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Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later

Such translations of otherwise inaccessible work would be welcome - more than welcome. Please go ahead: we are waiting with expectation.

You're welcome, Sir.

I might finish translating tonight. Man it's a long article. I translated around 5k words now and just got 2/3 done. I will post it as a seperated topic. Looking forwards to all of PDF mems comments.

Please accept my advanced thanks for your translation work, @xesy .
I would disagree.

China has gone through ups and downs in his lengthy history. Sino-Japanese war is only a blink of time among his effort to engage or conquer the outsiders. Japanese are not even an outsider of his sphere.

That said, the conflict with the West would be the main theme of modern China, from 1700 till now and going forward when the American empire finanally fades out of history.
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Don't forget, Qing empire unlike the Ming they had a policy to opening and promoting trade and export for their commodities to the so called barbarian countries from the South in which at the times has been heavily invested if not conquered by European power. Made me wonder why the Qing who know about what happened outside of their world including the war, destruction, enlightenment, industrial prowess, and the advancement technologies the European brings still idle with their own idea of universe and world politics.

I am quite sure, in the time spaning between 1680 into 1800 the central government of Qing empire is have much authority , times, and wealth to finance any research and and modernization programme for their army but they prefer not to. Instead they more prefer to use their resources to built a lot of monumental tasks, palaces, to held a grandiose party among nobles and Royal courts.
The foreign forces weren't a real threat to the Qing. It was internal threat from uprising that cause Qing to divert large amount of resources to fight. However, we do have limit skirmish with foreign power, mainly the Dutch and Tsardom Russia. What people don't know is that the Qing defeated Tsardom Russia and got land concession in the Treaty of Nerchinsk. Beyond that, it was just prosperity in the 1st half of the Qing existence. There is just no need to advance our weaponry. The Qing did fascinated with Western tech during those West missioner visitation but never thought they would came later to conquer Asia. It was more thought of peaceful trade with the West until they showed aggression and it was too late for us.
Nishinshensso 1894-1895
(日清戦争 1894–1895)

I. Sensu No Teikoku Sengen - The Imperial Japanese Declaration of War

We, by the Grace of Heaven, Emperor of Japan, seated on the Throne occupied by the same Dynasty from time immemorial, do hereby make proclamation to all Our loyal and brave subjects as follows:-
We hereby declare war against China, and we command each and all our competent authorities, in obedience to our wish and with a view to the attainment of the national aim, to carry on hostilities by sea and by land against China, with all the means at their disposal, consistently with the Law of Nations. "During the past three decades of our reign our constant aim has been to further the peaceful progress of the country in civilization; and, being sensible of the evils inseparable from complications with foreign States, it has always been our pleasure to instruct our Minister of State to labour for the promotion of friendly relations with our Treaty Powers. We are gratified to know that the relations of our Empire with those Powers have yearly increased in goodwill and in friendship. Under the circumstances, we were unprepared for such a conspicuous want of amity and of good faith as has been manifested by China in her conduct towards this country in connection with the Korean affair.

Korea is an independent State. She was first introduced into the family of nations by the advice and guidance of Japan. It has, however, been China's habit to designate Korea as her dependency, and both openly and secretly to interfere with her domestic affairs. At the time of the recent insurrection in Korea, China despatched troops thither, alleging that her purpose was to afford a succor to her dependent State. We, in virtue of the treaty concluded with Korea in 1882, and looking to possible emergencies, caused a military force to be sent to that country.

Wishing to procure for Korea freedom from the calamity of perpetual disturbance, and thereby to maintain the peace of the East in general, Japan invited China's co-operation for the accomplishment of the object. But China, advancing various pretexts, declined Japan's proposal. Thereupon Japan advised Korea to reform her administration so that order and tranquility might be preserved at home, and so that the country might be able to discharge the responsibilities and duties of an independent State abroad. Korea has already consented to undertake the task. But China has secretly and insidiously endeavored to circumvent and to thwart Japan's purpose. She has further procrastinated and endeavored to make warlike preparations both on land and at sea. When those preparations were completed she not only sent large reinforcements to Korea, with a view to the forcible attainment of her ambitious designs, but even carried her arbitrariness and insolence to the extent of opening fire upon our ships in Korean waters. China's plain object is to make it uncertain where the responsibility resides of preserving peace and order in Korea, and not only to weaken the position of that state in the family of nations- a position obtained for Korea through Japan's efforts-but also to obscure the significance of the treaties recognizing and confirming that position. Such conduct on the part of China is not only a direct injury to the rights and interests of this Empire, but also a menace to the permanent peace and tranquility of the Orient. Judging from her actions it must be concluded that China from the beginning has been bent upon sacrificing peace to the attainment of her sinister object. In this situation, ardent as our wish is to promote the prestige of the country abroad by strictly peaceful methods, we find it impossible to avoid a formal declaration of war against China. It is our earnest wish that, by the loyalty and valour of our faithful subjects, peace may soon be permanently restored and the glory of the Empire be augmented and completed.

Given this 1st day of the eighth month of the 27th year of Meiji



Manchus dominated Han,
Japanese dominated Manchus,
USA defeated Japanese, free Han people,
Han people killed each other.
Finally PRC found alongside with ROC
It is your Marine in your so called “stranded” landing ship on China's Renai Shoal since 1999. Though they look more like refugees, they are actual military men. We permitted your temporary stay request for the sake of humanism, but then you never leave since then!
I just could hardly imagine any other countries in the world to be that shameless to play this little disgusting trick. And now how dare you accused China of abusing force?Pull back your invading troops first!
Call us shameless, it doesn't really bother us. We do what we can, even intentionally grounding an old navy ship in OUR own territory, to protect it from foreign aggressors. Like any civilized nation, we tried to seek for UN arbitration but somehow the other party didn't want to be involved in it.
Call us shameless, it doesn't really bother us. We do what we can, even intentionally grounding an old navy ship in OUR own territory, to protect it from foreign aggressors. Like any civilized nation, we tried to seek for UN arbitration but somehow the other party didn't want to be involved in it.
Did they US resolve territorial dispute with their neighbor through arbitration? They put a gun into the head and tell them to accept or fukc off. We are more generous by far, allowing to settle bilaterally but you want more and think you can play equal with us.
Call us shameless, it doesn't really bother us. We do what we can, even intentionally grounding an old navy ship in OUR own territory, to protect it from foreign aggressors. Like any civilized nation, we tried to seek for UN arbitration but somehow the other party didn't want to be involved in it.

And to this day, the Chinese will not or-- CANNOT-- remove or eject the Filipinos from the BRP Sierra Madre. Because if there is an attack on the Filipino marines, it will force the United States to enact the MDT. If American is involved, JAPAN will involve itself militarily.

The Philippines has long been a strategic interest for Japan. It was a strategic interest for us in WWII, and to this day, is also a strategic interest. The safety of the Philippines -- and its closeness to Japan is part of our own strategy and interest.
Did they US resolve territorial dispute with their neighbor through arbitration? They put a gun into the head and tell them to accept or fukc off. We are more generous by far, allowing to settle bilaterally but you want more and think you can play equal with us.
What we want is what is rightfully ours according to the law of the seas, nothing more nothing less. You say you have proof of ownership, then why not go to the UN court in which you are part of and prove the world wrong? Oh please, so are you going to point your guns to our heads if we don't leave? I can't wait when that happens really.
What we want is what is rightfully ours according to the law of the seas, nothing more nothing less. You say you have proof of ownership, then why not go to the UN court in which you are part of and prove the world wrong? Oh please, so are you going to point your guns to our heads if we don't leave? I can't wait when that happens really.
I said again. The US can have islands hundred of thousand of miles away, then no reason we cannot do the same. These inhabited islands are free for anyone to take since nobody lives there. The ownership depends on the size of your gun. We are tired of arguing on historical reference since no sides respect each other on historical claim and rightfulness. As for going to the UN court to resolve territorial dispute. We would like to remind our international friends that the international norm to resolve territorial dispute had always been bilateral settlement. There is no law whatsoever that dictate a country should go to the UN court. It is completely up to the individual party's willingness to go or not. We simply don't see the need to go to the UN to waste time when we see better, mutual beneficial outcome, a win-win situation, not a zero-sum game to resolve territorial dispute.
Japanese ever used Southeast Asia countries as bases to block China during WW2

Not China, they never had a force that we considered a threat.

I said again. The US can have islands hundred of thousand of miles away, then no reason we cannot do the same. These inhabited islands are free for anyone to take since nobody lives there. The ownership depends on the size of your gun. We are tired of arguing on historical reference since no sides respect each other on historical claim and rightfulness. As for going to the UN court to resolve territorial dispute. We would like to remind our international friends that the international norm to resolve territorial dispute had always been bilateral settlement. There is no law whatsoever that dictate a country should go to the UN court. It is completely up to the individual party's willingness to go or not. We simply don't see the need to go to the UN to waste time when we see better, mutual beneficial outcome, a win-win situation, not a zero-sum game to resolve territorial dispute.

No matter how loud you scream, no matter how you protest, you cannot. No one in the world community recognizes the 9 dash claim.
No matter how loud you scream, no matter how you protest, you cannot. No one in the world community recognizes the 9 dash claim.
If you don't recognizes our 9-dash claim? Why do you care what we claim or put in our official map? LOL
If you don't recognizes our 9-dash claim? Why do you care what we claim or put in our official map? LOL

We care because Japan is understanding of the concerns of our friends in South East Asia. As a big brother would care for its younger brothers. Don't you know Confucian teachings of family bond and support? lol
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