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Shut up on Balochistan or we raise Maoist, NE unrest: Pakistani envoys in US

Please read Hamid ur Rehman Committee report than your eyes will be opened. Accepting a crime and let off the criminals actually legitimises the criminal which is happening in Pakistan, you people only see light that is outside Pakistan let it be Kashmir, UN, USA, Germany, Russia, CHINA, because the whole of pakistan is dark and their is no hope from inside.
Who are you to lecture others on morality when your own army is maiming and killing and raping innocents in Kashmir and you are sitting on the keyboard teaching others morality. Recently a young 12 year old boy was shot and killed with a shot gun pallet, and you are feeling tough. Go fix your own house first before meddling into other countries' affairs.
Who are you to lecture others on morality when your own army is maiming and killing and raping innocents in Kashmir and you are sitting on the keyboard teaching others morality. Recently a young 12 year old boy was shot and killed with a shot gun pallet, and you are feeling tough. Go fix your own house first before meddling into other countries' affairs.
Actually Sir you were asking for investigation report on Bangladesh and about Pellet gun it far fsar far less lethal than Air strike or artillery which has been used nakedly by your armed forces on civillians. Our moral ground has been made on our actions that has been acknowledged by the world and similarly your morality on your actions also acknowledged by the world.
Actually Sir you were asking for investigation report on Bangladesh and about Pellet gun it far fsar far less lethal than Air strike or artillery which has been used nakedly by your armed forces on civillians. Our moral ground has been made on our actions that has been acknowledged by the world and similarly your morality on your actions also acknowledged by the world.
Ask the boy's parents if they are feeling the same about their dead child right now as you are, who is calling pellet shooting far less lethal. The kid is dead.
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This is Indian source, I heavily doubt this was true.

Quite right.

What actually happened was that the Pakistani team got a thundering ovation after their presentation. One feeble-minded old fool volunteered to serve on the border; seventeen journalists had to be hospitalised, and the meeting broke up in uproar and the singing of patriotic songs. A member present there was expelled when he said that singing patriotic songs of two countries was enough.
Ask the boys parents if they are feeling the same about their dead child right now as you are, who is calling pellet shooting far less lethal. The kid is dead.
This question should be put to Hurriyat Leaders, Terrorist within Kashmir, Pakistani organisations who are supporting the unrest that how much more BLOOD of Kashmiris they need.
This question should be put to Hurriyat Leaders, Terrorist within Kashmir, Pakistani organisations who are supporting the unrest that how much more BLOOD of Kashmiris they need.
The insinuation that pellet gun shooting by the army was no big deal came from you, so I put the question to you.
You are asking about the feeling that how Indian thinks when one of his country men dies. Sir when any thing happens at any part of our nation, whole India is united the feelings of whole nation are same.
Why haven't we so far countered the Balochistan narrative by supporting these Indian insurgencies? our silence can lead to establishing equivalence between Balochistan and Kashmir.
You are asking about the feeling that how Indian thinks when one of his country men dies. Sir when any thing happens at any part of our nation, whole India is united the feelings of whole nation are same.
United feelings we have been seeing alright for past 3 months.
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Why haven't we so far countered the Balochistan narrative by supporting these Indian insurgencies? our silence can lead to establishing equivalence between Balochistan and Kashmir.

how is justice served to those people participating in those supposed indian insurgencies ?? pakistani help makes it easy for the indian state to justify crushing them. ditto with balochistan
Here we go, a typical technique, diverted the subject to morality for known reasons. No one ever said rape is OK, so get off this horse. If you really have read my response, the only thing being questioned is how Bengalis and Indians have been exaggerating the numbers. I have observed a pattern about this question. Whenever this question is asked from Bangladeshis and their Indian masters, they simply come up with possibilities and probabilities. Everything Indians and Bengalis refer to, is estimation and approximation. Man, there were 3 million people killed, 400K ladies raped.

As to your point of how to arrive at the exact numbers while BD was a new country, there is a very simple way, since this was such a serious matter that you never get tired of mentioning this, why did you people not come up with Mass graves, why were hospitals not filled with pregnant ladies, homes and trucks filled with human bodies dumped?

Now Bangladesh under the diktat of India is going after the so called 1971 war criminals, so enlighten all of us here why?
  • Bangladesh didn’t have any investigation after the war had ended.
  • there hasn’t been enough research domestically or internationally.
  • the entire incident is so much politicized and ‘cultified’ by Awami League and like minded people (read Indians).
  • Bangladesh has never gone to UN or ICJ for seeking any justice, compensation, or punishment for the atrocity.
None of the above was done because all the lies will come out.

It has also come out later that majority of those rapes (way more than Pakistani forces) were done by Indians themselves posing as Pakistanis in some forms, either portraying themselves as Pakistani volunteers or soldiers, why no Indian mentions that or can you deny that, and on what grounds? If anything is sad here this is what that is sad, jackal in sheep's clothes. Friend on face, then stab in the back. This is truly sad.

You're right, bro...Indians, along with Bangladeshis, won that war so they labelled Pakistanis as rapists and monsters, as we know, history is written by victors, taught by victors and manipulated by victors...

Thats why, we need to hear other side as well to get on better understanding and conclusion...Everyone needs to go to this thread....

Stop interfering in Indian Kashmir coz what happens there is internal matter of India. Our army is only there to kill radical Islamic insurgents sent by Pakistan across the LOC. Pakistan better stop training and funding them or face retaliation from our side.

If India can interfere in a land that was constitutionally ours, we can interfere in a land that has been promised a plebiscite.
How did India form Mukti Bahini? Mukti Bahini was formed after Operation Searchlight massacre in East Pakistan. It consisted of personnels from EPR and defected soldiers from East wing of Pak Army. Bangladeshis lost faith in Pakistan when it refused to let them form the government and instead launched military operation to flush out the opposition. The massacre during the operations was so shocking that Bangladeshis were left with no choice but to take up arms against the Pak Army. During the civil war, India had to take in 10 milion refugees from East Pakistan. It was straining our resources. Still we refrained from getting directly involved and only provided covert support to the rebel groups in EP. India's role was limited to that only.

Stop interfering in Indian Kashmir coz what happens there is internal matter of India. Our army is only there to kill radical Islamic insurgents sent by Pakistan across the LOC. Pakistan better stop training and funding them or face retaliation from our side.

What are you blabbering about? All those responsible for those incidents have been tried by the honourable SC of India and given lengthy jail sentences. And our honourable PM has been cleared of all charges by the SC, that too during Congress rule who are sworn enemies of Modi. So keep your accusations to yourself. Better reflect on your genocide against Bangladeshis before lecturing us on human rights.
That's the problem you 'honorable' PM used to be banned from visiting various countries on charges of violence in Gujarat. And their are audio evidences against your honarable PM in which he has been giving order to police to stand down against Hindu protestors.
And to understand how much your courts are biased . You can check the calendar case of one Muslim lady who was raped and killed and court simply acquitted all the involved. And when is your honarable courts and PM going to give punishment to babri mosque killers? And Indians think that they are the only people with brain rest are fools .
Good job Pakistan ... go full throttle ... Modi has crossed the red line time and again ..
Failure to get attention for Kashmir issue is causing shouting matches in Pak Parliament. I wonder what will happen when they fail to raise awareness about all the other "issues" they are threatening to adopt.
Failure lolz really and that is why your pm ran away from UNGA :v .
You know what failure really is ? Nobody supporting your after Uri or pathankot attacks :) . even international community is making fun of your fake sirJikal strike.
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