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Sikh 'genocide' petition tabled in Australian parliament

huh. good Indians celeberate killings of Sikhs.

God help you God help you
But this certainly is a beginning in the right direction by the Sikhs to bring the truth in the forefront and a minor attempt aimed at alleviating their sufferings at the hands of a colonial Indian Hindu mindset.

Well, I don't know what universe the lawyer who proposed the Australian bill lives in, but the political climate in Australia is EXTREMELY pro-India, to put it mildly.
Courts india must be abolished they are the joke on powerless poor.every court case of india must be Dealt by ICJ to provide justice to majority of poor indian masses.

No need for such complicated and expensive measures. Khap Panchayats are the easiest and cheapest means for Poor masses..
No court fees required- just bring the tambakhu for the Hookahs of the Panchayat.
No educated and expensive lawyers required. Just bring along some lathis. Bigger the better.
No laws required, just depend on the mood(s) of the Panchayat Honchos.
This very subject is being debated now on NDTV

1984 anti-Sikh riots: Will SIT help deliver justice? Video: NDTV.com

Around this time every year, we recall what happened in 1984 - those few days after the assassination of Indira Gandhi, when members of the Sikh community were systematically traced, hunted down, their houses and their families burnt down. Every year we mark the killing of 3000 people, and the lack of justice for their death. The Gujarat riots have already seen the conviction of 140 people - one of them a former minister. Is an SIT the answer as the Akalis are demanding? We debate.

Can we really see justice being done when Congress party is in power which was behind much of the riots in 84?

How many times anti-congress Parties have been in power after 84 in India?

lets make it BJP and Co
This very subject is being debated now on NDTV

1984 anti-Sikh riots: Will SIT help deliver justice? Video: NDTV.com

Around this time every year, we recall what happened in 1984 - those few days after the assassination of Indira Gandhi, when members of the Sikh community were systematically traced, hunted down, their houses and their families burnt down. Every year we mark the killing of 3000 people, and the lack of justice for their death. The Gujarat riots have already seen the conviction of 140 people - one of them a former minister. Is an SIT the answer as the Akalis are demanding? We debate.

Can we really see justice being done when Congress party is in power which was behind much of the riots in 84?
For 10 yrs almost there was no congress govt. were 10 yrs not enough to do justice to sikhs. or is it just i feel that none in judiciary/policical elites (both ruling ,opposition), bureaucracy is interested in doing justice to sikh victims.Or is it more like majority hindu pressure which is not allowing it coz majority of those congressi mobs were hindus in delhi sikh carnage.
No need for such complicated and expensive measures. Khap Panchayats are the easiest and cheapest means for Poor masses..
No court fees required- just bring the tambakhu for the Hookahs of the Panchayat.
No educated and expensive lawyers required. Just bring along some lathis. Bigger the better.
No laws required, just depend on the mood(s) of the Panchayat Honchos.

Panchayats have a bad reputation as well
Pakistan Govt should be blame who helped indian to control the freedome fighting of Sikhs to attain peace for the whole region but gaain they forget its india....

nyways hope poor Sikh gets justice....as indians will even justify the mass killing of indians sikhs as they always did & now doing with muslims soo no hope tht they will get any justice in india ....hence a good move but australian sikhs.
Sikh genocide as well as other minority genocides committed by Indian Hindu mobs unleashed by congress or Modis of Indian world are a fact of life. And these can not be hidden by accusing the congress goons or Modis as this is the mindset of India's ruling colonial elite.

Essentially it is a gradual implementation of minority holocaust which Indian Hindu mindset is resorting to and is blatantly committing.
They appointed another Commission(Nanavati Commission) in 2000.They submitted report in 2005 stating many Congress leaders are involved(including Tytler).Followed that MMS publicly apologized to the Sikhs community for what happened.That's about it.Congress don't wanna put their leaders on trial.

Such commissions were formed by Congress too before that

Marwah Commission
Misra Commission of Enquiry
Kapur Mittal Committe

Jain Banerjee Committee
Potti Rosha Committee

Jain Aggarwal Committee
Ahuja Committee
Dhillon Committee
Narula Committee
U take zakir naik too seriously...... yaa dere was a prediction but completely opposite..... google it..

I do understand that a religion while announcing arrival of another religion will try to maintain the truthfulness of its own religion. That notwithstanding, I was just talking about the acceptance of the fact that Islam would arrive as a religion thousands of years ago by your own scriptures.

And that makes us Indic and Dharmic as well. Only most of you belong to the race of Aryan invaders and do not have roots in India and are not Dharmic in origin.

Secondly, your continued chants about IVC as Indian and is Hindu, are also bullcrap as I have explained earlier as well. Let me explain again for your feeble mind's acceptance.

The broad classification of Vedic literature tends to underline two different facets; Rig Veda based early Vedic literature and Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishadas based later Vedic literature. However, it also reveals a protracted cultural growth which can be identified through use of Sanskrit, societal varna system, monotheistic and polytheistic rituals including yajnas, animal sacrifices and cremation of the dead etc.

From the archeological evidence it becomes clearly evident that Vedic literature based cultural traditions are better identified with Post Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) cultural traditions. Let me highlight some of the more pronounced facts in this regard:

• The formation of IVC’s cultural entities can be identified between 3000-1300 BC. Contrarily, the Historians identify formulation of Vedic traditions between 1500-600 BC.

• The IVC’s culture was identified in the Indus Valley, Ghaggar-Hakra basin and in the Doab. These cultural moorings however do not find an extension into central and lower Gangese Valley in eastern and central Indian plains. Contrarily, the traditions abound in Vedic culture extends all over Pakistan and northern India.

• The decline of IVC traditions started declining after 2000BC and little of it was identified around 1300 BC. However, the Vedic traditions sustained its development even to the early historic era (Joe’s pre, proto and history duly accounted) and shaped into a state-based urban civilization period.

• The Vedic cultural tradition do gel with the chiefdom -based Post-Indus cultures as they also use rice, horse and iron etc. However, it also displays a distinct difference with the IVC for the absence of fortified cities, town planning and drainage, monumental art and architecture of burnt bricks, advanced specialization and sea trade, use of seals, weights, measures and script and the custom of burying the dead in cemeteries.

• An attempt aimed at presenting a distorted version of history through identification of fire places as fire -altars, waste pits as sacrificial pits in Harappan era sites and the imaginary reading of Sanskrit legends on Indus seals is nothing but clear fabrication of historical and archeological evidence. Such falsehood was present in the manner because the presenters believe that India is a Hindu nation and has Hindu culture in continuity from Vedic Aryans and they themselves wanted to see it that way, which however is not supported by evidence.

Based on the above clearly identifiable differences, I have stated earlier and claim that Pakistan is the scion of and holder of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization and not India.
Who the hell are you to talk about sikhs??
You love to seek attention from every passer-by on PDF.Right??

That define your class... but Watch your face. Dont you look stupid??

I give up.
You won because you are more stupid & retard than I thought.

It is you people who seek gratification for your acts - if you can understand what I said.
Oye dumba** idiot...Every country has share of few As*holes, we have ours. But respecting religious reasons we dont interfere.

Just like Altaf Bhai is popular in Karachi, Bugti saab is popular in balochistan & G. M. Syed was popular in Sindh, few retards give importance to religious/communal fighters.

Get admitted to nearest mental hospital & Have a urgent brain-check...its missing

Checked and tested - functioning properly.

And why is it that Bhidrawale's photograph is also displayed as a hero in the Golden Temple Museum.

And are you saying that those people who declared them as heroes of Sikh community are - in your own words A&& holes.
Back to the topic ........

The Australians may not pass such a bill because of political reasons but I feel that raising such issues at various international fora does have an affect. This practice must continue in other countries as well in order to highlight the facts before other nations in this world.
Having Sikh relatives who were touched by these tragic events, I want justice for them.
3,000 is not a Genocide.

Its mass murder but not genocide. Genocide is wiping out someone. And there are plenty of Sikhs in India and outside of India.
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