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Sindhi Pashtun RIOT in KARACHI

I hope this end soon otherwise it may involve other ethnicities ....
Come on fellows, it is the MILITARY AGENCIES IN ACTION AGAIN !! The usual divide and conquer tactics, and the usual ethnic card, THE USUAL DIVERSION TACTICS used by these agencies. This is nothing new - it has been happening since 1947 !! Pakistan people need to wake up and realize who the REAL SNAKE is !
Some posters were calling murdered Sindhi man ethnic nationalist party's activist but Facebook account sa wo nationalist nahi lagta. Cover photo on his account is of some rally with Pakistani flags and he also has selfies with mqm leader mustafa kamal koi Sindhi nationalist to uskay selfies share nahi karay ga and few political posts are against demolition of some homes or shops by government
Account name is bilal kaka
He was a drunk but nationalist was probably propoganda to malign the man
Come on fellows, it is the MILITARY AGENCIES IN ACTION AGAIN !! The usual divide and conquer tactics, and the usual ethnic card, THE USUAL DIVERSION TACTICS used by these agencies. This is nothing new - it has been happening since 1947 !! Pakistan people need to wake up and realize who the REAL SNAKE is !
indeed !
This is the real face of Pakistan. Its criminal and corrupt army is busy polishing the boots of the Americans. Its politicians are busy looting the wealth of the people. Its people are busy killing and murdering each other. We Pashtun don't want to be part of Pakistan anymore. This project called Pakistan has failed.

It is better for Sindhis and Punjabis to form the entity called Pakistan. Since both provinces are always power hungry they may live with each other. The rest should be allowed to make up their own minds.
Racism xenophobia against other ethnic groups is not state's fault. This is peoples doing.
Thee people with xenophobic tendencies will always do the same whether they are part of Pakistan or not.

If Sindhis think expelling pashtoons is a solution then it is only a matter of time they will turn to mohajirs and other ethnic groups. How will they take it if the same is done to Sindhis on other parts of Pakistan.
This is the real face of Pakistan. Its criminal and corrupt army is busy polishing the boots of the Americans. Its politicians are busy looting the wealth of the people. Its people are busy killing and murdering each other. We Pashtun don't want to be part of Pakistan anymore. This project called Pakistan has failed.

It is better for Sindhis and Punjabis to form the entity called Pakistan. Since both provinces are always power hungry they may live with each other. The rest should be allowed to make up their own minds.

Come on bro, your a respected member. We all are Pakistanis and Pakistan belongs to the people, not the the corrupt elite/establishment. I always blame it on the people, if only they stick together then noone can harm or divide us but they themselves are corrupt, they fall for the fitna created by the ruling elite.
this country is imploding in economy/politics/ethnic tensions, well on your way to becoming a failed state, Jinnah would be proud, the boys played well, tea was fantastic! :pakistan:

Pakistan will survive, India is a communal shithole of mass hatred

Partition is happening on the ground in India as we speak, of Kashmir to khalistan to west Bengal to Kerala to western UP to Hyderabad movement is happening for partition again
this country is imploding in economy/politics/ethnic tensions, well on your way to becoming a failed state, Jinnah would be proud, the boys played well, tea was fantastic! :pakistan:

india is imploding in a way that is more than 10000× worst than. Pakistan. india has no money to feed or look after it's people. Over 4 million indians dead from covid-19 in 2020/21. india has the highest number of acutely malnourished and growth stunted people in the world. india is also the biggest beggar in the world as it is the biggest recipient of american aid.......... :azn::

been listening to that tune about India since the late 50's. reality is that it is your state which was dismembered in 71' and will most likely disintegrate to just Punjab soon enough.

india was dismembered on August the 14th 1947 when it lost over 35% of it's territory in the creation of Pakistan........... :azn:
been listening to that tune about India since the late 50's. reality is that it is your state which was dismembered in 71' and will most likely disintegrate to just Punjab soon enough.

Yaar Bangladesh is a Muslim state as per partition, how many millions of Hindus were slaughtered then and since by the Bengalis themselves????

You can see the division and hatred in India right in front of you

You can see the partition happening across India

Hindutva is our biggest weapon against India and it has created a situation that will tear India apart
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