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Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later

we don't even consider Japan as china's enemy as they are not qualified to be one anymore, they can do whatever they want and we don't give a fly, we will sell them DF-41 if they wish, and dare them to attack china again.

Japan and China are bros, genetically and culturely. They should join other nations to build a more properous world. it's their mission and mission of all nations.

The planned canal that would bankrupt Singapore as no ship will pass through there anymore. Thailand might create one of the most important ports in the world.
That's why we aim to build port there so we can protect our asset. We will be the one to build the Kra Isthmus Canal.
Japan and China are bros, genetically and culturely. They should join other nations to build a more properous world. it's their mission and mission of all nations.
i would like to, if they can truly, sincerely apologise for what they have done in the past like german, i see no reason we, east asian countries( korea, china, japan) shouldn't corporate with each other, but they are now too arrogant, maybe because they are addicted to their 100 years of glory which is just a blink of eye in human history, and they are desperately seeking to stop china's rise which is very natural thing. and no, we don't actually care whether they apologise or not:D, its meaningless for us, the problem with japan is that they are on the very wrong side.
i guess to gain respect from country like Japan, the only way is to beat them into ground, humiliate them.
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Not all Japanese has such a negative feeling towards China, if people close to me represent even a fraction of Japanese people.

As an observer I commend what China has done over the last decades in Africa and other remote areas in the earth. They help the weak link of human civilization and brought the most dated tech to the most backward region. This is way honorable than Japan's "strategic" help to these nations as you mentioned.

There was the time the US, Japan and other advanced nations devoted to the same cause and I don't see they are doing the same today, all because of hatred and jealousy against a rising nation such as China. The US allocates all availble resources to "Contain China" "Asia Pivot" and lot what he is supposed to help rot in hunger and deseases. The United States of America lost their Pride and Justice long ago.

We are living in a damned world. The US has been waging wars in Afgainstan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Kosovo and maintain peace in Palestanian and look at what these countries and their people has been through.
Yes, today China is the main driver in global economic growth. The hard working Chinese worker has help raised the world living standard, especially to the poor of the world.

Not only that, China merely existing as a counter weight against the existing powers would help the poor nations of the world.

Witness the recent unprecedented U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, which is no doubt in response to China increasing influence in Africa. Brussel and Japan has also hold such leaders summit that is first pioneer by China.

Witness also Japan's Abe "the stalker" that follow China footstep step by step in visiting countries around the world, no doubt making counter offer to vie for influence.

China is pioneering new model in diplomacy with the developing nations. There is a competitor in town, gone are the days when the west could act without impunity. Because China could offer an alternative that poor nation could use as a leverage for bargaining with the west.

A strong China could force the existing powers to be more fair to the poor nations of the world. That is the beauty of the multi-polar world.
Not all Japanese has such a negative feeling towards China, if people close to me represent even a fraction of Japanese people.

As an observer I commend what China has done over the last decades in Africa and other remote areas in the earth. They help the weak link of human civilization and brought the most dated tech to the most backward region. This is way honorable than Japan's "strategic" help to these nations as you mentioned.

There was the time the US, Japan and other advanced nations devoted to the same cause and I don't see they are doing the same today, all because of hatred and jealousy against a rising nation such as China. The US allocates all availble resources to "Contain China" "Asia Pivot" and lot what he is supposed to help rot in hunger and deseases. The United States of America lost their Pride and Justice long ago.

We are living in a damned world. The US has been waging wars in Afgainstan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Kosovo and maintain peace in Palestanian and look at what these countries and their people has been through.

I have nothing against Chinese people, what I do have an issue with is the brazen attitude of the Chinese Government. For obvious reasons.

Japan and China are bros, genetically and culturely. They should join other nations to build a more properous world. it's their mission and mission of all nations.

I agree. Japan and China have cultural similarities. However, cultural similarities does not predict national identity and loyalty. Let me take for example the nations of historic Anglo-Saxon linkages. The United Kingdom, Canada, The United States, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand et al. These nations all speak English, had one time in their history a distinct British cultural factor, and were all, at one time, part of the British Empire, and are majority-wise of the Protestant Christian faith. Like the mother country-- Great Britain. However, since independence and through time, these nations developed their own unique identities, own geopolicies, and their own concept of manifest destinies.

Japan , tho never was part of China, was always uniquely Japanese. We had , of course, borrowed from Chinese unique traits that we recognize: Confucian culture, Kanji (Hanzi) characters, however, we have our own uniquely Yamato attributes. Japan is like a stratified rock; there are many , many layers to the identity that is Japanese.
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I have nothing against Chinese people, what I do have an issue with is the brazen attitude of the Chinese Government. For obvious reasons.

I agree. Japan and China have cultural similarities. However, cultural similarities does not predict national identity and loyalty. Let me take for example the nations of historic Anglo-Saxon linkages. The United Kingdom, Canada, The United States, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand et al. These nations all speak English, had one time in their history a distinct British cultural factor, and were all, at one time, part of the British Empire, and are majority-wise of the Protestant Christian faith. Like the mother country-- Great Britain. However, since independence and through time, these nations developed their own unique identities, own geopolicies, and their own concept of manifest destinies.

Japan , tho never was part of China, was always uniquely Japanese. We had , of course, borrowed from Chinese unique traits that we recognize: Confucian culture, Kanji (Hanzi) characters, however, we have our own uniquely Yamato attributes. Japan is like a stratified rock; there are many , many layers to the identity that is Japanese.

so why Mr. Abe PM of Japan now, he would like that Japan will play a major role in maintaining regional security, a departure from the passiveness it has displayed since World War II.
so why Mr. Abe PM of Japan now, he would like that Japan will play a major role in maintaining regional security, a departure from the passiveness it has displayed since World War II.

Yes, sure. As the 3rd largest economy in the world, and with over 7,300 Japanese businesses (most of whom are multi-billion dollar corporations) all around ASEAN, which is Japan's 2nd largest trading partner, it is only practical to be involved in the security and stability of the ASEAN region. Over $3 Trillion of Japanese shipping passes through the SCS every year. This is why we will defend the freedom of navigation.

What happens in ASEAN directly affects Japan.
If China takes all of south china sea, it will be a great threat to Japan as almost all of Japan's shipping lane passes through that area.

Indonesia and Singapore will be the most affected ones, almost all of our shipping line dependent on Freedom of Navigation in South China Sea.
China : Mine ! Mine ! Mine !

We all know that Japanese ADIZ stayed there for decades without any issue.
It's newly created Chinese ADIZ cause issue.

China even call Japanese violated their newly created ADIZ, while what they doing is violate Japanese historic ADIZ.

SCS peaceful there, until China painted an imaginary of dashed line and start to isolate everything inside that line by force.
An India warship has a port call to Da Nang, and when they headed out of the port, they get the alert of Chinese "you are violating Chinese territory" so funny. The reason, Chinese surrounded neighbors by their beaches ...

They blamed others violated their newly created dashed line, while they doing is violate historic navigating sea routes.

That is what China said respect others.
China : Mine ! Mine ! Mine !

We all know that Japanese ADIZ stayed there for decades without any issue.
It's newly created Chinese ADIZ cause issue.

China even call Japanese violated their newly created ADIZ, while what they doing is violate Japanese historic ADIZ.

SCS peaceful there, until China painted an imaginary of dashed line and start to isolate everything inside that line by force.
An India warship has a port call to Da Nang, and when they headed out of the port, they get the alert of Chinese "you are violating Chinese territory" so funny. The reason, Chinese surrounded neighbors by their beaches ...

They blamed others violated their newly created dashed line, while they doing is violate historic navigating sea routes.

That is what China said respect others.

Correct. We are puzzled at their almost bipolar policies.
China does not need to respect any nation that does not have 3000 nuclear warheads and hypersonic strike vehicle WU-14. You have a problem with that we will extinguish your people from the planet.
China does not need to respect any nation that does not have 3000 nuclear warheads and hypersonic strike vehicle WU-14. You have a problem with that we will extinguish your people from the planet.

Big fish swallow small fish ?
China should leave the seat at UNSC to another.
Big fish swallow small fish ?
China should leave the seat at UNSC to another.
Platform 981 is just the beginning. The oil extraction starts this year.

When we are done with you Viets you will be split into at least two countries fighting a civil war spraying each other with agent orange and all the ladies will flee to China for safety.
Platform 981 is just the beginning. The oil extraction starts this year.

When we are done with you Viets you will be split into at least two countries fighting a civil war spraying each other with agent orange and all the ladies will flee to China for safety.

All of your posts have no other purpose but promoting war, separatism, insulting.
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