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‘Sikhs getting better treatment in Pakistan than India’

I completely agree.:lol:
After Pakistan has a Sikh PM,Sikh Army chief and a Sikh as chief of planning commision.:rofl:
Not to forget that 15% of PAKISTAN ARMY soldiers are Sikhs.:omghaha:

But here in India Sikhs get beheaded for not paying Jiziya Tax:cheesy:.
In India Sikhs are forced out from their homes because of war between Tehrik e Taliban India(TTI) and Indian Army.:)
I said, that there is a reason why Muslims are less represented in Armed Forces and more in the arts industry. The reason is the same as the one because of which Sikhs are over represented in the Armed Forces and less in the arts industry.

1. Muslims are mostly uneducated or undereducated compared to every other religion. I suppose its the religion. They prefer to send their kids to madrassas than schools...though fortunately that is changing now.
2. Muslims are not keen to join armed forces.

Cringe all you want.
The Sikhs and Hindus flee'ing Pakistan and coming to India for asylum is all the answer that needs to be said.

Another hinduvta troll... not worth replying... :disagree:
Shikhs getting better treatment in Pakistan than India. :blah:blah:blah:blah:blah:

Yes im sure india doesnt take AID.... the title of largest AID recipient in south asia is fake n and an ISI conspiracy to malign india... :lol:

Does india have a war ongoing in its 2nd largest state and a country occupied by NATO? As for literacy n economy ... its doing miracles for indias rich not the common indian joe... with 450 million living on less than 20 cents a day,2000-3000 kids dying of starvation everyday its not a really awesome situation either.

Those goes to pvt. NGOs not our PM beg country to country.

India has a neighbour who use proxy againt him and its regular bombardent by drones & rockets. We have same situation like you in neighbourhood.

Indian elite class does not read book on behalf of middle & lower class. How on the earth elite class are cause of high literacy in highly populated country like India. Then why not Pakistan can do this miracles with help of their people. I read in this forum that most population Pakistan is middle & elite class. Poverty is almost null in Pakistan except government treasury.

How many child killed by drone attacks in a year spare other causes of death ghen I will give you Data of total death of child due to hunger in India.
And you are still awake :) seems you are tossing in your bed with unease that too merely over a statement by a Sikh leader of the Sikh Organisation

And you SEE A hair in your eye not us :))

On the other hand this was view of chief of a Sikh Organisation Akali Dal Maan (ADM), Mr. Sirman Jeet Singh hence you may contact him and contradict him or ask him to eleborate further.


Even Sikh want Punjab and Kashmir to be liberated from Indian occupation.

Indians invaded Kashmir, occupied it, and are killing Kashmiris.mDo you see how disgusting and f!lthy these people are?
Another hinduvta troll... not worth replying... :disagree:

I didnt mean Islam in a generic global way - therefore I said that it is changing now and Muslims are getting educated.
I mean very specifically to the subcontinent and India and Pakistan.

Muslims in both these nations are not as literate as other religions are within the same region.
Cause is the backward Mullah's and the Muslim leaders..they dont encourage education amongst Muslims, they like to keep them backward and uneducated.

As I said, this is changing in India, but at the moment, they are still the least educated religious group in India and because of that, they are not able to avail the opportunities of employement.
Those goes to pvt. NGOs not our PM beg country to country.

India has a neighbour who use proxy againt him and its regular bombardent by drones & rockets. We have same situation like you in neighbourhood.

Indian elite class does not read book on behalf of middle & lower class. How on the earth elite class are cause of high literacy in highly populated country like India. Then why not Pakistan can do this miracles with help of their people. I read in this forum that most population Pakistan is middle & elite class. Poverty is almost null in Pakistan except government treasury.

How many child killed by drone attacks in a year spare other causes of death ghen I will give you Data of total death of child due to hunger in India.

How about education yourself first? none of your retarded post makes sense...

They put up a sub standard clown show here. Sometimes I wonder why these people are tolerated on our forum..

Coz its not really a Pakistani forum...
Sikhs dont even make 1% of Pakistans population... while hindus n christians have been serving the armed forces since decades at high positions... people like Cecil Choudhry,Lt Gen Noval Israel etc etc.. also view the interview of the Sikh PA officer you will understand why there are less sikhs etc in the army.. but tht is changing..

Your claim is that India is discriminating against muslims in the armed forces...But you see a similar example on your side..wrt to Sikhs and other minorities
then again, we see higher propensity of sikhs in Indian armed forces compared to their overall population....now why would that be?

Indian armed forces are a voluntary force...so the issue you're raising regarding discrimination is quite absurd....

Do you happen to have any news or evidence that speaks to a systematic discrimination towards minorities in the Indian armed forces?
Your claim is that India is discriminating against muslims in the armed forces...But you see a similar example on your side..wrt to Sikhs and other minorities
then again, we see higher propensity of sikhs in Indian armed forces compared to their overall population....now why would that be?

Indian armed forces are a voluntary force...so the issue you're raising regarding discrimination is quite absurd....

Do you happen to have any news or evidence that speaks to a systematic discrimination towards minorities in the Indian armed forces?

Not really if the 1% sikhs arent comming forwards coz of their religious etc concerns its not our problem... but even thts changing as for other minorities i already gave you example of 3 star generals from minority communities tht dnt even make 5% combined... as for news discrimination... google is your friend.. its happenin in all fields not just ur military.
Yes, I am studying to improve it but I got your education level in Pakistan's helicopter problem thread:lol:

Funny isnt it... they can sell those choppers... but cant sell them coz french approval... oh wait they already did tht without the approval thing... anyways thanks for the laughs... and "du gat ejukathion".." inshtad of imboving ur shtudies".
Yes im sure india doesnt take AID.... the title of largest AID recipient in south asia is fake n and an ISI conspiracy to malign india... :lol:

Unlike your government which eats up aids money, in india aids goes to NGOs

Does india have a war ongoing in its 2nd largest state and a country occupied by NATO? As for literacy n economy ... its doing miracles for india's rich not the common indian joe... with 450 million living on less than 20 cents a day,2000-3000 kids dying of starvation everyday its not a really awesome situation either.

i really don't understand the Pakistani hypocrisy when it comes to pakistan its TTP BLA drone attacks etcs for excuse but in other arguments u guys proudly brag about how there 32 insurgency going on in india.
India too facing this 32 insurgency compared to pakistan and if you cant control it thats not our problems just don't brag about ur failure.
And who told u that education is only for rich in india i have got admission in iit and i am not rich. What About middle class aren't they educated this people are one because of whom india progresses. BTW u guys contradict too much at one point u saying 450m people are poor again saying education is for rich whereas in india education percentage is around 70%

Another hinduvta troll... not worth replying... :disagree:
Like another mard- e moeim troll
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