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Six Afghans arrested in Mianwali

In my opinion :
1) both countries should go forward for friendship.
2) Border crossing should be regulized through proper procedure.
3) Afghans should be registered.
4) As bilal haider has said , mudarasas should be registered.
1) They are not good neighbors. What good have they done for Pakistan? Please don't start such lies here on PDF.

2) Not even tens, or hundreds of Pakistanis illegally cross into the Afghan border. In fact, I don't know a SINGLE Pakistani that has crossed into the Afghan border at all, forget illegally. Why would a Pakistani go to Afghanistan for?

irresponsible & non diplomatic post.

Diplomatic relations never consist over bar trade system, there is no need to proud that government allowed Afghanistan refuges. This was human help, a Muslim helped Muslim at time of war. Many social aspects by these refuges you even don't know what is going on with them. Because of some criminals we have no right to put all in one scenario.
Make a sense why they crossed if they are? This issue related to many other issues so there is no need to screwed topic.
There are lot of Afghans even many many who called Pakistan their home because their generation developed in our society. For you it is not possible to say simple that "They are not good neighbors" then who is good neighbor? If you think so then make them good, we were/are/will live with this neighbor. Don't show narrow minded view.
irresponsible & non diplomatic post.

Diplomatic relations never consist over bar trade system, there is no need to proud that government allowed Afghanistan refuges. This was human help, a Muslim helped Muslim at time of war. Many social aspects by these refuges you even don't know what is going on with them. Because of some criminals we have no right to put all in one scenario.
Make a sense why they crossed if they are? This issue related to many other issues so there is no need to screwed topic.
There are lot of Afghans even many many who called Pakistan their home because their generation developed in our society. For you it is not possible to say simple that "They are not good neighbors" then who is good neighbor? If you think so then make them good, we were/are/will live with this neighbor. Don't show narrow minded view.

jeez, whats the matter with you? do these muslims behave like muslims?

do they slot in and cause no troubles?

stop talking nonsense, this guys are a very real security threat.
Surely , relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are not ideal. But now we should go for good relations.
Pakistani authorities should work for regulating and legalising there migrants.
Surely , relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are not ideal. But now we should go for good relations.
Pakistani authorities should work for regulating and legalising there migrants.

whilst the afghan authorities do what? let RAW into their nation?
By good relations with Afghanistan , we will be able to ensure that the land of Afghanistan is not being used against Pakistan. We can resolve this issue by cooperating with each other.
By good relations with Afghanistan , we will be able to ensure that the land of Afghanistan is not being used against Pakistan. We can resolve this issue by cooperating with each other.

how is life on cuckoo land?

afghans are in the grips of us and india, they sing to their song sheet, you have no idea about how things have changed
Diplomatic relations never consist over bar trade system, there is no need to proud that government allowed Afghanistan refuges. This was human help, a Muslim helped Muslim at time of war. Many social aspects by these refuges you even don't know what is going on with them. Because of some criminals we have no right to put all in one scenario.
Make a sense why they crossed if they are? This issue related to many other issues so there is no need to screwed topic.
There are lot of Afghans even many many who called Pakistan their home because their generation developed in our society. For you it is not possible to say simple that "They are not good neighbors" then who is good neighbor? If you think so then make them good, we were/are/will live with this neighbor. Don't show narrow minded view.

there is no need to proud that government allowed Afghanistan refuges.

Would they ever let 5 million illegal Pakistanis if we someday needed them? No. They want to break up our country for Pashtunistan or Greater Pashtunkhwan. Karzai calls the Durand Line invalid. Karzai also lived in Pakistan, yet you see nothing but anti-Pakistan sentiments from him. People like you make my blood boil, who are willing to give up on Pakistan in the name of Muslim brotherhood. Let me tell you something: I'm a Shia Muslim, but if Iran ever tries to mess with Pakistan, I will fight them & die to protect Pakistan. I'm not a sell out like you are. You should be ashamed to call yourself a Pakistani with this anti-Pakistan attitude of yours.

Muslim helped Muslim at time of war.

Don't say Muslims have helped Muslims at time of war. How has Saudi Arabia, Jordan, or any of the Middle Eastern countries helped Palestine against Israel, or helped the people in Bosnia, or Kashmir? Why do we have the responsibility of being everyone's caretakers, even when they are willing to stab us in the back. You have great esteem for this 'Muslim brotherhood' of yours, go live in a Middle Eastern country & see how they treat you as a fellow Muslim brother. How have the Afghans helped us? By smuggling drugs, arms into our country? By increasing kidnapping, smuggling drugs & other kinds of petty crimes in all of our cities (not just in KPK & FATA)?

Because of some criminals we have no right to put all in one scenario.

Is it our fault that some of their citizens cause mayhem in our country, & bring a bad name to the good Afghans? Why do we have the responsibility of taking care of them, when they clearly think of us as enemies & are ready to backstab us anytime?

Make a sense why they crossed if they are?

They crossed over here because of the screw ups they caused in their own country, & now that they are causing here. Ethnic conflicts & crime.

There are lot of Afghans even many many who called Pakistan

Let me know who they are. Thanks. I have no problems with Afghans having anti-Pakistan sentiments as long as they are properly registered, & do not cause mayhem inside Pakistan.

who is good neighbor? If you think so then make them good

We are no angels, but we have treated them with respect, & given them refuge in our country. Most of trade inside Afghanistan flows through Pakistan. I do not know how we can 'make them good'. It's up to them, & it's not our responsibility.
All outstanding issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan can be resolved through peace talks. What excellence would happen if we continue blaming each other?
I heard Peshawar used to be a really peaceful and great place before these Afghans moved in. Now they walk around Peshawar like they own the place and threaten locals.
They're trying to do the same in Karachi, some places in Karachi you can't even walk into because those places are filled with Afghans carrying AK 47s. It's pathetic what they have done to our country.

carrying guns small or big is part of fata tribal culture, it existed in pakistan long before the refugees came to pakistan. but you have forgotten that your gov along with america sent milions of small and big arms in afghanistan, perhaps afghans are returning the favour.
Would they ever let 5 million illegal Pakistanis if we someday needed them? No. They want to break up our country for Pashtunistan or Greater Pashtunkhwan. Karzai calls the Durand Line invalid. Karzai also lived in Pakistan, yet you see nothing but anti-Pakistan sentiments from him. People like you make my blood boil, who are willing to give up on Pakistan in the name of Muslim brotherhood. Let me tell you something: I'm a Shia Muslim, but if Iran ever tries to mess with Pakistan, I will fight them & die to protect Pakistan. I'm not a sell out like you are. You should be ashamed to call yourself a Pakistani with this anti-Pakistan attitude of yours.

Who you are not important for me but only Muslim.

I need not any certificate from any body that how i am Pakistani. Leave this emotional point of thinking. Be mature in discussion.

If you are strong nobody going to break you, harm you & disperse you. If somebody thinking then his thinking remains with him. Only positive thinking are well come while staying in Pakistan by any citizen or non citizen or any refugee status face.
When you correct your system then many kind of problems automatically will solve.

Don't make hate in response to hate because it worth nothing. Even hate can be discussed on particular interests level to realize hater what he will loose while continuing hate for us.

Karzai statement already answered by diplomatic channels as his recent address (based over emotional & irresponsible, allegedly supported by 3rd party) makes nothing but his failure on presidential post. We know what his history & who support him to open mouth against Pakistan.
This is their general criteria that they tried to direct their justification of failure in security matters on Pakistan.

Process already on way to send back refugees back to home, control them so this is our duty, if somebody violate rules & regulations then punish him or deport.

Is it our fault that some of their citizens cause mayhem in our country, & bring a bad name to the good Afghans? Why do we have the responsibility of taking care of them, when they clearly think of us as enemies & are ready to backstab us anytime?

They crossed over here because of the screw ups they caused in their own country, & now that they are causing here. Ethnic conflicts & crime.

Let me know who they are. Thanks. I have no problems with Afghans having anti-Pakistan sentiments as long as they are properly registered, & do not cause mayhem inside Pakistan.

So you come to point now.

Don't say Muslims have helped Muslims at time of war. How has Saudi Arabia, Jordan, or any of the Middle Eastern countries helped Palestine against Israel, or helped the people in Bosnia, or Kashmir? Why do we have the responsibility of being everyone's caretakers, even when they are willing to stab us in the back. You have great esteem for this 'Muslim brotherhood' of yours, go live in a Middle Eastern country & see how they treat you as a fellow Muslim brother. How have the Afghans helped us? By smuggling drugs, arms into our country? By increasing kidnapping, smuggling drugs & other kinds of petty crimes in all of our cities (not just in KPK & FATA)?

Kashmir is our responsibility.

Nobody force you to take care of others but once you took responsibility then don't cry. Apply a good check & balance system on intelligence level within caring them & remove threat elements.

Our Pakistanis have lack of community, unity & responsibility in other countries so they suffered by their own. In our Pakistanis there are a few who have ability to protect rights & solve problems in administration of place of residence. We are looser because of our own incompetence.

We are no angels, but we have treated them with respect, & given them refuge in our country. Most of trade inside Afghanistan flows through Pakistan. I do not know how we can 'make them good'. It's up to them, & it's not our responsibility

Yes of course we are not angels but when you try to think beyond your emotional barrier then you will force or convince neighbors to be in limit & be in respectable mode toward us. Your responsibility to show what results could they face being a good & bad neighbor.
Why are you digging up ancient history, Why start with soviet war, why not start with Mahmud Ghazni's invasion, you afghani people have been invading our lands for one thousand years, and claim it as your own, you people destoyed our ancient civilization and culture, Your people rule over pakistan for 800 years but when pakistan ruled afghanistam through its proxy taliban for 5 years you people have been crying like a baby and cursing pakistan ever since

Afghans are also angry they have to come beggining to Pakistanis today, and work as servants for Pakistanis today. Clean dirt from every street in Pakistan. Send their children out to begg in front of Pakistanis.
That was NOT racist at all... educate urself wariors,,, talking of a race or nationality emotionally does NOT make it racism,,, This word is used too carelessly all the time,,, & u 2 r being careless.

Obviously ALL Afghans canNOT be labelled as Pak-haters but there are few that do ,,, & how would u talk about them ,, politely,,, Nops.

Thank you!!! Some people really cannot grasp what the definition really means, they're too caught up in defending their "fellow Muslims" that they accuse people of racist for no legit reason :disagree:
there are many afghans in pakistan without papers. who knows they might have been asked to provide money which they didnt and they ended up in jail, just a thought.

hahahahahahaha, sarcasm dear ahmed, you didnt say the illeterate afghans must have documents, its a country pakistan, not a jungle

who gives them money to do nasty things in pakistan just as bomb blasting, your uncle sam CIA gives, a hard tel malish and chitrol for these guys to admit the truth

always defending your brothers, illegally
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