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Shut up on Balochistan or we raise Maoist, NE unrest: Pakistani envoys in US

Even so, are you proud that your country killed so many people and raped thousands of women in your erstwhile eastern wing, your own people, who loved their country, only to be betrayed later on when Pakistan refused to accept their government?
Before giving us yeh lecture about killing and raping why don't you look in your own collar and check the statistics of killing and raping of Kashmiri and Sikh community in your country
one request,:raise: add Marathis too, colonial bharti regime is starving their farmers...

Ps, dont forget Muslims and Dalits, after all its all about human rights..:p:
If I were the Pakistani envoy I would ask why indians did not act against the mukti bahini in 1971? Timidness on the part of the Pakistani envoys is what defeats Pakistan in the field of diplomacy. An invisible force holds them back. One can only speculate what that invisible force is.
These Pakistani envoys are doing nothing to further the cause of Pakistan but just consuming and wasting Pakistani tax payer's money and enjoying international travels. The program was launched by the dirty and devil minded NS after being criticised by the media for failing on the foreign affairs front. How successful is he in diverting attention? only time will tell.
Are you proud of interfering in another country's internal issues?
We didn't interfere directly until the month of December when Pakistan launched pre-emptive airstrikes against Indian airforce bases across North Western India. You attacked us, we retaliated. As simple as that. Btw, you didn't answer my question- or maybe you are quite proud of the genocide against East Pakistanis

Most of your narrative about the killings is fake as per your own citizen:
No its not. No point denying the genocide. I think Bangladesh is glad to have separated from you people.

Before giving us yeh lecture about killing and raping why don't you look in your own collar and check the statistics of killing and raping of Kashmiri and Sikh community in your country
All false propaganda by ISI and Pak media. Funny that they couldn't prove a single charge levelled against us. You on the other hand need to reflect on your genocidal actions in East Pakistan before giving us lecture. It has been proved beyond a doubt and the minimum casualties on the East Pak side numbered at least 80000. Killing so many innocent men and women.......I feel sorry for your country
We didn't interfere directly until the month of December when Pakistan launched pre-emptive airstrikes against Indian airforce bases across North Western India. You attacked us, we retaliated. As simple as that. Btw, you didn't answer my question- or maybe you are quite proud of the genocide against East Pakistanis

No its not. No point denying the genocide. I think Bangladesh is glad to have separated from you people.

All false propaganda by ISI and Pak media. Funny that they couldn't prove a single charge levelled against us. You on the other hand need to reflect on your genocidal actions in East Pakistan before giving us lecture. It has been proved beyond a doubt and the minimum casualties on the East Pak side numbered at least 80000. Killing so many innocent men and women.......I feel sorry for your country
Who made mukti bahini? Don't act so innocent. You prime minister accepted standing in Bangladesh that they interfered in 1971. Whatever the reason may be it was not your problem to have poked your nose into. As far as the killings are concerned, I think it was a political issue and should have been solved politically.
We didn't interfere directly until the month of December when Pakistan launched pre-emptive airstrikes against Indian airforce bases across North Western India. You attacked us, we retaliated. As simple as that. Btw, you didn't answer my question- or maybe you are quite proud of the genocide against East Pakistanis

No its not. No point denying the genocide. I think Bangladesh is glad to have separated from you people.

All false propaganda by ISI and Pak media. Funny that they couldn't prove a single charge levelled against us. You on the other hand need to reflect on your genocidal actions in East Pakistan before giving us lecture. It has been proved beyond a doubt and the minimum casualties on the East Pak side numbered at least 80000. Killing so many innocent men and women.......I feel sorry for your country
Yeap and how will anything get proved in indian courts where your courts have taken no action against mass murderer of Gujarat (MODI) , the babri mosque incident (in which footages of Hindu crowd are right in front of everyone but they are not convicted) and several such examples . If you are not taking any action against them then how come you will take action against your army in kashmir?
Who made mukti bahini? Don't act so innocent. You prime minister accepted standing in Bangladesh that they interfered in 1971. Whatever the reason may be it was not your problem to have poked your nose into. As far as the killings are concerned, I think it was a political issue and should have been solved politically.
How did India form Mukti Bahini? Mukti Bahini was formed after Operation Searchlight massacre in East Pakistan. It consisted of personnels from EPR and defected soldiers from East wing of Pak Army. Bangladeshis lost faith in Pakistan when it refused to let them form the government and instead launched military operation to flush out the opposition. The massacre during the operations was so shocking that Bangladeshis were left with no choice but to take up arms against the Pak Army. During the civil war, India had to take in 10 milion refugees from East Pakistan. It was straining our resources. Still we refrained from getting directly involved and only provided covert support to the rebel groups in EP. India's role was limited to that only.
As far as the killings are concerned, I think it was a political issue and should have been solved politically.
Stop interfering in Indian Kashmir coz what happens there is internal matter of India. Our army is only there to kill radical Islamic insurgents sent by Pakistan across the LOC. Pakistan better stop training and funding them or face retaliation from our side.

Yeap and how will anything get proved in indian courts where your courts have taken no action against mass murderer of Gujarat (MODI) , the babri mosque incident (in which footages of Hindu crowd are right in front of everyone but they are not convicted) and several such examples . If you are not taking any action against them then how come you will take action against your army in kashmir?
What are you blabbering about? All those responsible for those incidents have been tried by the honourable SC of India and given lengthy jail sentences. And our honourable PM has been cleared of all charges by the SC, that too during Congress rule who are sworn enemies of Modi. So keep your accusations to yourself. Better reflect on your genocide against Bangladeshis before lecturing us on human rights.
If your only objection is to the number don't you think you are missing the forest for a tree? Does 3000 of Pakistanis killed and molested by Pakistani military be any better?

As to exact number - how do you propose that is arrived at? A new country such as BD just forming a new govt and institutions obviously cannot focus on a census of dead. A census of living would have been priority may be. India couldn't have because they'd have had to occupy to do that and they had no such intention or interest. Pakistan obviously would be in best position to know but can be expected to understate.

It is just sad
Here we go, a typical technique, diverted the subject to morality for known reasons. No one ever said rape is OK, so get off this horse. If you really have read my response, the only thing being questioned is how Bengalis and Indians have been exaggerating the numbers. I have observed a pattern about this question. Whenever this question is asked from Bangladeshis and their Indian masters, they simply come up with possibilities and probabilities. Everything Indians and Bengalis refer to, is estimation and approximation. Man, there were 3 million people killed, 400K ladies raped.

As to your point of how to arrive at the exact numbers while BD was a new country, there is a very simple way, since this was such a serious matter that you never get tired of mentioning this, why did you people not come up with Mass graves, why were hospitals not filled with pregnant ladies, homes and trucks filled with human bodies dumped?

Now Bangladesh under the diktat of India is going after the so called 1971 war criminals, so enlighten all of us here why?
  • Bangladesh didn’t have any investigation after the war had ended.
  • there hasn’t been enough research domestically or internationally.
  • the entire incident is so much politicized and ‘cultified’ by Awami League and like minded people (read Indians).
  • Bangladesh has never gone to UN or ICJ for seeking any justice, compensation, or punishment for the atrocity.
None of the above was done because all the lies will come out.

It has also come out later that majority of those rapes (way more than Pakistani forces) were done by Indians themselves posing as Pakistanis in some forms, either portraying themselves as Pakistani volunteers or soldiers, why no Indian mentions that or can you deny that, and on what grounds? If anything is sad here this is what that is sad, jackal in sheep's clothes. Friend on face, then stab in the back. This is truly sad.
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WASHINGTON: Two Pakistani special envoys tasked with drumming up support for its position on the Kashmir issue in the US continued to play hardball on India amid sharp questioning in Washington DC about the country's unceasing support for terror groups, its provocative nuclear posture, and its general failure as a nation-state.

After threatening to decamp to a purported "China-Russia-Iran" axis if the US did not intervene in the Kashmir issue, the duo on Thursday made peace in Afghanistan hostage to resolution of the Kashmir issue, implicitly warning that Pakistan can undermine US and Indian efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, a country that by many accounts has been ravaged by Pakistani depredations.
"The road to peace in Kabul lies in Kashmir in the sense that when you talk of peace, you cannot compartmentalise peace, you can't segregate a section... ok you can have peace in Kabul and let Kashmir burn. That is not going to happen," Pakistan PM's special envoy on Kashmir Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed told a gathering at the Stimson Center.
Syed's colleague Shezra Mansab also brought in the nuclear dimension, arguing that "Our core issue this time is Kashmir and no peace can prevail in the region, if this issue is not solved," and since India and Pakistan are "nuclear neighbors... we need to have peace on the issue of Kashmir." The Pakistani effort to inveigle the US into the matter with threats and blackmail has found little success so far in Washington DC, and if anything, it has further accentuated Islamabad's crude tactics.

"Why, when it is so hard for the US to get involved in more helpful way in Syria...why should the US listen to the argument for more involvement in Kashmir?" asked Stimson Center's Co-founder and longtime South Asia expert Michael Krepon, adding that the situation in Kashmir is much better than many other conflict prone areas of the world.

"We request the US to intervene, because it has leverage with India to allow negotiations to start, to end human rights violations in Kashmir, to make sure that the UN resolutions are implemented," Syed said feebly.

The duo got hammered by Pakistani dissidents and separatists at another think tank event on Wednesday where they were told Pakistan's own human rights record in Gilgit-Balochistan, Azad Kashmir, Balochistan, and even in Sindh was so poor that it had little moral authority to talk of rights in J&K, where the situation was far better.

The blowback has evidently unnerved the special envoys, and on Thursday Syed raised the issue of India's PM referencing Balochistan, warning that if he continued to do so, Pakistan would respond by "talking of Khalistan, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam, Sikkim or the Maoist insurgency." "We do not want to do that because that is interference in the internal affairs of a neighboring country . You are changing the rules of the game. It becomes tit for tat," he added.

Pakistan's establishment anchors and analysts talk frequently about India's 17 or 27 or 32 insurgencies, and how Pakistan can exploit it if India does not resolve the Kashmir issues.

Although Syed said Pakistan is willing to "do anything" India asks for confidence building measure in order to resume negotiations, he had no cogent answer about why Pakistan has not acted against proscribed terror groups other than "give us more evidence."

Its a ba'd stance and I do not see this coming from Pakistan. Why would you tell your enemy that you're hurting me and you must stop hurting or you would hurt him back. The statement only asks India to do more of "what it is doing".

Sense doesn't support this stance and I reject it. Its also coming from India and I reject $hit anyway.
Here we go, a typical technique, diverted the subject to morality for known reasons. No one ever said rape is OK, so get off this horse. If you really have read my response, the only thing being questioned is how Bengalis and Indians have been exaggerating the numbers. I have observed a pattern about this question. Whenever this question is asked from Bangladeshis and their Indian masters, they simply come up with possibilities and probabilities. Everything Indians and Bengalis refer to, is estimation and approximation. Man, there were 3 million people killed, 400K ladies raped.

As to your point of how to arrive at the exact numbers while BD was a new country, there is a very simple way, since this was such a serious matter that you never get tired of mentioning this, why did you people not come up with Mass graves, why were hospitals not filled with pregnant ladies, homes and trucks filled with human bodies dumped?

Now Bangladesh under the diktat of India is going after the so called 1971 war criminals, so enlighten all of us here why?
  • Bangladesh didn’t have any investigation after the war had ended.
  • there hasn’t been enough research domestically or internationally.
  • the entire incident is so much politicized and ‘cultified’ by Awami League and like minded people (read Indians).
  • Bangladesh has never gone to UN or ICJ for seeking any justice, compensation, or punishment for the atrocity.
None of the above was done because all the lies will come out.

It has also come out later that majority of those rapes (way more than Pakistani forces) were done by Indians themselves posing as Pakistanis in some forms, either portraying themselves as Pakistani volunteers or soldiers, why no Indian mentions that or can you deny that, and on what grounds? If anything is sad here this is what that is sad, jackal in sheep's clothes. Friend on face, then stab in the back. This is truly sad.

you are on purpose missing the real crime, The number does not matter - it is something huge. What matters is the army of Pakistan that exists to protect to Pakistanis went on a rampage and killed, maimed and raped the very same Pakistanis !!! Why are you wasting time on whether it was three, thirty, three hundred or thirty thousands.

Your behavior is exactly like when somebody goes to report a murder in a police station, and the clerk there is worried that there is only 30 seconds left before his shift is over and wants you to wait till tomorrow. Or any other similar inhuman excuse.
India is world's capital of rape.. indians citizen rape their owns. So should india be accusd for rape ?

Rape, whoever did it should be severely punished.

Until it's not proved that rape was committed with order coming fron the leadership, it should be dealt at individual level.
Failure to get attention for Kashmir issue is causing shouting matches in Pak Parliament. I wonder what will happen when they fail to raise awareness about all the other "issues" they are threatening to adopt.
you are on purpose missing the real crime, The number does not matter - it is something huge. What matters is the army of Pakistan that exists to protect to Pakistanis went on a rampage and killed, maimed and raped the very same Pakistanis !!! Why are you wasting time on whether it was three, thirty, three hundred or thirty thousands.

Your behavior is exactly like when somebody goes to report a murder in a police station, and the clerk there is worried that there is only 30 seconds left before his shift is over and wants you to wait till tomorrow. Or any other similar inhuman excuse.

So why are you wasting time and dodging my question. Where is this fictional 3 millions not 3 or 30 or even 300, you have come up with, and you keep repeating the same mantra, rape is wrong. I have already made two things very clear previously, A) Pakistani army was not all innocent and it did took wrong actions indeed, B) no one is condoning rape. Before you go on another rant, go back and read again what I had said in my two previous posts, and if you still do not get my question then let me know and I will reword the question. Truly its funny its coming from the citizen of a country which is the rape capitol of the world. How cute.

I know why you will never answer, because the truth is, there were Indian Army, Mukti Bahini and East Pakistani cheater Army who are responsible for all of these activities, that is why they never highlight this question because all the bangalis and Indians know very well that they are responsible for all those activities.

The irony is now your army is doing exactly the same to your Indian citizens in Kashmir and other 17 states where insurgencies are going on, and I will quote you " What matters is the Indian army that exists to protect Indians is on a rampage and is killing, maiming, blining and raping the very same Indians in Kashmir" !!!

As we say in US, now you are invoking your 5th amendment right and are remaining silent. Hypocrisy at its best.
Here we go, a typical technique, diverted the subject to morality for known reasons. No one ever said rape is OK, so get off this horse. If you really have read my response, the only thing being questioned is how Bengalis and Indians have been exaggerating the numbers. I have observed a pattern about this question. Whenever this question is asked from Bangladeshis and their Indian masters, they simply come up with possibilities and probabilities. Everything Indians and Bengalis refer to, is estimation and approximation. Man, there were 3 million people killed, 400K ladies raped.

As to your point of how to arrive at the exact numbers while BD was a new country, there is a very simple way, since this was such a serious matter that you never get tired of mentioning this, why did you people not come up with Mass graves, why were hospitals not filled with pregnant ladies, homes and trucks filled with human bodies dumped?

Now Bangladesh under the diktat of India is going after the so called 1971 war criminals, so enlighten all of us here why?
  • Bangladesh didn’t have any investigation after the war had ended.
  • there hasn’t been enough research domestically or internationally.
  • the entire incident is so much politicized and ‘cultified’ by Awami League and like minded people (read Indians).
  • Bangladesh has never gone to UN or ICJ for seeking any justice, compensation, or punishment for the atrocity.
None of the above was done because all the lies will come out.

It has also come out later that majority of those rapes (way more than Pakistani forces) were done by Indians themselves posing as Pakistanis in some forms, either portraying themselves as Pakistani volunteers or soldiers, why no Indian mentions that or can you deny that, and on what grounds? If anything is sad here this is what that is sad, jackal in sheep's clothes. Friend on face, then stab in the back. This is truly sad.
Please read Hamid ur Rehman Committee report than your eyes will be opened. Accepting a crime and let off the criminals actually legitimises the criminal which is happening in Pakistan, you people only see light that is outside Pakistan let it be Kashmir, UN, USA, Germany, Russia, CHINA, because the whole of pakistan is dark and their is no hope from inside.
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