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Sindhi Pashtun RIOT in KARACHI

Oh last time I heard of him
wasn't he in Houston celebrating chand raat lol?
Ya. He lives in sugarLand area near Houston. There is Muslim NRI’s President of BJP from Mumbai, who usually host MQM and like minded folks in his restaurants in sugar Land/ Houston area.
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Nothing of this sort was happening three months ago. This thing will happen when your personal interest gets priority over National interest.
Indian news anchors and internet bots would be starting another "Civil War" in Pakistan shortly....

I think we at PDF need to again get our troll kits ready.

Meanwhile, a Pakistani SSBN on its way to the rioting incident
images (29).jpeg

PAF preparing strikes by F16 block 80 aircraft.
Walk me through this, they turned anti Punjabi because fouj removed their dear leader who also happens to be punjabi, speaks punjabi, lives in Punjab and can't speak a word of pashto🙄🤔

Niazis are Pashtun! Contrary to popular misheld belief the vast majority of the Niazi do speak Pashto, only a small percentage don’t. Pashtun that know their own history will understand that the situation Niazi are in today is because they have been a key part of Afghan and Pashtun history. They were at the forefront of Afghan/Pashtun expansion into India. When Afghan rule diminished over India, the Niazis instead of fading into obscurity decided to become an integral part of the new Mughal empire and held many of the high ranking positions.
When times are (economically) tough, these ethnic fault lines become exaggerated and there is a tendency to find someone external (other ethnicity) to blame (a form of xenophobia). This happens everywhere on the planet. Part of the human condition. I am not surprised that this happened. The trigger is just an excuse. The underlying desperation and cut throat rat race in the people is the real reason they are at each other's throats.
we are back to 80s and 90s eh? at that time it was Muhajir vs Pushtun and Sindhis
So what?
Taliban got power because they told people they were fighting for Islam and they united many Uzbek, Turkmen, Baloch and Tajik factions because of Islam. If they too stray away from Islam they will collapse.


Taliban is from Kandahar, Afghanistan has had a myriad of ethnic wars. Taliban was far from Islamic they were just fellow Pashtuns who used Islam to fight the others.

NDS at one point was 75% Tajik.

Where were you for the past 4 years ? FATA is KP....

FATA is non existent but it is a cultural area. Same applies to Potohar plateau and "Saraikistan".

They aren't existent but are all cultural indicators.

What Pathans are doing with Sindhis in balouchistan is no one criticizing

Sindhis don't live in Balochistan 😂

The way Sindh police and Punjab police treat peaceful Baloch protestors are appalling.
So Niazi are OR are not Pashtuns depending on how you view Pashtun identity. From ancestry they are Pashtuns

Hope it helps.
There's this video-sharing platform based in the US called World Star Hipho. Whenever there is a violent altercation, bystanders film it and yell "world star!" which means they intend to upload it online to the website. I just translated it to Urdu since whatever is going on is taking place in Pakistan.

WorldStarHipHop is no more now. Its not what it used to be.

The insta page would just post nude people and no fighting videos. Leading to its downfall.

Taliban is from Kandahar, Afghanistan has had a myriad of ethnic wars. Taliban was far from Islamic they were just fellow Pashtuns who used Islam to fight the others.

NDS at one point was 75% Tajik.

FATA is non existent but it is a cultural area. Same applies to Potohar plateau and "Saraikistan".

They aren't existent but are all cultural indicators.

Sindhis don't live in Balochistan 😂

The way Sindh police and Punjab police treat peaceful Baloch protestors are appalling.
Sindhis are mixed from Balochistan to Sindh. He has a point.

Don’t forget hazara community that was forced to flee from Afghanistan inhumane cruelty to seek protection in Pakistan.

As for racial discrimination, this could be argued as gen war initiated by enemy’s funded elements to break Pakistan apart. Don’t fall for the trap. And stay united.
seraikis only sing sad songs because seraiki is more slower and melodic than Punjabi.
that's a recipe for a sad life mate no wonder yall carry that permanent sad face everywhere
its like a stereotype about sarakis we have in the north- that yall are born with sad faces

all of the Pakistani groups just make the same kinda, slow, sad songs,
I dont know why but all you nibbas do this on repeat - pashto, balochi, saraki,Gilgiti, Brohi same style of songs but with different instruments and languages - sindhi songs are a bit different though

I dont know why yall are so sad ? whats going on in your areas? is everything fine?

our song are fun, have energy that makes you wanna get up and dance or hit the gym :lol:

average northern chad

average sad face southerner (JK I love Attaullah, he is the GOAT)
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Sindhis are mixed from Balochistan to Sindh. He has a point.

Don’t forget hazara community that was forced to flee from Afghanistan inhumane cruelty to seek protection in Pakistan.

Zardari said in an interview his mother toungue is Saraiki

Also hazara community aren't even involved in this why do people bring them up for oppression points?
Zardari said in an interview his mother toungue is Saraiki

Also hazara community aren't even involved in this why do people bring them up for oppression points?
To make points about racial discrimination? The point is everyone went equal rights in minority-populated land while do the opposite in majority-populated land.
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