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Sindhi Pashtun RIOT in KARACHI

And Punjabi is not an official language in Punjab (let alone Pakistan) even today despite the fact that it's the mother tongue of almost half of the inhabitants of this country.

Quite ironically, you can get you NADRA ID card is Sindhi language from Lahore, but not in Punjabi

Back in our school days, we used to have 3 mediums; English Medium, Urdu Medium and Sindhi Medium .. No such mediums for Punjabis, Pashtuns and others

Why are Sindhis and Sindh special ?

Why this misplaced sense of entitlement?

Sindhi is official on a provincial level alongside Urdu and English. As far as I am aware Punjabi is recognized as an official language on a provincial level (within Punjab) as well so there is really no difference between Sindhi and Punjabi in terms of official status within Pakistan.

I am all for Pashto, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Saraiki, Hindko, Brahui, Kashmiri etc. being recognized as official languages of Pakistan.

I understand that Urdu was chosen as the language/medium of inter-ethnic communication for historical/political reasons (we know why and how that occurred) while the role and cause of English is also well-known.

BTW, the reason why Sindh has a substantial amount of Sindhi nationalists is mainly due to the history of the province post-1947 and the controversies that followed, in the eyes of the locals, with mainly mass-migration being the main point of contention and economic/business factors.

Anyway I am neither a Pashtun or Sindhi nationalist or chauvinist and I understand the grievances of all ethnic groups in Pakistan because most of those grievances are shared by all Pakistanis. I don't believe that Sindhis or Pashtuns or Punjabis etc. are special anymore than all Pakistanis and all of Pakistan's ethnic groups being special.
so wait Pakistani were thanking Jinnah for Pakistan and not living in India for all the communal violence's

now they having the worst communal violence in the country lol never change Pakistan :woot:
Agreed ... Punjabis voluntarily gave up their identity, and even language to forge a new all-inclusive Pakistani identity

But in the end, Khuda hi mila na Visal e Sanam

Punjabi remains the most spoken native language of Pakistan. Non-Punjabis in Pakistan are not stopping/preventing Punjabis from protecting their language or limiting its use. No community in Pakistan can claim that any community in Pakistan is preventing the preservation of their native tongues IMO.

Maybe ground realities are different within Pakistan, I have no idea as someone that lives abroad and only visits a few times each year.
As far as I am aware Punjabi is recognized as an official language on a provincial level (within Punjab) as well so there is really no difference between Sindhi and Punjabi in terms of official status within Pakistan.

No Sir, that unfortunately is not the case. Punjabi is not recognized as an official language in Pakistani Punjab. We only have English and Urdu as official languages. Agree with the rest of your post
so wait Pakistani were thanking Jinnah for Pakistan and not living in India for all the communal violence's

now they having the worst communal violence in the country lol never change Pakistan :woot:

What kind of stupid and ignorant comment is that? A few incidents (so far with only 1 death - which started the whole mess) and you are talking about "the worst communal violence in the country"?

It is incomparable to the long-held Indian tradition of actual communal violence. Give me a break and quit the stupid trolling.
so wait Pakistani were thanking Jinnah for Pakistan and not living in India for all the communal violence's

now they having the worst communal violence in the country lol never change Pakistan
Where's the decapitations and killings of unborn babies? Ruckus= worst communal violence in the country
No Sir, that unfortunately is not the case. Punjabi is not recognized as an official language in Pakistani Punjab. We only have English and Urdu as official languages. Agree with the rest of your post

Is that really the case? Well, as I wrote, nothing stops (as in nothing I am here referring to non-Punjabi Pakistanis) the Punjab Assembly from declaring Punjabi (rightfully in my eyes) as the official language of Punjab. Is this the work of PLMN or what is the cause for such a strange decision? Basically every other province that I know of has recognized their (main) native languages.

But it can be discussed if it has any meaning in practice as I assume that Punjabi continues to be the main language spoken in Punjab by locals regardless of whether Punjabi has an official status within Punjab province.

Anyway as a last comment, I think that it is crucial to make it brutally clear for every Pakistani that we are all interconnected and if you dig deeper into your ancestry/background most Pakistanis will realize that they have ethnic/regional/linguistic ties to almost all groups within Pakistan. I mean both of my sides have distant ties to Punjab (including relatives to this day) and all native ethnic groups of Pakistan share far, far more in common than the opposite. Our diversity should be a strength, not a weakness. It should be celebrated but chauvinism should never be encouraged.

I look at Sindh (due to its diverse population and history) as a small version/mirror of Pakistan with every main ethnic group living in Sindh and with almost every native Sindhi having ancestral/some kind of ties to Baloch, Punjabis, Pashtuns, Seraikis etc. Add the Muhajir community too. Even the often forgotten Sheedis in the case of Sindh. So if Sindh is lost (in this regard) all of Pakistan will be. That is why such ethnic riots must be prevented at all costs and stopped as quickly as possible if even the smallest incident occurs.
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Is that really the case? Well, as I wrote, nothing stops (as in nothing I am here referring to non-Punjabi Pakistanis) the Punjab Assembly from declaring Punjabi (rightfully in my eyes) as the official language of Punjab. Is this the work of PLMN or what is the cause for such a strange decision? Basically every other province that I know of has recognized their (main) native languages.

But it can be discussed if it has any meaning in practice as I assume that Punjabi continues to be the main language spoken in Punjab by locals regardless of whether Punjabi has an official status within Punjab province.

Punjabi was neither given any official status nor implemented in education sector after the creation of Pakistan.

First it was Liaquat Ali and his cronies in Punjab who imposed Urdu and opposed Punjabi and later on Ayub Khan outright banned organizations working for promotion of the Punjabi language and declared them 'anti-national'.

Yes, PMLN (Islami Jamhoori Itehad back then) too is responsible as they discarded a resolution moved by opposition to declare Punjabi as the official language when they were in government in the early 1990s. But as @Sainthood 101 stated earlier, we have no one to blame but ourselves. It's the elite that looks down upon Punjabi as an indecent language. This is a lengthy topic and we may discuss it some other time on a more relevant thread
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Isn’t it a co incidence that mr Babur Ghuari has landed in Pakistan and now Karachi and sindh is bk to its old days . What a fucking bastard this Bajwa is . When is there is no justice than people take law into their own hand . For how long they will kill Pakistani people for their own benefits
Isn’t it a co incidence that mr Babur Ghuari has landed in Pakistan and now Karachi and sindh is bk to its old days . What a fucking bastard this Bajwa is . When is there is no justice than people take law into their own hand . For how long they will kill Pakistani people for their own benefits
Oh last time I heard of him
wasn't he in Houston celebrating chand raat lol?
Najeeb fans and Immi fans act the same- My brother
Najib will one day stand before Allah and so will you ror jaana.

Support your nation, remember that you are a Pakistani, your forefathers made a pledge towards Pakistan. You must look into your heart and ask yourself if you want this nation of yours destroyed? @Behram Khilji must look into his heart as well.

Make right today but address the wrongs of yesterday. We Afghans saw our own children die in the streets because of warlords, do you want the same for your nation? Do you want the same your nation?

Promote unity brother, how will you answer Allah on that day when it won’t matter if you were Pashtun?
Najib will one day stand before Allah and so will you ror jaana.

Support your nation, remember that you are a Pakistani, your forefathers made a pledge towards Pakistan. You must look into your heart and ask yourself if you want this nation of yours destroyed? @Behram Khilji must look into his heart as well.

Make right today but address the wrongs of yesterday. We Afghans saw our own children die in the streets because of warlords, do you want the same for your nation? Do you want the same your nation?

Promote unity brother, how will you answer Allah on that day when it won’t matter if you were Pashtun?
Welcome back bro.
I think I hope it’s not true but with balochistan insurgency and now unrest in sindh isn’t it a perfect recipe to impose Martial law

By creating such situations in country where you make it look that there is so much uncertainty in country
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