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Sikhs threaten agitation if security not provided

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I know u will be offended but i liked ram gopal verma's comments.
Though obnoxious he had some very valid points...............i just want him to do the same to muslims,sikhs and christians too.

If he does that i would be a real fan

No he does not have the guts to do that to religions apart from Hinduism. Also his comments were stupid. Ganesha got his powers and abilities and got called Ganesha after he acquired the head of the elephant. So there is no question of him not being able to save his head. Likewise his logic is extremely poor in other questions too.

and for a second i thought you were smart.
then you say this.
variety has nothing to do with peoples hunger…

Actually India is better food wise too. Indians spend 25% of their income on food whereas Pakistanis have to spend greater than 50% of their income on food. Which means Indians have more money left for other expenses. Now do not treat Pakistanis spending more than 50% of their income on food as a sign of greater availability of food for Pakistanis as compared to Indians like I have seen some Pakistanis do. It is just that they earn a lot less and the food inflation in Pakistan is a lot higher than India.
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Actually India is better food wise too. Indians spend 25% of their income on food whereas Pakistanis have to spend greater than 50% of their income on food. Which means Indians have more money left for other expenses. Now do not treat Pakistanis spending more than 50% of their income on food as a sign of greater availability of food for Pakistanis as compared to Indians like I have seen some Pakistanis do. It is just that they earn a lot less and the food inflation in Pakistan is a lot higher than India.
no i won't treat it as a greater availability to food but what i know is that pakistanis eat more food then indians
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no i won't treat it as a greater availability to food but what i know is that

U know jack man.............india has 10 times more dishes than pakistan owing to different set of people.
By that yardstick alone we are ahead.

The only reason i am not bringing taste here is because its purely subjective,,,anyone saying anything else is pure stupid and being childish.The method of cooking in india and pakistan is exactly the same,,all the mughal dishes were made by cooks in delhi only and nawabi dishes were in hyderabad and lucknow.

On the top of it both punjabs have identical tastes and preparations.
U know jack man………….india has 10 times more dishes than pakistan owing to different set of people.
who cares even if you have a 1000 more dishes, but pakistanis still eat more food then indians.
By that yardstick alone we are ahead.
btw you really don't have more dishes then us…. trust me.

The only reason i am not bringing taste here is because its purely subjective,,,anyone saying anything else is pure stupid and being childish.The method of cooking in india and pakistan is exactly the same,,all the mughal dishes were made by cooks in delhi only and nawabi dishes were in hyderabad and lucknow.
for what reason are you telling me this?
you can't bring in taste because pakistanis make better tasting food… its just a fact.
besides chicken makhani nothing good came out of india.
On the top of it both punjabs have identical tastes and preparations.
not true…. you guys use creams we don't… pakistani punjabi food seems more authentic, your food seems more artificial… i've tasted food from households in both punjabs.
who cares even if you have a 1000 more dishes, but pakistanis still eat more food then indians.

btw you really don't have more dishes then us…. trust me.

for what reason are you telling me this?
you can't bring in taste because pakistanis make better tasting food… its just a fact.
besides chicken makhani nothing good came out of india.

not true…. you guys use creams we don't… pakistani punjabi food seems more authentic, your food seems more artificial… i've tasted food from households in both punjabs.

As i said this forum has tonnes of jingos like u from our side too.
Unfortunately i am not one of them,,,spare me ur bullshit please.

Am not used to conversing with such narrow minded people:coffee:
no i won't treat it as a greater availability to food but what i know is that pakistanis eat more food then indians

Not true again. I remember reading one of Nadeem Paracha's columns where he wondered why when the trucks from India crossed over to Pakistan with goods, the Indians looked fatter and the Pakistanis skeletal. I doubt there is any family which would eat in excess if it means spending 50% of their income. There are other expenses too in life beyond food. The people of US spend the least amount of their income on food of all the people in the world, does not mean they eat lesser than Indians and Pakistanis.
Not true again. I remember reading one of Nadeem Paracha's columns where he wondered why when the trucks from India crossed over to Pakistan with goods, the Indians looked fatter and the Pakistanis skeletal. I doubt there is any family which would eat in excess if it means spending 50% of their income. There are other expenses too in life beyond food. The people of US spend the least amount of their income on food of all the people in the world, does not mean they eat lesser than Indians and Pakistanis.
nadeem paracha??? lmao
please get a better source.
nadeem paracha??? lmao
please get a better source.

Why? He lives in Pakistan. It is not just him, I have read many other articles and blogs on this issue too. Also this link corroborates what he is saying as well as what I have read from various other articles and blogs. It is a dire situation indeed when people have to spend 50% of their income just on food to survive. That means hardly any money left over for rent, utilities, school fees, medicines, clothes, transportation, leisure etc. etc.

Map: Here's how much each country spends on food - Vox
Why? He lives in Pakistan. It is not just him, I have read many other articles and blogs on this issue too. Also this link corroborates what he is saying as well as what I have read from various other articles and blogs. It is a dire situation indeed when people have to spend 50% of their income just on food to survive. That means hardly any money left over for rent, utilities, school fees, medicines, clothes, transportation, leisure etc. etc.

Map: Here's how much each country spends on food - Vox
bro just trust me when i say this….. pakistanis eat more then indians…
our life revolves around food.
bro just trust me when i say this….. pakistanis eat more then indians…
our life revolves around food.

May be in rich houses, but do you really think that the Pakistani economy has been fair to all those people who lost their jobs because the factories closed down? How is employment situation in Pakistan for Pakistani's life to revolve around food?
May be in rich houses, but do you really think that the Pakistani economy has been fair to all those people who lost their jobs because the factories closed down? How is employment situation in Pakistan for Pakistani's life to revolve around food?

See this map.
nadeem paracha??? lmao
please get a better source.

u have met ur jingo match in @Indrani
For once i want her to win this match:lol::lol::lol:

Go indrani go............u are the bigger jingo,we need to win this:enjoy:
u have met ur jingo match in @Indrani
For once i want her to win this match:lol::lol::lol:

Go indrani go............u are the bigger jingo,we need to win this:enjoy:

I am no jingo. Nor am I unaware or shy away from talking about the many flaws in India.
I am no jingo. Nor am I unaware or shy away from talking about the many flaws in India.

I just want u to win...............do what ever u have to do:mamba::triniti::ph34r:
See this map.


Here was the proportion of Pakistanis who were malnourished in 2008 compared to Indians. Those were Musharraf years when Pakistani economy was booming. It has been downhill since then in Pakistan right? With 14 hour load shedding much of your industries closed and there is massive unemployment there right? Now things also got bad in India with food inflation but still the situation is not as bad as in Pakistan, so I will take the data you posted with a pinch of salt.
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