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Should We Be Afraid of China's New Aircraft Carrier?

yes because once the carrier enters the ocean the water level will rise eventually and cause damage to countries like Bangladesh. he he!
. well buddy these super carriers are or would be no match to their American counterparts, they can't move freely in Indian ocean as its patrolled by Indian and American navies. they would mostly use them in south China sea scaring their tiny neighbours.

you own the indian ocean?Any one can move in international water freely,even pirates do,think before making idiotic posts
China will shove nuclear lingham up america or india's arse if something happens to its carrier in international waters during peace time.
you own the indian ocean?Any one can move in international water freely,even pirates do,think before making idiotic posts
China will shove nuclear lingham up america or india's arse if something happens to its carrier in international waters during peace time.

whom are u threatning yaar..why do u rant nuke this nuke that??Are china and pakistan the only ones in the world to possess a nuclear device??Ok per say we indians and americans dont possess nukes we will borrow couple of dozens from israel and shove it in ur respective arses happy..Now do u have any doubt abt the ziaonist bombs ??no rite??
Heres whats really intimidating to Indians.

The entire Indian nuclear stockpile is less powerful than 2 Chinese nukes while China has 60% the explosive power of US nukes. So China can nuke India with zero negative consequences, but no one can nuke China without being vaporized. Sobering huh?
yeah those indian bombs raining on a couple of chinese cities shangai and bejing killing around 3-4 crores is of no significance..so cool ur heels and chill.
whom are u threatning yaar..why do u rant nuke this nuke that??Are china and pakistan the only ones in the world to possess a nuclear device??Ok per say we indians and americans dont possess nukes we will borrow couple of dozens from israel and shove it in ur respective arses happy..Now do u have any doubt abt the ziaonist bombs ??no rite??

dont troll....i repeat if anything happens to China's carrier in international waters during peace time it will shove a nuclear lingham up your or america's arse whichever tried to be smart
you dont own indian ocean or international waters
you only own 350 million poor people and 300 active insurgencies in 70 percent of the land you claim to be yours
Heres whats really intimidating to Indians.

The entire Indian nuclear stockpile is less powerful than 2 Chinese nukes while China has 60% the explosive power of US nukes. So China can nuke India with zero negative consequences, but no one can nuke China without being vaporized. Sobering huh?

ahah?!Then whats stopping u guys from nuking us?is that our nuclear stockpile which apparently is less powerful than ur 2 nukes?and let me tell u something mr chang please jus dont hit and run do care to indulge in a healthy conversation
dont troll....i repeat if anything happens to China's carrier in international waters during peace time it will shove a nuclear lingham up your or america's arse whichever tried to be smart
you dont own indian ocean or international waters
you only own 350 million poor people and 300 active insurgencies in 70 percent of the land you claim to be yours

China's carrier can have technical difficulties and sink in Indian ocean as well. So according to you, instead of sending SOS it will send a couple of nukes and sink? Dont rant like an ignorant. Own a brain or ask someone for it before opening your mouth.
Military base in Andaman and Lakshwadeep will be more than enough to take care of any threats.

Besides China has other fish to fry. Varyag is just to back up China's claims in the South China Sea.
dont troll....i repeat if anything happens to China's carrier in international waters during peace time it will shove a nuclear lingham up your or america's arse whichever tried to be smart
you dont own indian ocean or international waters
you only own 350 million poor people and 300 active insurgencies in 70 percent of the land you claim to be yours

and u still plan to live in a country where ppl call u 'P' names and despise u and don let the skinheads know who u are they might wanna kill u:rofl:
dont troll....i repeat if anything happens to China's carrier in international waters during peace time it will shove a nuclear lingham up your or america's arse whichever tried to be smart
you dont own indian ocean or international waters
you only own 350 million poor people and 300 active insurgencies in 70 percent of the land you claim to be yours

Troll WHF..huh 70% of the lands insurgencies blah blah blah..still less ppl die in bomb blast every day every moth and every year than ur holy land..got it..and u call it a troll or wat ever, if china/pakistan has got the guts to nuke us then its game over for all the countries supporting thyem..Ur financers in the deserts will not be spared even..and the lingam ur talking about i guess is the same black lingam from the desert??
china has emmense nuclear arsenal, the only thing is that china don't show off its nuke capability like india and US.

But alas they showed them off to u , hence the suspense is a no- suspense now!!!
dont troll....i repeat if anything happens to China's carrier in international waters during peace time it will shove a nuclear lingham up your or america's arse whichever tried to be smart
you dont own indian ocean or international waters
you only own 350 million poor people and 300 active insurgencies in 70 percent of the land you claim to be yours

There are countless insurgencies in 100 percent of the land you claim to be yours.

Ok, let us get back on topic.

The Varyag by itself will not be any threat to the US Navy. Unless it has a catapult system in the future it won't even be much of a threat to the upcoming Royal Navy Elizabeth class carriers that will deploy 36 JSF aircraft.

It is revealing of Chinese long-term ambitions that the deployment of the Varag indicates that is of more interest. With the Varyag, China has signalled it's intention to build a fleet of aircraft carriers. With the Chinese economy the 2nd largest in the world now and closing in on the US, then China can afford to build more capable aircraft carriers into the future and that is what the US should worry about.

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