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Shut up on Balochistan or we raise Maoist, NE unrest: Pakistani envoys in US

Because of Mukti Bahini you bear a different flag, plz dont forget the sacrifices given by Bangladeshis in their independence struggle.
How did India form Mukti Bahini? Mukti Bahini was formed after Operation Searchlight massacre in East Pakistan. It consisted of personnels from EPR and defected soldiers from East wing of Pak Army. Bangladeshis lost faith in Pakistan when it refused to let them form the government and instead launched military operation to flush out the opposition. The massacre during the operations was so shocking that Bangladeshis were left with no choice but to take up arms against the Pak Army. During the civil war, India had to take in 10 milion refugees from East Pakistan. It was straining our resources. Still we refrained from getting directly involved and only provided covert support to the rebel groups in EP. India's role was limited to that only

Why are Pakistanis so much Kashmir phobiac ?.

Then why are the Indians so obsessed, claiming that you created Bangladesh? In fact,you all have looted Bangladesh, post liberation, and even continue to do so till date,.in every respect.
Support for Kashmir, as they are our muslim brothers and the mass kiling of innocent unarmed civilians, brutality ,rape,genocide is thousands times more than that of 1971.

Finally, you are admitting the truth. Many many thaks to our Indian friend.

Yes, however the refugees were mostly hindus.

Finally please confess and admit that since 1964, your intell agencies were directly involved, in successfully creating a false myth, and had made several consperaties against Pakistan, one such example is the Agartala case,followed by many many more. In any case who supplied us with limited wepons before 1971?

Doesnot. these acts of ours ,tantamount to sedation? A VERY GRAVE OFFENCE, in which catagory I am also at fault.
Well its never late in admitting the truth.and admitting about our sedecious activities.
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Failure lolz really and that is why your pm ran away from UNGA :v .
You know what failure really is ? Nobody supporting your after Uri or pathankot attacks :) . even international community is making fun of your fake sirJikal strike.

Please do a retardation check.

Support is not required by those claiming to have done a surgical strike. If there is any condemnation then it is another matter, as it would put diplomatic pressure on India. But why do we need any support for it, after already having done it? In this case, lack of condemnation is success.

Pakistan was trying to highlight Kashmir issue at UNGA. Without support from other countries, what was the point of his speech? Not ONE country supported Nawaz Sharif's plea. In this case, lack of support is absolute failure.

Hope that clears the misunderstanding....
Well , if you people can cause havoc in Kashmir then so could India in Balochistan and trust me we could hurt you where it hurts the most . Your politician talk once of Kashmir we literally derial you on Balochistan . Be afraid ! Be very afraid !!
Its same situation on both sides. Its not necessary that people indian or US deem terrorist we also take them as terrorist. If we have hafiz saeed you have modi, bal thakray and his co. jamat u dawa as india think we think the same about shev sina although jamat u dawa is respected here alot
Are you in your senses?equating modi with UN designated terrorist
WASHINGTON: Two Pakistani special envoys tasked with drumming up support for its position on the Kashmir issue in the US continued to play hardball on India amid sharp questioning in Washington DC about the country's unceasing support for terror groups, its provocative nuclear posture, and its general failure as a nation-state.

After threatening to decamp to a purported "China-Russia-Iran" axis if the US did not intervene in the Kashmir issue, the duo on Thursday made peace in Afghanistan hostage to resolution of the Kashmir issue, implicitly warning that Pakistan can undermine US and Indian efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, a country that by many accounts has been ravaged by Pakistani depredations.
"The road to peace in Kabul lies in Kashmir in the sense that when you talk of peace, you cannot compartmentalise peace, you can't segregate a section... ok you can have peace in Kabul and let Kashmir burn. That is not going to happen," Pakistan PM's special envoy on Kashmir Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed told a gathering at the Stimson Center.
Syed's colleague Shezra Mansab also brought in the nuclear dimension, arguing that "Our core issue this time is Kashmir and no peace can prevail in the region, if this issue is not solved," and since India and Pakistan are "nuclear neighbors... we need to have peace on the issue of Kashmir." The Pakistani effort to inveigle the US into the matter with threats and blackmail has found little success so far in Washington DC, and if anything, it has further accentuated Islamabad's crude tactics.

"Why, when it is so hard for the US to get involved in more helpful way in Syria...why should the US listen to the argument for more involvement in Kashmir?" asked Stimson Center's Co-founder and longtime South Asia expert Michael Krepon, adding that the situation in Kashmir is much better than many other conflict prone areas of the world.

"We request the US to intervene, because it has leverage with India to allow negotiations to start, to end human rights violations in Kashmir, to make sure that the UN resolutions are implemented," Syed said feebly.

The duo got hammered by Pakistani dissidents and separatists at another think tank event on Wednesday where they were told Pakistan's own human rights record in Gilgit-Balochistan, Azad Kashmir, Balochistan, and even in Sindh was so poor that it had little moral authority to talk of rights in J&K, where the situation was far better.

The blowback has evidently unnerved the special envoys, and on Thursday Syed raised the issue of India's PM referencing Balochistan, warning that if he continued to do so, Pakistan would respond by "talking of Khalistan, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam, Sikkim or the Maoist insurgency." "We do not want to do that because that is interference in the internal affairs of a neighboring country . You are changing the rules of the game. It becomes tit for tat," he added.

Pakistan's establishment anchors and analysts talk frequently about India's 17 or 27 or 32 insurgencies, and how Pakistan can exploit it if India does not resolve the Kashmir issues.

Although Syed said Pakistan is willing to "do anything" India asks for confidence building measure in order to resume negotiations, he had no cogent answer about why Pakistan has not acted against proscribed terror groups other than "give us more evidence."
This is perfect example of nervousness. What maoist? Lol Ur hand and Ur deeper than ocean friends hand already exposed. Chinese now wondering what could be the cost if get involved in direct conflict with Indian Armed forces. There are lots of things both can do to each other. Note: both side can inflict serious losses with using N word. Pakistan is totally cornered I must say. They are all over their country defending from Afghanistan TTP Balochistan Karachi Azad Kashmir. And icing on the cake with India lol. ALREADY enough pressure created. One war on Eastern borders will pay way for more instability with Pakistan
So why are you wasting time and dodging my question. Where is this fictional 3 millions not 3 or 30 or even 300, you have come up with, and you keep repeating the same mantra, rape is wrong. I have already made two things very clear previously, A) Pakistani army was not all innocent and it did took wrong actions indeed, B) no one is condoning rape. Before you go on another rant, go back and read again what I had said in my two previous posts, and if you still do not get my question then let me know and I will reword the question. Truly its funny its coming from the citizen of a country which is the rape capitol of the world. How cute.

I know why you will never answer, because the truth is, there were Indian Army, Mukti Bahini and East Pakistani cheater Army who are responsible for all of these activities, that is why they never highlight this question because all the bangalis and Indians know very well that they are responsible for all those activities.

The irony is now your army is doing exactly the same to your Indian citizens in Kashmir and other 17 states where insurgencies are going on, and I will quote you " What matters is the Indian army that exists to protect Indians is on a rampage and is killing, maiming, blining and raping the very same Indians in Kashmir" !!!

As we say in US, now you are invoking your 5th amendment right and are remaining silent. Hypocrisy at its best.

WTH are you trying to say? you keep repeating the same thing.
You seem to be admitting Pak military killed and raped its own people. There is nothing more to debate then.
WTH are you trying to say? you keep repeating the same thing.
You seem to be admitting Pak military killed and raped its own people. There is nothing more to debate then.

WTH you don't seem to understand my question here? I asked you clearly, if you are so humane, carry such a great conscience and feel SO SAD about what your enemy Pakistan Army did in 71 in Bangladesh, which was none of your business to begin with to poke your nose in another country's internal matter, then WTH you are dead silent and looking the other way when your own Indian army has been raping women, killing indiscriminately and, maiming its own innocent people in Kashmir, the very people it took an oath to protect. This been going on for years and years and on. Heck, just yesterday they killed another 12 years old boy with pallet gun shots. Now all your sadness, your conscience is on a coffee break. I have already said in my previous post, this is hypocrisy at its very best.

You're right, bro...Indians, along with Bangladeshis, won that war so they labelled Pakistanis as rapists and monsters, as we know, history is written by victors, taught by victors and manipulated by victors...

Thats why, we need to hear other side as well to get on better understanding and conclusion...Everyone needs to go to this thread....


In any war truth is the first casualty. Demonizing the enemy is sure fire way in Propaganda, and when it comes to propaganda and hypocrisy that nation got the rewards hands down for being the best. The tried and tested mantra, "they raped their own citizen how bad they could be" but they are totally silent on the Indian rape and killings in Kashmir.
WTH you don't seem to understand my question here? I asked you clearly, if you are so humane, carry such a great conscience and feel SO SAD about what your enemy Pakistan Army did in 71 in Bangladesh, which was none of your business to begin with to poke your nose in another country's internal matter, then WTH you are dead silent and looking the other way when your own Indian army has been raping women, killing indiscriminately and, maiming its own innocent people in Kashmir, the very people it took an oath to protect. This been going on for years and years and on. Heck, just yesterday they killed another 12 years old boy with pallet gun shots. Now all your sadness, your conscience is on a coffee break. I have already said in my previous post, this is hypocrisy at its very best./QUOTE]

Good to see you finally got off the dumb 'how many is 3 followed by n zeros' defense. You should never have tried to clutch onto that straw but better late than never.

why the heck would you say it wasn't India's business? Your military killing and raping Pakistanis was pushing millions of refugees from Pakistan into India - that made it India's business.

And the army excesses in Kashmir would never have happened if Pakistan did not practice cowardly terrorist tactics cross border. This is not just me saying it - your own foreign secretary and Pakistani envoys that just returned from the US (one of the famous 22) said that to your government. Which is one of the reasons your ISI director is 'traveling'.

These will be hard for you to swallow.
Good job Pakistan ... go full throttle ... Modi has crossed the red line time and again ..

For long India feared escalating Kashmir issue would create noise around the world and India didn't want world to interfere as it would try to force their hand.

However recently it was seen that the fear was unfounded or maybe this government's foreign policy ensure it became so.

Pakistani's failed to garner any support for Kashmir issue after going around the world and bringing it up, an issue that it has been trying for decades to get other countries involved in.

How effective do you think is it going to be if they even bring up NE unrest issue?
For long India feared escalating Kashmir issue would create noise around the world and India didn't want world to interfere as it would try to force their hand.

However recently it was seen that the fear was unfounded or maybe this government's foreign policy ensure it became so.

Pakistani's failed to garner any support for Kashmir issue after going around the world and bringing it up, an issue that it has been trying for decades to get other countries involved in.

How effective do you think is it going to be if they even bring up NE unrest issue?

your whole response is based on what is Modi - Media alliance is feeding to its public .. I'm sure you haven't came across the recent statement from UN HR council in which India's non cooperation in proving access to Kashmir has been condemned .. !! You want to keep hiding your face in sand .. go ahead!
your whole response is based on what is Modi - Media alliance is feeding to its public .. I'm sure you haven't came across the recent statement from UN HR council in which India's non cooperation in proving access to Kashmir has been condemned .. !! You want to keep hiding your face in sand .. go ahead!

Not at all we are aware of it. India just doesn't give it any value because we believe J&K to be an issue between India & Pakistan and something that we will resolve bilaterally.

Although despite "strong" military as you claim and nuclear threats that you dish out, it is you who goes around the world seeking intervention from powerful countries or organisation which sadly isn't just happening.
Not at all we are aware of it. India just doesn't give it any value because we believe J&K to be an issue between India & Pakistan and something that we will resolve bilaterally.

Although despite "strong" military as you claim and nuclear threats that you dish out, it is you who goes around the world seeking intervention from powerful countries or organisation which sadly isn't just happening.

the very reason that Kashmir issuebis still alive and Indian HR violations are being echoed in UNHR council is because of Pakistan who has kept it alive for last 70 years .. what do you think without Pakistan raising this issue UNHR chief would say to India " by not granting access what precisely is India hiding from the world".. so my friend it is happening ..!! Don't worry ..
the very reason that Kashmir issuebis still alive and Indian HR violations are being echoed in UNHR council is because of Pakistan who has kept it alive for last 70 years .. what do you think without Pakistan raising this issue UNHR chief would say to India " by not granting access what precisely is India hiding from the world".. so my friend it is happening ..!! Don't worry ..

Yeah it is happening. Look at them getting involved big time.

Yeah it is happening. Look at them getting involved big time.

All they can do is issue statements .. which is being done ... rest we know that IN is toothless organisation and major powers have their ulterior motives .. come what may .. Pakistan has kept this issue alive and will keep on doing so for next 70 years .. !!!
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