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Sino-Russian alliance making Western analysts uneasy?

Google the countries that will replace China. It is already determined who is going to take over from China

I goggle and no country can replace China.

not really. West is already moving production away from China. China is getting to old and without cheap workers it will nose dive while the west can just move production to another country.

The west is moving the very cheap products from China. Same as China trying to go up chain. Going for higher value product. Concentrating in very low value is no good for China trying go upline to start first world country. But high value product like PC , smartphone are still mainly produce in China. Example Foxconn is still the number one supplier for apple. No countries in near 20 years is going to replace China as electronic powerhouse. This is a real fact. If you want to live in denial. Please go ahead.

One fine example of China going upchain is, why she has not devalue renminbi to compete with other competitor like what Japan is doing?

China economy is going down badly, its exporting is tumbling , its stock market is falling . Poor Chinese r just trying to survive during this hard time.

Dont forget that last winter, some Chinese kids frozen to death in trash bins due to lack of food and warm shelter .

Every countries has people killed in cold. Even US is not spare. What are you trying to prove?

But why I don't see luxurious brand are banking on other countries but instead on China? What does this show?

Luxury goods in China: Beyond bling | The Economist
China economy is going down badly, its exporting is tumbling , its stock market is falling . Poor Chinese r just trying to survive during this hard time.

Dont forget that last winter, some Chinese kids frozen to death in trash bins due to lack of food and warm shelter .

Dude, most of the rest of Asia does not care for your squabble with China.

You share a land border with a country that in around a decade will join the US as another superpower. It is in your interest to get along with them as best you can for your own interests.
Dude, most of the rest of Asia does not care for your squabble with China.

You share a land border with a country that in around a decade will join the US as another superpower. It is in your interest to get along with them as best you can for your own interests.
Even Chinese here also dont think they will be another superpower. So , dont try to make people believe that u understand China better than Chinese here.:pop:

Every countries has people killed in cold. Even US is not spare. What are you trying to prove?

But why I don't see luxurious brand are banking on other countries but instead on China? What does this show?

Luxury goods in China: Beyond bling | The Economist
It prove that China economy still in a very bad situation and have to let their poor kids frozen and starve to death.
China isn't Iran's mom. What they do is their own business. Iran's stupid leaders and its *** backward Islamic regime are at fault for the failed foreign and economic policies. Maybe our retarded regime can learn a thing or two from China.

I admire China b/c of what they've accomplished, their extremely smart sense/understanding of politics and their culture in general.

The Iranian government wanna more non-oil business with us.

PressTV - Iran, China set to up trade to $200bn: Official
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China are Russia are too smart to fall for the US tricks.

Once both Russia and China reach their full power in
10/15 years then the world would be a nicer place.

Bullies like usa and india are the biggest threats to world and regional peace!

Interesting. What do Chinese think of Persians/Iranians?

you are Iranian right?
We generally dont have any problems with Iranians
You have one of the greatest culture
Bullies like usa and india are the biggest threats to world and regional peace!

you are Iranian right?
We generally dont have any problems with Iranians
You have one of the greatest culture

Im not Iranian ;). I interested in Persian and Sinitic culture hence why I asked.
China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.

It takes two to tango, buddy, therefore China's reliance on European and NA markets implies reciprocity as well. In fact, this position allows China to wager considerable leverage over its sphere of influence and trading partners, a luxury Russia does not have.

Countries in Asia are not foolish to ignore the hegemony and greed of China!
Advanced Russian fighters deployed to near Chinese border

More fourth-generation fighters, including the Sukhoi Su-35S, will be deployed to the Russian city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Khabarovsk Krai region near the Chinese border in response to the growing strength of Chinese, American and Japanese air power in the Far East, according to the Canadian-based Kanwa Defense Review operated by military analyst Andrei Chang also known as Pinkov.

Through providing S-300 air defense missiles and a Yakovlev Yak-130 trainer to Belarus, Russia had solidified its buffer zone in Eastren Europe against NATO air power. At the same time, Russia is encouraging Belarus to purchase 18 decommissioned Sukhoi Su-30K fighters from the Indian Air Force; however, the magazine said that the situation in the Far East is very different from that in Eastern Europe.

As the People's Liberation Army Air Force and the PLA Navy Air Force become more powerful in the Far East after introducing new aircraft, equipment, doctrine and training systems, the United States and Japan are no longer the only two potential threats to the airspace of Russia in the Far East, and for this reason, Moscow has decided to deploy more advanced fighters to the region, including Su-30SM, Su-30MKK, Su-33 and Su-35S aircraft, the report said.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur is where the assembly lines for Su-30MKK, Su-33 and Su-35 fighters are located. For this reason, this region — only 300 kilometers from northeastern China's Heilongjiang province — is already in possession of many of Russia's most advanced fighters. Back in February, 12 Su-35S fighters were deployed to the 23rd Fighter Aviation Regiment at Dzemgi in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The magazine said that 12 more Su-35S fighters are likely to be deployed to the region.

Considered the most advanced fourth-generation fighter in Russia, the Su-35S is capable of fighting off three or four Su-27SK aircraft and Shenyang J-11 fighters of the PLA Air Force and Navy Air Force. In 2014, a total of 72 advanced fighters including 48 Su-27SM, 24 Su-35S are likely to be deployed to the area, despite Russia's strengthening of ties with China.

The magazine said that the 6982nd Air Base located at Domna in Chita received the first 10 Su-30SM fighters to replace the older Su-25 attackers back in 2013.

Advanced Russian fighters deployed to near Chinese border|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

The PLAAF has been deploying J-11B fighters on their northern bases ever since they had them to begin with.

India always stay neutral when China always switch sides . Thats why Both Russia-USA hate u now :pop:

Is that why both of those aforementioned countries are desperate on securing Chinese support over the Crimea issue?
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Countries in Asia are not foolish to ignore the hegemony and greed of China!
Advanced Russian fighters deployed to near Chinese border

More fourth-generation fighters, including the Sukhoi Su-35S, will be deployed to the Russian city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Khabarovsk Krai region near the Chinese border in response to the growing strength of Chinese, American and Japanese air power in the Far East, according to the Canadian-based Kanwa Defense Review operated by military analyst Andrei Chang also known as Pinkov.

Through providing S-300 air defense missiles and a Yakovlev Yak-130 trainer to Belarus, Russia had solidified its buffer zone in Eastren Europe against NATO air power. At the same time, Russia is encouraging Belarus to purchase 18 decommissioned Sukhoi Su-30K fighters from the Indian Air Force; however, the magazine said that the situation in the Far East is very different from that in Eastern Europe.

As the People's Liberation Army Air Force and the PLA Navy Air Force become more powerful in the Far East after introducing new aircraft, equipment, doctrine and training systems, the United States and Japan are no longer the only two potential threats to the airspace of Russia in the Far East, and for this reason, Moscow has decided to deploy more advanced fighters to the region, including Su-30SM, Su-30MKK, Su-33 and Su-35S aircraft, the report said.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur is where the assembly lines for Su-30MKK, Su-33 and Su-35 fighters are located. For this reason, this region — only 300 kilometers from northeastern China's Heilongjiang province — is already in possession of many of Russia's most advanced fighters. Back in February, 12 Su-35S fighters were deployed to the 23rd Fighter Aviation Regiment at Dzemgi in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The magazine said that 12 more Su-35S fighters are likely to be deployed to the region.

Considered the most advanced fourth-generation fighter in Russia, the Su-35S is capable of fighting off three or four Su-27SK aircraft and Shenyang J-11 fighters of the PLA Air Force and Navy Air Force. In 2014, a total of 72 advanced fighters including 48 Su-27SM, 24 Su-35S are likely to be deployed to the area, despite Russia's strengthening of ties with China.

The magazine said that the 6982nd Air Base located at Domna in Chita received the first 10 Su-30SM fighters to replace the older Su-25 attackers back in 2013.

Advanced Russian fighters deployed to near Chinese border|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

never plan on the thought of others but on their capabilities, we russians had good relations with a peaceful germany back then until they all of the sudden turned nazi. You never know what will happen in asia but thats where all the weapons go not only led by chinese militarization but also japans, korean states, south asians and other asian states as well as american deployment.

Just because we put weapons there doesnt mean we want to use them, we just want to be ready for everything. Same way for a missile defense shield, it maybe sounds unfitting in the 21 century that countries will use nuclear weapons but what would happen in the future if america has an advantage over russias nuclear weapons and would therefor the only country being able to use nuclear weapons against anyone without fearing retaliation.

After they used them against human beings in japan just to end the war a bit sooner while they invaded iraq for oil we know they are not right in the head.
Its prove that Sino-Russian alliance never exist coz China didnt support Russia in Crime issue.

Ah, it's nice (yes, that was sarcastic) to know that some people judge the quality of national bilateral relations on the basis of a single incident.

1. First of all, China never did say that it offered no support. In fact, their very first statement to Russia was that they believed Putin's position was correct. Their reluctance to devote wholly to one side is rooted in their close ties with the EU and also the United States.

2. Every nation executes diplomatic maneuvers to the benefit of itself, not at the whim of its ally. What may seem superficially beneficial to an alliance may not be conductive towards a nation's economic and geopolitical standing in the long run.

3. Even if the Chinese explicitly stated they support Ukraine over this issue, how is that any more indicative of the closeness of the Chinese-Russian relations than would a typical political diversion between traditional partners, say Canada and the US? Disagreement on certain matters should not be the basis of any ties between two nations, with long term trust and interaction being far more important.

China and Russia are only temporary allies. In the long term, Russia definitely doesn't see you as a friend. In fact, Russia perceives you as an enemy in the long run.

Rivalry and antagonism or hostility are very different concepts, buddy, and it is the so-called "long run" that demarcates this distinction.

Google the countries that will replace China. It is already determined who is going to take over from China

Right, because the search engine Google and the hundreds of political opinion sites are obviously crystal balls that have never been wrong in their predictions. There goes a PhD in journalism.

not really. West is already moving production away from China. China is getting to old and without cheap workers it will nose dive while the west can just move production to another country.

Right, because exports to the US, with most of the resultant profits being diverted to the US anyways, are the only thing that China depend on. At least try to do some research next time.
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Russia and China cooperate in fields where their interests overlap.

An alliance similar to US-Japan is unlikely as there is no trust between them. Russians distrust Chinese and vice versa. the history of Russia and China is a history of distrust and confrontation.

Probably the only sensible post writen today.

NO, you are wrong. at current pace it is likely China will dominate Asia economically, but China has no will and neither power to dominate Asia in other fields such as politics, cultures and military. CCP is too stupid. China is too sino centric.

With a strong economy comes political, cultural, and military power. At this stage it is pretty simple to deduce that China does have those leading positions in Asia. Ethnocentrism is exactly what allows a culture to succeed in light of international pressure.

America will retain the sole superpower in Asia in this century. Japan has the potential to come back as the great power in Asia, competing with China for the second place. Unlike Chinese, the Japanese are much smarter as they know how to make friends and allies.

Vietnam would welcome Japan as the second winner. :-)

And please do realize that Japan's allies are exactly what is capping its potential to expand beyond her current stage. Alliances are only beneficial if they work in one's favor.

China economy is going down badly, its exporting is tumbling , its stock market is falling . Poor Chinese r just trying to survive during this hard time.

A shortage of exports are also somewhat implicative of a slowing global economy, and yes, that includes the US, EU, etc. There are a lot of market pressures such as international price of materials, interest rates, exchange rates, and restructuring of industries other than the performance of a country's production that may lead to a fall in exports. And please explain to everybody here how their production is decreasing when their growth rate is positive.
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