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Sir Muradk in Hospital

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Its a sad news.May Almighty Allah make him recover soon and grant him a long life.
Dear members just to let you know that Sir Muradk developed a heart problem. 3 of his arteries were blocked the doctors opened the arteries he is recovering but slowly. Please pray for him.

I'm shocked and worried by this development, my prayers are with you and family for speedy recovery. Sir Murad is a national hero, but above that for most of us he's a father, brother, friend and we all need him.

He's a tough guy, two wars and many others hazzards during his carreer couldn't take him down....I remain hopeful he'll beat the illness and be back posting shortly.

I'd give my life to have him back....may Allah hear my prayers.
Give him our message that we all are missing him. Is he out of ICU?
Oh no! How could i miss this thread and not wish all the best for him! Allah is always with great humans and insallah he will get well soon. Sir jabar please give him my best salam and best regards.
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May Allah give him a long, healthy and prosperous life and may Allah give him complete and quick recovery.
Dear Forum Members!

Sir MuradK is very sick may be a heart problem, three of his arteries are blocked. He is admitted to Hospital, you are requested to pray for his health.

Dear Forum Members!

Sir MuradK is very sick may be a heart problem, three of his arteries are blocked. He is admitted to Hospital, you are requested to pray for his health.

May Almighty help him to recover ASAP, thanks. BTW, which hospital is he now in U.S?
I dont know him personally- but i still prayed for him -

he is the reason which made me have utter most respect for thesebrave sons of land.

may allah bless him with quick recovery and get well soon.

with all these prayers i think he will be getting well soon. keep praying guys.
may Allah help him in recovering
Very sad to hear about Murad Sir.

Wish him a very speedy recovery , Inshallah he'll be back to his normal self in a few weeks.
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