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Simultaneous visits of army officers of Bangladesh and Pakistan to China

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Military Strategy

The simultaneous visits of senior army officers of Bangladesh and Pakistan to China is being watched very keenly by the Indian military brass. On Tuesday, a top Bangladeshi army officer, Lt Gen Abdul Wadud, who is the Principal Staff Officer of the Bangladesh Army, met several top military leaders in Beijing. On the same day, Lt. General Waheed Arshad, Chief of General Staff of the Pakistan Army, also met the same set of Chinese leaders in Beijing. While the agenda of the meetings has not been disclosed, both Pakistan and Bangladesh source a major chunk of their arms from China. What has raised eyebrows is that these meetings come barely weeks after an Indian delegation visited China to restore military ties after almost a year of thaw following the controversy over the denial of visa to a top Indian General.

Unique Request - Indian Express

It just could be coincidence. Unlike the tigers in Pakistan, I don't think Bangladeshi army has enough Islamic blood to oppose Bharti dominance otherwise how can they support and protect a government that has no other intentions but make Bharti happy. Awami government should have been ousted long ago if Bangladeshi army was true to Islam and Bangladesh.

Call me pessimist but I lost hope.
It just could be coincidence. Unlike the tigers in Pakistan, I don't think Bangladeshi army has enough Islamic blood to oppose Bharti dominance otherwise how can they support and protect a government that has no other intentions but make Bharti happy. Awami government should have been ousted long ago if Bangladeshi army was true to Islam and Bangladesh.

Call me pessimist but I lost hope.

Is it People's Republic of Bangladesh or Islamic republic of Bangladesh?
Tigers of Pakistan...Dragons of China .....and something of Bangladesh....Oh Yea right.
:butcher: .. . .. .. . . .

Bhai I am frustrated. The reason I called them tigers because Bharti is no factor in their country unlike in ours. I am getting sick and tired of these Bharti politician coming and dictating our ways of life. You must be frustrated as well. Yet our army is quiet and irrelevant.
Bhai I am frustrated. The reason I called them tigers because Bharti is no factor in their country unlike in ours. I am getting sick and tired of these Bharti politician coming and dictating our ways of life. You must be frustrated as well. Yet our army is quiet and irrelevant.

you cant fight untill you are prepared.. You are an Islamist. You know it very well. Our Prophet (sm) went to medina to avoid collision leaving his motherland. our army knows it very well... It cant fight india untill it is prepared... Look at our close defence relation with china.. Do you think it is coincidence??? No. It is long term military planning to counter India... Army cant take power right now... Because they don't want to lose UN JOBS.. They need the money to modernize our weapons... They just cant afford to lose it. This is why Moin U didnt take power.. And about pakistan i hated them from the core of my heart until i came to know about nationalism concept in Islam. Funny part is majority of our people dont know nationalism is haram in Islam... our mollahs are hypocrites..... they dont preach about this.... Blame military people later..... whats our islamic scholars doing??????????
Indian posters here have betrayed a feeling they preserve in their hearts secretly. They think BD ought to obtain permission from India before making such visits. That is what they are used to with Bhutan and Nepal - even now. Why should they be concerned where we send our officers; or who they meet? Indian military themselves have been holding joint exercise with China.
you cant fight untill you are prepared.. You are an Islamist. You know it very well. Our Prophet (sm) went to medina to avoid collision leaving his motherland. our army knows it very well... It cant fight india untill it is prepared... Look at our close defence relation with china.. Do you think it is coincidence??? No. It is long term military planning to counter India... Army cant take power right now... Because they don't want to lose UN JOBS.. They need the money to modernize our weapons... They just cant afford to lose it. This is why Moin U didnt take power.. And about pakistan i hated them from the core of my heart until i came to know about nationalism concept in Islam. Funny part is majority of our people dont know nationalism is haram in Islam... our mollahs are hypocrites..... they dont preach about this.... Blame military people later..... whats our islamic scholars doing??????????

The nation of Bangladesh has a long-term plan that will lead to eventual prosperity and military strength. Some unpalatable things are being tolerated in the short-term for the long-term benefit.
Indian posters here have betrayed a feeling they preserve in their hearts secretly. They think BD ought to obtain permission from India before making such visits. That is what they are used to with Bhutan and Nepal - even now. Why should they be concerned where we send our officers; or who they meet? Indian military themselves have been holding joint exercise with China.

Oh they did the same with Sri Lanka few years back voicing open concern that Sri Lanka was taking military support from China and Pakistan.Overall, I am happy that Indian Neighbors are improving relations with China - That is only way smaller countries can stop India's bullying.Pakistan always had good relations with China and now improving greatly (Our CGS Is in China right now as we speak).A lot of training with Chinese MIL.I hope other small countries can also improve MIL to MIL Relations with PLA.
a thread to do with china, pakistan and bangladesh - ruined by INDians and their insecurity.
OT- There is no problem if their army chief visited China its their country and their army they are free to decide what they want....like wise even if we are concerned its our business...we just want to keep our eyes and ears open...so how is that a problem to other countries???
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