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Sino-Russian alliance making Western analysts uneasy?

This is also bad news for countries who are banking on the West, such as Japan, India etc. Russia moving closer to China is also another bad news for India, as it will mean that India will no longer be able to balance alliance between Russia and the West. The Russian door will eventually close for India and India will find itself at the mercy of the West, for advanced weapon supply, which will be far more expensive than Russian weapons systems.

If wishes were horses! ;)

We have good relations with all sides. Russia, West and China.

India has a lot of options and it is only going to get better in the next decade.

Ab ki baar, Modi sarkar.
If wishes were horses! ;)

We have good relations with all sides. Russia, West and China.

India has a lot of options and it is only going to get better in the next decade.

Ab ki baar, Modi sarkar.

Dude, the writing is on the wall for India if it does not accept Chinese dominance in Asia.

By 2025, China will still be FIVE times as rich as India but TEN times as powerful as it would produce all it's own military equipments by then, while India is still reliant on expensive imports that won't be as good as what China can produce by itself anyway.
Dude, the writing is on the wall for India if it does not accept Chinese dominance in Asia.

By 2025, China will still be FIVE times as rich as India but TEN times as powerful as it would produce all it's own military equipments by then, while India is still reliant on expensive imports that won't be as good as what China can produce by itself anyway.


Don't worry. Everything will be all right. We have good relations with China and they will get even better. The border issue will be solved, the trade will go up, investments will increase...

Our economy and defense capabilities are picking pace, we have our own GPS.

We will have a multi polar Asia.
Why Iranian support China when China reduce oil import from Iran to please US ??

China isn't Iran's mom. What they do is their own business. Iran's stupid leaders and its *** backward Islamic regime are at fault for the failed foreign and economic policies. Maybe our retarded regime can learn a thing or two from China.

I admire China b/c of what they've accomplished, their extremely smart sense/understanding of politics and their culture in general.
In the twentieth century the Anglo-Saxons managed twice to up Germany and Russia against each other. As a result, the position of Anglo-Saxons after both world wars intensified , and their competitors - weakened. They want to repeat the same trick in the twenty-first century - this time between Russia and China. But I'm sure they do not succeed, because their influence on Germany was incomparably stronger than on China or Russia.
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Also the Russians don't like Chinese. They are feareful of China's rise because Russia took a lot of previously Chinese territory in Siberia.
China and Russia are only temporary allies. In the long term, Russia definitely doesn't see you as a friend. In fact, Russia perceives you as an enemy in the long run.
they also fighting in central asian countries the place so call russian backyard , seems china has upper hand and russians are angry about it

Dadash, stop encouraging that *** clown atawolf. The guy's a diseased retard.
In any case, what he said and what you agreed to isn't even true in the slightest. China has an enormous economy and every decade they're reaching new highs. They're now a juggernaut and it will only be a matter of time till they surpass all EU states and the US in every field. They've already passed them in most fields.
China's main export markets are Western countries, true, but that has created a dependence on China as well. Without China, the globalized economy of the world would come to a halt. China has a very pragmatic foreign policy and it knows how to play different sides. The massive growth of the past 30 years has been b/c of their laid back attitude towards important foreign policy matters. With time they will start dictating their own will more and more. It's all about how and when you exert your will upon others and China does this better than anyone.
china can achieve it's goals in a peaceful world not in new cold war it's lack of energy and if dont have close ally if west boycott china's economy will die out this will be good opportunity for Western company to get rid of chines company

russia and india are ally but they both have common fear about china see it as country needed to get rid of in past soviet was nearly start a war with china and they truly rdy to nuke them russia has great infulence on iran and turkmenistan if they play nasty they can hurt china very badly

i must disagree about long-term vision what Putin wants is to gain influence more in sea countries like Iran turkey Syria Pakistan to start their era looked to ME map how many ally they have in ME i see 4 main ally afghanistan-iran-iraq-syria and they will be happy the absorb Egypt with it's suez canal while iran hold strait of hormuz they also try to reunify the ex Soviet countries , their greatest and highest goal is to take over turkey if turkey join their side this will be end to west isolation of Russia , if you combine russia turkmenistan and iran gas you will see they have greatest gas empire in the world and that will be enough for them to Dominated both china and Europe
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Russia and China cooperate in fields where their interests overlap.

An alliance similar to US-Japan is unlikely as there is no trust between them. Russians distrust Chinese and vice versa. the history of Russia and China is a history of distrust and confrontation.

Dude, the writing is on the wall for India if it does not accept Chinese dominance in Asia.

By 2025, China will still be FIVE times as rich as India but TEN times as powerful as it would produce all it's own military equipments by then, while India is still reliant on expensive imports that won't be as good as what China can produce by itself anyway.
NO, you are wrong. at current pace it is likely China will dominate Asia economically, but China has no will and neither power to dominate Asia in other fields such as politics, cultures and military. CCP is too stupid. China is too sino centric.

America will retain the sole superpower in Asia in this century. Japan has the potential to come back as the great power in Asia, competing with China for the second place. Unlike Chinese, the Japanese are much smarter as they know how to make friends and allies.

Vietnam would welcome Japan as the second winner. :-)
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In the twentieth century the Anglo-Saxons managed twice to up Germany and Russia against each other. As a result, the position of Anglo-Saxons after both world wars intensified , and their competitors - weakened. They want to repeat the same trick in the twenty-first century - this time between Russia and China. But I'm sure they do not succeed, because the consequences for Germany was incomparably stronger than China and Russia.
you are talking of England´s doctrin: balance of power. It is a legitimate tool of diplomacy.
Also, it is not in Russia interest if China donminates Asia, I guess?
NO, you are wrong. at current pace it is likely China will dominate Asia economically, but China has no will and neither power to dominate Asia in other fields such as politics, cultures and military. CCP is too stupid. China is too sino centric.

America will retain the sole superpower in Asia in this century. Japan has the potential to come back as the great power in Asia, competing with China for the second place. Unlike Chinese, the Japanese are much smarter as they know how to make friends and allies.

Vietnam would welcome Japan as the second winner. :-)

Are you for real?

It is reckoned by pretty much everyone who knows anything about economics that China will be as rich as the West combined by 2030.

This level of economic power will allow them to build a military that will at least dominate the whole of Asia if they wanted to.

Vietnam does not like China but many Asian countries like Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh would welcome a superpower China to rid the continent of foreign enemies.


Don't worry. Everything will be all right. We have good relations with China and they will get even better. The border issue will be solved, the trade will go up, investments will increase...

Our economy and defense capabilities are picking pace, we have our own GPS.

We will have a multi polar Asia.

No China will be so much more powerful than countries like Japan or India, that it will be unipolar Asia.

You also forget that the vast majority of Muslims countries would be only be too happy to ally with China for mutual benefits.

India need not worry as long as it accepts Chinese leadership as both the Chinese and other Asian countries would like India to be part of a strong Asia.
you are talking of England´s doctrin: balance of power. It is a legitimate tool of diplomacy.
Also, it is not in Russia interest if China donminates Asia, I guess?
These issues will be solved after the restoration of multi-polarity in the world. Now the main thing is not to let the Anglo-Saxons to embroil Russia and China.
These issues will be solved after the restoration of multi-polarity in the world. Now the main thing is not to let the Anglo-Saxons to embroil Russia and China.

China are Russia are too smart to fall for the US tricks.

Once both Russia and China reach their full power in
10/15 years then the world would be a nicer place.
Are you for real?

It is reckoned by pretty much everyone who knows anything about economics that China will be as rich as the West combined by 2030.

This level of economic power will allow them to build a military that will at least dominate the whole of Asia if they wanted to.

Vietnam does not like China but many Asian countries like Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh would welcome a superpower China to rid the continent of foreign enemies.

No China will be so much more powerful than countries like Japan or India, that it will be unipolar Asia.

You also forget that the vast majority of Muslims countries would be only be too happy to ally with China for mutual benefits.

India need not worry as long as it accepts Chinese leadership as both the Chinese and other Asian countries would like India to be part of a strong Asia.

If you need to wet dream, does it still have to be just an Islamic client state of a non Muslim country? ;)

BTW, if you think a "unipolar Asia" will be better for your Islamic countries, let's just wait and see.

You will see the reality very soon.
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Russia and China cooperate in fields where their interests overlap.

An alliance similar to US-Japan is unlikely as there is no trust between them. Russians distrust Chinese and vice versa. the history of Russia and China is a history of distrust and confrontation.

it is the wish of vietcong to try to de-stabilize the relationship of Russia and China
If the Russians try to distance themselves away from us it is at their own loss
Luckily the Russians are much smarter than the vietcong trolls on the board

NO, you are wrong. at current pace it is likely China will dominate Asia economically, but China has no will and neither power to dominate Asia in other fields such as politics, cultures and military. CCP is too stupid. China is too sino centric.

the japanese is adopting our culture
so are the vietcongs
The joint forces of China + Russia will be unbeatable in this world
Politcs goes hand in hand with economics and military strength
vietcongs are so moronic. You are experts in trolling on forums, just like the indians

America will retain the sole superpower in Asia in this century. Japan has the potential to come back as the great power in Asia, competing with China for the second place. Unlike Chinese, the Japanese are much smarter as they know how to make friends and allies.

Vietnam would welcome Japan as the second winner. :-)

america has all the curses on itself
it will have another war with someone soon on its heels after obama
japan has increased its sales tax which will further dampens its hope for revival
their nuke plants will cause billion dollars to clean up and repair
japanese are not smarter. there are just far too many arseholes in this world who welcome their own war rapists, war pimps and the intoxicators of their own race
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Are you for real?

It is reckoned by pretty much everyone who knows anything about economics that China will be as rich as the West combined by 2030.

This level of economic power will allow them to build a military that will at least dominate the whole of Asia if they wanted to.
China economy is going down badly, its exporting is tumbling , its stock market is falling . Poor Chinese r just trying to survive during this hard time.

Dont forget that last winter, some Chinese kids frozen to death in trash bins due to lack of food and warm shelter .
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