
Go through all india vs china thread you yourself will find trillion reasons..million is just my estimate on lower side of the spectrum of those reasons.
i agree with chinese members here.
these six reason crap is bs.it would take us decades to reach where china is now.so please kindly stop embarassing yourself and your fellow countrymen.
there are no miracles.china is stronger and powerfull than us and we should accept it.we should work hard to match china and it's capbilities only then we would succeed in future.
Go through all india vs china thread you yourself will find trillion reasons..million is just my estimate on lower side of the spectrum of those reasons.

On an average how many india vs china thread exists here do you think?
Shows how low your understanding is :lol:
Its India not some failed country.

failed country?OK
The major countries in the world all have their own building energy efficiency standards.Many countries who don't have relevant standards adopt the standards of other countries,e.g.Australia adopt British standards and develop some of their own provisions.
Lets see where China and India are today.

infrastructure: imo India is about 15-20 yrs behind.
economic size: 8-10 yrs behind or less. China was 1 trillion in 1999 and 2 trill in 2004. India was 1 trillion in 2007 and is about 2 trillion right now give or take on ruppe fall or rise.
manufacturing: Atleast 12-15 yrs behind.

What do you guys say??
Lets see where China and India are today.

infrastructure: imo India is about 15-20 yrs behind.
economic size: 8-10 yrs behind or less. China was 1 trillion in 1999 and 2 trill in 2004. India was 1 trillion in 2007 and is about 2 trillion right now give or take on ruppe fall or rise.
manufacturing: Atleast 12-15 yrs behind.

What do you guys say??

again usual clueless Indian vvetdream,

India's infrastructure is like China back in 80s, and with the traditional Indian 'efficiency' it'd probably take your incapable government 30 years to reach what we have today

and economy is only 8-10 years behind? lol kid tell how you gonna grow your pony 1.8 trillion to 8 trillion in 10 years? not even 20 years with your collapsing exchange rate

manufacturing 15 years?`````with out sound infrastructure how you gonna manufact``you can barely keep your backward cities having enough electricities``

your grand delusion is funny
again usual clueless Indian vvetdream,

India's infrastructure is like China back in 80s, and with the traditional Indian 'efficiency' it'd probably take your incapable government 30 years to reach what we have today

and economy is only 8-10 years behind? lol kid tell how you gonna grow your pony 1.8 trillion to 8 trillion in 10 years? not even 20 years with your collapsing exchange rate

manufacturing 15 years?`````with out sound infrastructure how you gonna manufact``you can barely keep your backward cities having enough electricities``

your grand delusion is funny

Lol I got it china is about 60 yrs ahead of India lolll. :victory:. what a clown spewing hate without facts.
Lol I got it china is about 60 yrs ahead of India lolll. :victory:. what a clown spewing hate without facts.

and your facts of infrastructure: India is about 15-20 yrs behind.
economic size: 8-10 yrs behind
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