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Sikh 'genocide' petition tabled in Australian parliament

^^^It was an irresponsible act of some dumbhead politicians who just tried to score points over religious hatred without thinking the consequences.Nobody today remembers the gesture of thousand Hindu families,equally bleeded in heart who helped the sikhs in those black days. What people across the border do is to just generalize it as Massacre by Hindus.
Where is justice? aslpa in the face of shameless india.

Sikhs need justice but not from Pakistanis. SO buzz of guys. Its none of your buisness.

Its not irresponsible. It is a planned attack.

We have not seen any in the last 20 years! Pakistan stands besides oppressed minorites of india facing genocide threats from extremist hindus supported by indian government. Shame in india..
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I was about to point out - But I believe it was nothing but a wrong choice of words on his part though I do not doubt his intentions.

Having stated that, it is a textbook case of Genocide and I am ashamed that the word riots have been used conveniently time and again.

Thanks bro. Well now nothing can be done. I like when Hindus support sikhs and call this is a shamefull act, makes me fell one day India can be what it is destined to be, a secular nation. :tup:. India FTW.
Thanks bro. Well now nothing can be done. I like when Hindus support sikhs and call this is a shamefull act, makes me fell one day India can be what it is destined to be, a secular nation. :tup:. India FTW.

Karan I said that day..I will say now. There is no justice possible because there is no evidence now. But one thing I can say, that such a thing would not be repeated ever. The Sikh-Hindu history is written in shared blood and such things will not be repeated. But for that the dynasty must be destroyed, of course electorally forever.
Thanks bro. Well now nothing can be done. I like when Hindus support sikhs and call this is a shamefull act, makes me fell one day India can be what it is destined to be, a secular nation. :tup:. India FTW.

You need not. That is a good gesture on your part. I was born in South India and grew up in South India and never been to North India till my college days and met only one Sikh family who runs a restaurant business in Elliots beach in Chennai prior to my travel to North India. So you see I was ignorant about Sikhs except for reading some comics about Sikh Gurujis. But still, I was pained to read about the genocide and always felt that India owes it to Sikhs a proper justice for the genocide and I have been frustrated, angry and shameful when the instigators were/are walking around freely.
Andross you are just trying to wash hands of hundreds of Hindu Indians who had killed thousands of Sikh Indians, by puting the blame on Congress Party.

those who took part in brutal killing of Sikhs in 84 are not 100% Congress members

Most of them (at least in Delhi) were Muslims.. But Indians nonetheless.. Hence extremely shameful period in our history..
The fact is, Australia has a large sikh community, it's important for governments to acknowledge previous past mistakes and past incidents.
3000 dead people is not a genocide by any definition of the term ,but if such a thing can shame the Indian govt. into acting against the accused in the attacks then so be it.
The Sikh genocide was inexcusable like any genocide and its unfortunate nobody was arrested and tried over them

But Australia talking about genocide or discrimination? That's a little off.

The Muslims killed 10 times that number of Sikhs in a single massacre.

This is just political opportunism.

The Khalistan movement is dead. Let it rot.

Many many many Muslims were killed by both Hindus and Sikhs during partition
Aeronaut why are you so trigger happy on me ? :(
wow a very decent post by JATT+GUTTS got deleted which had nothing hateful for any community......

instead he was trying to tell what the indian sikhs really want...... shows the dual standards and desperate attempt to create enmity between hindus and sikhs
I agree. jatt+gutts' was a decent post.
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