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sir.mm.alam in 2010


Here are some more of his earlier pictures. Enjoy.


His aircraft in Lahore.


The legend, best of best pilots in the history of all airforces, not only PAF


MM Alam with his peers.


Pakistani pilots of 32 Wing Sargodha, after an investiture ceremony in which they received the Sitara-E-Juraat.
(left to right)

Squadron Leader Najeeb A Khan,
Flight Lieutenant Imtiaz Bhatti,
Flight Lieutenant Cecil Choudary,
Flight Lieutenant Yousaf Ali Khan,
Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain,
Wing Commander Anwar Shamim,
Flight Lieutenant Saad A Hatmi and
Squadron Leader MM Alam.

We will always remember him, and hope to have as great pilots in our Air Force.

MM.Alam, for me the first two M's stand for Mystery Man

one of the best pilot world will ever witness

Well, just for all the fans of my mamoo, and one of u who dubbed the M M in his name as MYSTERY MAN. Here is a strange fact.

M M Alam is a very spiritual person at heart and has been since a very young age. He greatly reveres Saints and Auliya Allah. Need less to say always invokes the Sultan e Auliya SHEIKH ABDUL QADIR ALGILANI when he prays and observes the monthly 'Ghyaarvi'. Now, fo those of youwho donot know, the number 11 is associated with SHEIKH ABDUL QADIR ALGILANI.

The number 11 has appeared in his life under many mystifying events.
Here are some of them:

His Squadron Number ........... 11

His Total Number of Indian Air Kills ........... 11

The year he performed his legendary feat was '65. Add up 6+5 ........... 11

After the establishment of Pakistan, he reached Pakistan on exactly November 11, '47. Observe the month, the day and total he digits of the year '47........... 11

When he reached Paistan, his age was .......... 11

He is the eldest of his siblings, total of which is ........... 11

He has told me that when he was waiting to scramble in his F86 cockpit, he dozed off while reading the Quran. When he awoke from the blarring alarm indicating the pilots to take flight, he looked down at the Quran at hiseyes met at verse 10:64, Incidently these verses talk of the 'Auliya of Allah! and if u add up the digits of these ayaat any way, it comes to ........... 11

At the end of his career, he had official qualifications to fly many different fighter aircrafts, totalling ........... 11

There are many more but they are too private to be discussed over here. All i can sum up is bysaying that M M Alam is a very God fearing soul and loves Pakistan to the very core of his heart and soul. I am indeed honoured to have him as a close relative.

Allah and His Prophet SAW know best...........

Do anyone have any picture of him when he went to Afghanistan with Zaid Hamid :)
May Allah reward him for his selfless deeds.
A truly great hero of our nation and one who is respected by everyone who knows him.
MM Alam is a great man and a national hero. We all owe him a lot, forever. May Allah continue to bless him. Ameen.
Salam Mr. Imrani ve an urgent peace of work with u. plz text me at 03338993753 as early as posible
after retirement he turned to religious studies. nowadays he is living in dubai but often visits pakistan.

he used to live a few houses away from my grandfather's house in dhaka. but my grandfather had to move to west pakistan due to hostilities by the east pakistani rebels against punjabis.!

Here are some more of his earlier pictures. Enjoy.


His aircraft in Lahore.


The legend, best of best pilots in the history of all airforces, not only PAF


MM Alam with his peers.


Pakistani pilots of 32 Wing Sargodha, after an investiture ceremony in which they received the Sitara-E-Juraat.
(left to right)

Squadron Leader Najeeb A Khan,
Flight Lieutenant Imtiaz Bhatti,
Flight Lieutenant Cecil Choudary,
Flight Lieutenant Yousaf Ali Khan,
Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain,
Wing Commander Anwar Shamim,
Flight Lieutenant Saad A Hatmi and
Squadron Leader MM Alam.

We will always remember him, and hope to have as great pilots in our Air Force.


i also have a few images of him which i would share soon inshallah.!

here is a pencil sketch of him that i had drawn a year ago

and here is the link to the heroes of paf gallery
PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - Aviation Art by Humza Tariq - Heroes of the PAF

hope you guys like it!
Salute to the Man and the Pilot !

Bangladesh offered him to become Chief of BAF, but he refused saying "I dont know what Bangladesh is, I fought and will die for PAKistan". (as he is a Bangali) but look at what we did with him.... though Nation respects him as a HERO.

M.M Alam the man who married the sky.
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