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Sino-Russian alliance making Western analysts uneasy?

Did you even read the news you quoted ? Well here it is for your viewing pleasure.

"Among the abstentions were Afghanistan, China, India and Pakistan, as well many South American nations."
Its prove that Sino-Russian alliance never exist coz China didnt support Russia in Crime issue.
Its prove that Sino-Russian alliance never exist coz China didnt support Russia in Crime issue.

the 2 governments have already had dialogues before the UN resolutions on Crimea
Putin thanked China for our support
kids wont be able to understand
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China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.

Also the Russians don't like Chinese. They are feareful of China's rise because Russia took a lot of previously Chinese territory in Siberia.
Also the Russians don't like Chinese. They are feareful of China's rise because Russia took a lot of previously Chinese territory in Siberia.

Many times differences have to put aside before a vicious common enemy
americans fucked EU during the Ukraine and Crimea fiasco!
Russia has a big issue with Canada, usa and the nordic countries
Alaska is going back to Russia!
Many times differences have to put aside before a vicious common enemy
americans fucked EU during the Ukraine and Crimea fiasco!
Russia has a big issue with Canada, usa and the nordic countries
Alaska is going back to Russia!

China and Russia are only temporary allies. In the long term, Russia definitely doesn't see you as a friend. In fact, Russia perceives you as an enemy in the long run.
True to some extent, but now their own economies are too dependent (addicted) to cheap Chinese products, that imposing sanctions on China, would make their own economies nose dive.

China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.
Dadash, stop encouraging that *** clown atawolf. The guy's a diseased retard.

In any case, what he said and what you agreed to isn't even true in the slightest. China has an enormous economy and every decade they're reaching new highs. They're now a juggernaut and it will only be a matter of time till they surpass all EU states and the US in every field. They've already passed them in most fields.

China's main export markets are Western countries, true, but that has created a dependence on China as well. Without China, the globalized economy of the world would come to a halt. China has a very pragmatic foreign policy and it knows how to play different sides. The massive growth of the past 30 years has been b/c of their laid back attitude towards important foreign policy matters. With time they will start dictating their own will more and more. It's all about how and when you exert your will upon others and China does this better than anyone.

Really? Europe and American are too addicted to Chinese goods. Without Chinese goods, american and europe may suffer 100-200% inflation and world economic will turn upside down. I know you have a great jealousy against the success of China and like to badmouth her.

Basically, 90% of world pc is made in China and apple has their whole production plant in China(Foxconn). If they dont turn to China? They turn to who? India? :lol:

I can't believe you even give this ridiculous comment a thumb up? Are you living in self denial? :lol:
Ghara Khan only gave him a thumb up b/c ata is Turkish. Ghara is a smart guy, but his downfall is his soft spot for Turkish posters (most of which are actually great valuable posters, atawolf ain't one of them).

China and Russia are only temporary allies. In the long term, Russia definitely doesn't see you as a friend. In fact, Russia perceives you as an enemy in the long run.
What Russia thinks of China is irrelevant. China IS VASTLY more important than Russia in today's world and this importance will only grow in the coming decades b/c of two reasons:

1) China itself will continue its astronomical growth in every field; and

2) Asia will replace Europe and the Americas as the most important continent in terms of total economic power, total military power and total industrial output.

Russia doesn't wear the pants in this relationship, China does.
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Dadash, stop encouraging that *** clown atawolf. The guy's a diseased retard.

In any case, what he said and what you agreed to isn't even true in the slightest. China has an enormous economy and every decade they're reaching new highs. They're now a juggernaut and it will only be a matter of time till they surpass all EU states and the US in every field. They've already passed them in most fields.

China's main export markets are Western countries, true, but that has created a dependence on China as well. Without China, the globalized economy of the world would come to a halt. China has a very pragmatic foreign policy and it knows how to play different sides. The massive growth of the past 30 years has been b/c of their laid back attitude towards important foreign policy matters. With time they will start dictating their own will more and more. It's all about how and when you exert your will upon others and China does this better than anyone.

Ghara Khan only gave him a thumb up b/c ata is Turkish. Ghara is a smart guy, but his downfall is his soft spot for Turkish posters (most of which are actually great valuable posters, atawolf ain't one of them).

What Russia thinks of China is irrelevant. China IS VASTLY more important than Russia in today's world and this importance will only grow in the coming decades b/c of two reasons:

1) China itself will continue its astronomical growth in every field; and

2) Asia will replace Europe and the Americas as the most important continent in terms of total economic power, total military power and total industrial output.

Russia doesn't wear the pants in this relationship, China does.

No one will ever wear the pants in a relationship with Russia until Russia continues to possess thousands of nukes and a formidable military. Besides, Russia has the land. All they need is more people. I'm sure Russians can manage to increase their fertility rate if they really want to. Do not underestimate the Russian Bear. I'm saying this as a neutral person. I don't like either Russia or China.
Hmmm... I think EU is worried on any Russian attack.... :)

Also US might be hit by Chinese in Asian region.... huh!!!!
China and Russia are only temporary allies. In the long term, Russia definitely doesn't see you as a friend. In fact, Russia perceives you as an enemy in the long run.

that is only relative
China's relationship with russia can be calibrated to each other's comfort
they are not a long term friend with anyone - that include india and brazil
russians' biggest enemies is the usa for the long term, forever
so is China‘s
who splitted USSR up?
who engaged in cold war with USSR and it is doing it again?
russian's has tons of issues to settle with canada, usa, and the nordic countris if you know what I mean by repeating this again
We dont have issues with brazil nor canada
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No one will ever wear the pants in a relationship with Russia until Russia continues to possess thousands of nukes and a formidable military. Besides, Russia has the land. All they need is more people. I'm sure Russians can manage to increase their fertility rate if they really want to. Do not underestimate the Russian Bear. I'm saying this as a neutral person. I don't like either Russia or China.
Military might is only one factor and when it comes to nukes, China's got plenty as well.

When it comes to pragmatic and forward thinking foreign policy, China doesn't have too many equals in this world while Russia is more like a Middle Eastern country with its knee jerk reaction foreign policies. Russia also lacks a long-term vision while China views itself as a country that's yet to achieve even 10% of its potential. China is like a 21 year old Phd with a 200K/year job that's trying to achieve even greater things so he can become rich. Russia is like a depressed 55 year old balding man that used to have an amazing business that's now bankrupt.

Russia has zero chance to dictate anything to China. Also, as I said before, the future is in Asia's hands. With development and education comes logic and and drop in nationalism and petty competition between immediate neighbors (i.e. Europe). Asia is the largest continent with the most resources in the world, biggest share of the world's population and very soon the world's largest economy and strongest military. Asia will back China against any European and American nation. Don't look at the petty conflicts between different Asian countries today. The Future will see a much more united Asia with a vastly more educated and logical population.
Military might is only one factor and when it comes to nukes, China's got plenty as well.

When it comes to pragmatic and forward thinking foreign policy, China doesn't have too many equals in this world while Russia is more like a Middle Eastern country with its knee jerk reaction foreign policies. Russia also lacks a long-term vision while China views itself as a country that's yet to achieve even 10% of its potential. China is like a 21 year old Phd with a 200K/year job that's trying to achieve even greater things so he can become rich. Russia is like a depressed 55 year old balding man that used to have an amazing business that's now bankrupt.

Russia has zero chance to dictate anything to China. Also, as I said before, the future is in Asia's hands. With development and education comes logic and and drop in nationalism and petty competition between immediate neighbors (i.e. Europe). Asia is the largest continent with the most resources in the world, biggest share of the world's population and very soon the world's largest economy and strongest military. Asia will back China against any European and American nation. Don't look at the petty conflicts between different Asian countries today. The Future will see a much more united Asia with a vastly more educated and logical population.
Why Iranian support China when China reduce oil import from Iran to please US ??
China's Iran Oil Imports Drop Further
WAYNE MA in Beijing and
COLUM MURPHY in Shanghai
Nov. 21, 2012 8:46 a.m. ET
China's imports of Iranian crude oil are down by about one-fifth so far this year, a drop that puts the country in good position to avoid U.S. sanctions and head off a diplomatic row with Washington.

the 2 governments have already had dialogues before the UN resolutions on Crimea
Putin thanked China for our support
kids wont be able to understand
Support ??? Finnaly China didnt support .
China takes no sides on Ukraine crisis, Xi tells Europe

(Reuters) - President Xi Jinping said on Friday China would not take sides with the West or Russia over Ukraine, disappointing any hopes Beijing might add its weight to international pressure on Moscow for annexing Crimea.

China takes no sides on Ukraine crisis, Xi tells Europe| Reuters
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China is playing 2 faces policy. Russia never rely on China, but China wanna rely on Russia
Really? Europe and American are too addicted to Chinese goods. Without Chinese goods, american and europe may suffer 100-200% inflation and world economic will turn upside down. I know you have a great jealousy against the success of China and like to badmouth her.

Basically, 90% of world pc is made in China and apple has their whole production plant in China(Foxconn). If they dont turn to China? They turn to who? India? :lol:
Google the countries that will replace China. It is already determined who is going to take over from China

True to some extent, but now their own economies are too dependent (addicted) to cheap Chinese products, that imposing sanctions on China, would make their own economies nose dive.
not really. West is already moving production away from China. China is getting to old and without cheap workers it will nose dive while the west can just move production to another country.
Military might is only one factor and when it comes to nukes, China's got plenty as well.

When it comes to pragmatic and forward thinking foreign policy, China doesn't have too many equals in this world while Russia is more like a Middle Eastern country with its knee jerk reaction foreign policies. Russia also lacks a long-term vision while China views itself as a country that's yet to achieve even 10% of its potential. China is like a 21 year old Phd with a 200K/year job that's trying to achieve even greater things so he can become rich. Russia is like a depressed 55 year old balding man that used to have an amazing business that's now bankrupt.

Russia has zero chance to dictate anything to China. Also, as I said before, the future is in Asia's hands. With development and education comes logic and and drop in nationalism and petty competition between immediate neighbors (i.e. Europe). Asia is the largest continent with the most resources in the world, biggest share of the world's population and very soon the world's largest economy and strongest military. Asia will back China against any European and American nation. Don't look at the petty conflicts between different Asian countries today. The Future will see a much more united Asia with a vastly more educated and logical population.

Iran is also an future economic hotspot. Largest population in the Middle-East, Decently educated, has sufficient industrial base. Iranians are more open minded than Arabs as well. But to bad Iran is an theocracy.
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