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Shut up on Balochistan or we raise Maoist, NE unrest: Pakistani envoys in US

If the best that the special envoys could manage was a Stimson center gathering, I'd call it at best a dying flutter. Especially in the US where every nuance of potential Pakistani actions-reactions are studied to ultimate calibration, this is not at all special envoying.

Interested to hear of results from the other 20+ (I read a total of 22 senators were dispatched)

Sen. Mushahid Hussein and MNA Sherza Karral are making the rounds with media and think tanks. Don't know if they met anybody from Obama Adminustration aside from a functionaries. Congress is not in session. So I don't know what impact these envoys will have.
They think Kashmir is Muslim-majority region, hence belongs to Pakistan. Every Muslim-majority region belongs to them. They are communal in nature and don't believe in secular society. Pakistaniyon ka yehi soch sab fasaadon ka jar hain
Actually Pakistan has never done anything till now which is dependent only on Religion, they killed 30 Lakh fellow muslims in Bangladesh, they till date call the fellow muslim who actually have made Pakistan as Muhajirs and they have not been assimilated in the society. The population is carefully given wrong education so that they do not ask them why such actions are being taken (the hatred in text book which are there in Pakis school are not even taught in Arabic schools). It is a nation in which elite people rules the oppressed and systematically makes air balloons for that consumption.
Actually Pakistan has never done anything till now which is dependent only on Religion, they killed 30 Lakh fellow muslims in Bangladesh, they till date call the fellow muslim who actually have made Pakistan as Muhajirs and they have not been assimilated in the society. The population is carefully given wrong education so that they do not ask them why such actions are being taken (the hatred in text book which are there in Pakis school are not even taught in Arabic schools). It is a nation in which elite people rules the oppressed and systematically makes air balloons for that consumption.
I am apalled by the hate Pakistanis have for us simply because our country happens to be Hindu-majority. It reflects a very sick mindset, not compatible with modern society
Actually Pakistan has never done anything till now which is dependent only on Religion, they killed 30 Lakh fellow muslims in Bangladesh, they till date call the fellow muslim who actually have made Pakistan as Muhajirs and they have not been assimilated in the society. The population is carefully given wrong education so that they do not ask them why such actions are being taken (the hatred in text book which are there in Pakis school are not even taught in Arabic schools). It is a nation in which elite people rules the oppressed and systematically makes air balloons for that consumption.

Could you put 30 lakh in full number please.
Thanks for the explanation.

So the number given by Rajeev anand is fake.
It might be slightly exaggerated, but the no of casualties on East Pak side was at least 80,000. Still a huge number. You don't kill and rape your own countrymen and women like that.
TimesOfIndia will of course spin the story to India's advantage.

But the warning is right, if you bring up Balochistan (an internal affair of Pakistan), we'll bring up Maoist, Khalistan, NE, Dalitstan and countless other insurgencies, which till now we considered an internal affair of India.

Kashmir on the other hand is the major dispute between Pakistan and India.
Sen. Mushahid Hussein and MNA Sherza Karral are making the rounds with media and think tanks. Don't know if they met anybody from Obama Adminustration aside from a functionaries. Congress is not in session. So I don't know what impact these envoys will have.
Good point. Another failure of Pakistan to look ahead and plan accordingly.
hehe, yes but the problem is you forgot to mention OSAMA BIN LADEN & MASOOD AZHAR..

Masood Azhar is equivalent of Modi (with only difference, that Masood Azhar have never been a part of any genocide).

We have curtailed him quite well, whereas you have made your "Masood Azhar" PM of India.

Now see the difference?
Now the Mukti bahini in Kashmir will have their own flag and the world will remember their sacrifice too.
World doesnt give a damn about Kashmir, people have spoken about it in full volume in many forums where they are allowed to speak but world has shown solidarity with us.
Are you proud of your flag ?
Sen. Mushahid Hussein and MNA Sherza Karral are making the rounds with media and think tanks. Don't know if they met anybody from Obama Adminustration aside from a functionaries. Congress is not in session. So I don't know what impact these envoys will have.

Something is always better than nothing.

Diplomacy is a learning curve and I think they will do better with time.

World doesnt give a damn about Kashmir, people have spoken about it in full volume in many forums where they are allowed to speak but world has shown solidarity with us.
Are you proud of your flag ?

You can be very sure that world does give a damn about Kashmir.

The world outside India does not revolve around imaginary things Indians and India media so much love to believe in.

Indian govt and Indian media? Oh man give me a break from "SirGKal" strikes, Supa Powa, largest economy, Modi's 56 inch chest and so on.
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