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Shut up on Balochistan or we raise Maoist, NE unrest: Pakistani envoys in US

World doesnt give a damn about Kashmir, people have spoken about it in full volume in many forums where they are allowed to speak but world has shown solidarity with us.
Are you proud of your flag ?

World will remember once the Kashmiri Mukti Bahinis liberate their homeland from the indian occupiers. Now, may I ask for your approval to be a Bangladeshi or do I need your approval to speak my mind? I'll give you that since people like you think that Bangladeshi people are your slaves.
World will remember once the Kashmiri Mukti Bahinis liberate their homeland from the indian occupiers. Now, may I ask for your approval to be a Bangladeshi or do I need your approval to speak my mind? I'll give you that since people like you think that Bangladeshi people are your slaves.
I never had such thoughts about Bangladeshis this is a cook up from you and similarly people only cook up stories about Kashmir, India, USA, China etcc as if they are only dreaming about you.
Something is always better than nothing.

Diplomacy is a learning curve and I think they will do better with time.

You can be very sure that world does give a damn about Kashmir.

The world outside India does not revolve around imaginary things Indians and India media so much love to believe in.

Indian govt and Indian media? Oh man give me a break from "SirGKal" strikes, Supa Powa, largest economy, Modi's 56 inch chest and so on.
I am really sure that world doesnt give a damn and everything else you have written is a reality.
I never had such thoughts about Bangladeshis this is a cook up from you and similarly people only cook up stories about Kashmir, India, USA, China etcc as if they are only dreaming about you.

Cook up from me!!!!!!!! You don't hesitate to ask if I'm proud of my flag just because I support Kashmiri Mukti Bahinis, shame on you!
Actually Pakistan has never done anything till now which is dependent only on Religion, they killed 30 Lakh fellow muslims in Bangladesh, they till date call the fellow muslim who actually have made Pakistan as Muhajirs and they have not been assimilated in the society. The population is carefully given wrong education so that they do not ask them why such actions are being taken (the hatred in text book which are there in Pakis school are not even taught in Arabic schools). It is a nation in which elite people rules the oppressed and systematically makes air balloons for that consumption.
Actually Pakistan has never done anything till now which is dependent only on Religion, they killed 30 Lakh fellow muslims in Bangladesh, they till date call the fellow muslim who actually have made Pakistan as Muhajirs and they have not been assimilated in the society. The population is carefully given wrong education so that they do not ask them why such actions are being taken (the hatred in text book which are there in Pakis school are not even taught in Arabic schools). It is a nation in which elite people rules the oppressed and systematically makes air balloons for that consumption.

This bogus trumpet being played by Bangladesh and Indian RAW of rape and torture by PA in 71 has become so old now that it is not worth even yawning upon. I am not saying that Pakistan army didn't do anything wrong at all, But people, just think about the figure, 3 Million. Does any one of these Bengali have any idea how big this number is?

My question is, why the exact number is unknown until now? the most obvious answer is that the number is a lie, and no serious attempt has been made by Bangladeshi government to come up with an undeniable proof to support their argument. If it does, the truth will come out.
This bogus trumpet being played by Bangladesh and Indian RAW of rape and torture by PA in 71 has become so old now that it is not worth even yawning upon. I am not saying that Pakistan army didn't do anything wrong at all, But people, just think about the figure, 3 Million. Does any one of these Bengali have any idea how big this number is?

My question is, why the exact number is unknown until now? the most obvious answer is that the number is a lie, and no serious attempt has been made by Bangladeshi government to come up with an undeniable proof to support their argument. If it does, the truth will come out.

If your only objection is to the number don't you think you are missing the forest for a tree? Does 3000 of Pakistanis killed and molested by Pakistani military be any better?

As to exact number - how do you propose that is arrived at? A new country such as BD just forming a new govt and institutions obviously cannot focus on a census of dead. A census of living would have been priority may be. India couldn't have because they'd have had to occupy to do that and they had no such intention or interest. Pakistan obviously would be in best position to know but can be expected to understate.

It is just sad
Try it do you think Western powers will support Moaist communists:disagree:
The US and some major European countries openly and hypocratically support the ypg/pyd, which is a branch of the pkk, a marxist communist terrorist group (you can read up on them and their red communism star flag says enough) on the terror list of the US and EU, in Syria diplomatically (ypg/pyd is even allowed to open offices in Europe) and by providing arms in front of the whole world. US soldiers on the ground in Syria even wear ypg/pyd emblems. Google all of this if you don't believe me, pictures and videos are out there. Ironic that the US supports a communist terrorist group, isn't it? In other words, IF the US deemed it necessary for its interests, they would support the maoists in India too, without caring about 'maoist' or whatever tag. I'd bet good money on that.
You believe in Times of India to be telling the truth on Pakistan? You must be a moron.
WASHINGTON: Two Pakistani special envoys tasked with drumming up support for its position on the Kashmir issue in the US continued to play hardball on India amid sharp questioning in Washington DC about the country's unceasing support for terror groups, its provocative nuclear posture, and its general failure as a nation-state.

After threatening to decamp to a purported "China-Russia-Iran" axis if the US did not intervene in the Kashmir issue, the duo on Thursday made peace in Afghanistan hostage to resolution of the Kashmir issue, implicitly warning that Pakistan can undermine US and Indian efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, a country that by many accounts has been ravaged by Pakistani depredations.
"The road to peace in Kabul lies in Kashmir in the sense that when you talk of peace, you cannot compartmentalise peace, you can't segregate a section... ok you can have peace in Kabul and let Kashmir burn. That is not going to happen," Pakistan PM's special envoy on Kashmir Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed told a gathering at the Stimson Center.
Syed's colleague Shezra Mansab also brought in the nuclear dimension, arguing that "Our core issue this time is Kashmir and no peace can prevail in the region, if this issue is not solved," and since India and Pakistan are "nuclear neighbors... we need to have peace on the issue of Kashmir." The Pakistani effort to inveigle the US into the matter with threats and blackmail has found little success so far in Washington DC, and if anything, it has further accentuated Islamabad's crude tactics.

"Why, when it is so hard for the US to get involved in more helpful way in Syria...why should the US listen to the argument for more involvement in Kashmir?" asked Stimson Center's Co-founder and longtime South Asia expert Michael Krepon, adding that the situation in Kashmir is much better than many other conflict prone areas of the world.

"We request the US to intervene, because it has leverage with India to allow negotiations to start, to end human rights violations in Kashmir, to make sure that the UN resolutions are implemented," Syed said feebly.

The duo got hammered by Pakistani dissidents and separatists at another think tank event on Wednesday where they were told Pakistan's own human rights record in Gilgit-Balochistan, Azad Kashmir, Balochistan, and even in Sindh was so poor that it had little moral authority to talk of rights in J&K, where the situation was far better.

The blowback has evidently unnerved the special envoys, and on Thursday Syed raised the issue of India's PM referencing Balochistan, warning that if he continued to do so, Pakistan would respond by "talking of Khalistan, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam, Sikkim or the Maoist insurgency." "We do not want to do that because that is interference in the internal affairs of a neighboring country . You are changing the rules of the game. It becomes tit for tat," he added.

Pakistan's establishment anchors and analysts talk frequently about India's 17 or 27 or 32 insurgencies, and how Pakistan can exploit it if India does not resolve the Kashmir issues.

Although Syed said Pakistan is willing to "do anything" India asks for confidence building measure in order to resume negotiations, he had no cogent answer about why Pakistan has not acted against proscribed terror groups other than "give us more evidence."
Please do

If I were the Pakistani envoy I would ask why indians did not act against the mukti bahini in 1971? Timidness on the part of the Pakistani envoys is what defeats Pakistan in the field of diplomacy. An invisible force holds them back. One can only speculate what that invisible force is.
Awami league were legitimate rulers
From 3 million right down to 80 thousand. And you call that slightly exaggerated. :lol:
Even so, are you proud that your country killed so many people and raped thousands of women in your erstwhile eastern wing, your own people, who loved their country, only to be betrayed later on when Pakistan refused to accept their government?
We will convince china to support them militarily that would be enough for you:D.
Khalistan and Kashmir movement + moaist .
If we really want to bleed India and hurt them bad. We can start supporting these revolutions. But I guess Pakistani policy makers are sending message to India that we can also support these movements if you don't mend your ways
Even so, are you proud that your country killed so many people and raped thousands of women in your erstwhile eastern wing, your own people, who loved their country, only to be betrayed later on when Pakistan refused to accept their government?
Are you proud of interfering in another country's internal issues?
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