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Sikhs threaten agitation if security not provided

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They already have that in Punjab, but this land is Pukhtoon Land & we don't want to see them here.

They need to move to other parts of the country we don't want them in the Land of Pukhtoons & Baluch we don't want our land contaminated.

I hate such racist posts.
They are more than welcome to come to India.

and than you will attack them, dislodge them from their properties and attack their holy places.

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Come to your motherland Sikh bros. You are most welcome.
Both really, Sikhs consider themselves Punjabis, they can't be Pukhtoon or Baluch so it's best they reside in Punjab.

Every Community Native to Pakistan & Religiously Muslim is more then welcome to work, play & Live in KPK & Baluchistan but others are not welcomed here.
thats not up to you to decide…. pathans are sikhs as well not just punjabis…
pathans came to live in punjab so punjabis will live in their lands as well
and than you will attack them, dislodge them from their properties and attack their holy places.

It happened on Indepence day. Try Google and read about this incident. :sarcastic:
* Do Sikhs in KPK not speak Pashtu?

Lastly, i don't think matters. You see yourself as a Pakistani, Pashtun living in the UK. Does that mean you should only be allowed to live in your place of origin?

Similarly, the Sikhs see themselves as Punjabis not in the aspect of 'race' but religion since the Granth Sahib which is their holy text is written in Punjabi and all of their Holiest places are in Indian Punjab, some in Hassan Abdal.

Just as reading the Arabic to be able to recite the Holy Quran, doesn't make you and me an 'Arab', similarly it doesn't make the Sikhs in KPK, Afghanistan or any other country for that matter a Punjabi.

Punjabi is a language, not a race. Inhabitants of Punjab on both sides are not the same people nor all Punjabi speakers, speak the same language.

In the end all of us are childern of Adam and Hawa (PBUT) who have migrated throughought ages for nomadic instinct is human nature. None of us are 'native' to any particular geography.
i thought most of their holy places were in pakistani punjab??
They already have that in Punjab, but this land is Pukhtoon Land & we don't want to see them here.

They need to move to other parts of the country we don't want them in the Land of Pukhtoons & Baluch we don't want our land contaminated.

Both really, Sikhs consider themselves Punjabis, they can't be Pukhtoon or Baluch so it's best they reside in Punjab.

Every Community Native to Pakistan & Religiously Muslim is more then welcome to work, play & Live in KPK & Baluchistan but others are not welcomed here.

Bingo. The unfiltered thoughts of pakistanis.
That's hilarious, I know many Sikhs. Only Nankana Sahib is the only important Sikh holy place in Pakistan. The most important holy places for Sikhs are the 5 Akal Takhts which are found throughout India. Any Sikh on this forum can confirm it for you.
well i dot really give a **** tbh with you lol…

Bingo. The unfiltered thoughts of pakistanis.
you have a problem with it??? its non of your business indian… we will handle our internal matters..

@Horus aka aeronaut…change your name back bro.

or change mines to what I've been requesting…
Both really, Sikhs consider themselves Punjabis, they can't be Pukhtoon or Baluch so it's best they reside in Punjab.

Every Community Native to Pakistan & Religiously Muslim is more then welcome to work, play & Live in KPK & Baluchistan but others are not welcomed here.

That is kind of BS because these sikhs who are living in KPK are part of the same wave of sikhs who live in afghanistan too, they are simply petty shop keepers belonging to khatri and arora castes of sikhs and hindus of punjab. All of them are well versed in pashtu and dari languages depending on the area in which they live in kpk or afghanistan. Most of these sikh and hindu shopkeepers were settled there by Abdali afghans during abdali times, few also joined later during ranjeet singh's reign though.

That's hilarious, I know many Sikhs. Only Nankana Sahib is the only important Sikh holy place in Pakistan. The most important holy places for Sikhs are the 5 Akal Takhts which are found throughout India. Any Sikh on this forum can confirm it for you.

Yes you right about your facts, the most important holy place for sikhs is Golden temple which lies in amritsar. So it is totally wrong to say that most important sikh holy places are in pakistan.
Both really, Sikhs consider themselves Punjabis, they can't be Pukhtoon or Baluch so it's best they reside in Punjab.

Every Community Native to Pakistan & Religiously Muslim is more then welcome to work, play & Live in KPK & Baluchistan but others are not welcomed here.

what a clown .

Bingo. The unfiltered thoughts of pakistanis.

another clown .
That's hilarious, I know many Sikhs. Only Nankana Sahib is the only important Sikh holy place in Pakistan. The most important holy places for Sikhs are the 5 Akal Takhts which are found throughout India. Any Sikh on this forum can confirm it for you.
Ranjit singh mari, hassan abadal and nanakana sahib to name few
and for a second i thought you were smart.
then you say this.
variety has nothing to do with peoples hunger…

i think it will be a while before you hit 8-9 percent if do it at all…
i think pakistan will hit 7 percent within the next 5 years as well.. already we out performed you guys.

GDP growth (annual %) | Data | Table
india grew 5.0 percent in 2013
pakistan grew 6.1 percent in 2013

And i never once thought u were smart..............sorry to be so brutal
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