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Should vietnam move it's capital to the south

why do you post such shit over and over again?
here is a video for the kids in vietnam: our victory over the han navy at the red river (938).
Such a century old story and worst is cartoon. :lol:

We do not post cartoon and treat it as real. My video is real footage of vietnam boat sunking and vietnamese marine surrender.
Such a century old story and worst is cartoon. :lol:

We do not post cartoon and treat it as real. My video is real footage of vietnam boat sunking and vietnamese marine surrender.
Hehe, 938? video? very funny, is it?!

When was China Viet's tributary? the vietnamese is very happy for several victories on China, because they has been weak side always.
Really? The last conflict we have with Vietnam is a sea battle in 1988. And you shall know who lost big in that sea battle.

Johnson South Reef Skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really ....
Really ????

Really this is absurd !!! Your only war was fought in 1979 . You declared War against Vietnam . And you started your invasion plan with overwhelming numbers which is nearly 400 000 through out the war .... All are regulars against 100000 regular Vietnam soldiers and few 1000s civilians which included small kids to home maker women .... Are you sure you know about this historic event ? What you think of the outcome was ?

Tell me see what is your guess . You fought none except 1979 war which u r PLA thrusted with full force against a midget nation when compared to China . and the war ended in 29 days will
In Gerald Segal's 1985 book Defending China, it was concluded that China's 1979 war against Vietnam was a complete failure: "China failed to force a Vietnamese withdrawal from [Cambodia], failed to end border clashes, failed to cast doubt on the strength of the Soviet power, failed to dispel the image of China as a paper tiger, and failed to draw the United States into an anti-Soviet coalition."

Am talking about border wars but you picking example of island conflict . REALLY AMAZING !!!
Lol. Full forces? The US and French also never succeed. So what's the big deal?

But when comes to sea battle which is related to SCS issue, are you going to deny our splendid superiority over vietnam?

And the difference between US and french is too much ! Is Vietnam shares borders with the American or French ? U are just next door. And this war was a reality check. Just numbers can't win real war. China can't win a War against any decent force . Either you needed West to defeat the Japanese or Soviets to challenge the west . That's the huge insecurity complex vs Never give up attitude of patriotic civilians .
Such a century old story and worst is cartoon. :lol:

We do not post cartoon and treat it as real. My video is real footage of vietnam boat sunking and vietnamese marine surrender.
the battle was real, the victory was real, all happened 1,000 years ago. do you think we had video camera back then?
Lol. Full forces? The US and French also never succeed. So what's the big deal?

But when comes to sea battle which is related to SCS issue, are you going to deny our splendid superiority over vietnam?

Too right. The Vietnamese navy lost to a bunch of speedboats. That's probably the single most humiliating naval defeat in the 20th century.

According to them a Chinese survey team went ashore to set up an observation post when forty three Vietnamese armed with weapons alighted from three ships on the same islet at the same time. When told to leave, the Vietnamese opened fire and wounded one Chinese member of the survey team. This was then followed by machine gun fire from the ships and that incited the Chinese to return the fire. During the brief exchange of fires, the Vietnamese vessels were set ablaze. The battle was said to have lasted for about 28 mlnutes.
Writing? architecture? Imperial bureaucracy? Culture?

Poor behavior and a warlike disposition made Vietnam a poor contributor to Confucian order.

Too confrontational, too erratic and too angry.

The Vietnam of today should understand that such an attitude will be to their own detriment. The international community have little sympathy or respect for Vietnam and you are too small to impose yourself on them. You already have a bad hand, playing it poorly out of spite and anger will only make things worse.

Maneuvering into an alliance with China will put Vietnam in a strong position. Before it all went to 5hit during the cold war, Chinese Vietnamese relations were quite good. Then you fcuked it all up and picked the Soviets to be your best buddy because China was poor. It was a short sighted choice.
china had confrontation with the USSR, why china forced vietnam to make the choice: china or? if you are not with me, you are my enemy. it was you, that unnecessary alienated vietnam. afterall, vietnam was at war, not walking in a park. the Soviets gave what vietnam needed to win the war. the history was right.

as for our neighbors, you should know, in ancient times only the jungle´s law prevails. everybody hates everybody. every nation seeks hegemony. siam, champa, khmer, malays, burma, etc...don´t blame us. it is not only vietnam...
actually we just wanted to educate all of them a bit, how to behave. we civilized the barbarians. don´t blame vietnam, blame yourself. we learned from you.

sure, you are right. we should ally with china. but you make our decision very difficult.
Who can come to Hanoi in a week? Laos? No. Chinese? LOL! No.
Perhaps Vietnam bullied by china at sea (war at sea is depend so much on equipment) but not on land.

In 1979, hundreds of thousands of chinese soldiers had to deal painfully with Vietnamese local soldiers and Vietnamese Militia that the majority of them were VN women, but what is the result? After a month, they (the chinese soilders) were not able to go too far from the border and quickly fled back china before facing VPA returning from Cambodia.

Caught Red-handed
Vietnamese troops watch over detained Chinese soldiers on Feb. 26, 1979. Seasoned by decades of guerrilla war and equipped with the latest Soviet technology, the Vietnamese proved too strong for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), whose strategy still revolved around deploying "human waves" of ragtag soldiers, a tactic used nearly three decades before during the Korean War.
China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later - Photo Essays - TIME

You are wasting your time. What can you talk with a country which claims Tibetians victories as their own. As now they have occupied these helpless soles ? Not only Vietnam all other clans of that region enslaved main land people for many centuries . From small Koreans , monghols Japanese traders farmers , tobacco farm workers all ruled over Chinese for many 1000s of years . That's why Chinese are very insecure . Hence the keep magnifying their really capabilities of all their weapons . I have great respect of the warrior spirit if Vietnam . Same like our Indian spirits to safe guard our nations. When in 1962 Chinese surprised Indian troops who were poorly armed with 2nd ww rifles in very less numbers who stood their still they die against 10 times more troops from China . All their victories are based on someone's help on adversaries helplessness .

Wonder what communist teaching you guys as Chinese history .... bhuhahaha bhuhahaha

Read this ....

Vietnam's Bloody Defeat of China - Salem-News.Com

And look at the enemy you lost to. Woman like her chased your pla out of Vietnam in 29 days . Later border cross firing was taking place . But the war declared and ended in 29 days . If you deny this . Then I don't know what you will grow up into .... May like R2 D2 robot for your factories:laugh:

Respect to India, hard workers with growing IT/tech economy. Off topic whats up with @Bussard Ramjet a Indian who is pro Chinese. I thought you guys weren't allies.

In a conflict with China, moving the capital south will only buy a few more days of reprieve before the heart of Vietnam is taken.

Vietnam stands alone and its government inept. Vietnams best defense is making itself an unattractive acquisition.

The old imperial system of tributes benefits the smaller states more than befit China. The Ming sent armies to fight Hideyoshis invasion in Korea and even the Qing sent armies to fight the French in Vietnam. All that is required in return are small symbolic gifts.

Vietnam was the most important tribute state to China in the maritime silk road.

Jiaozhi and Rinan in what is now northern Vietnam became the main point of entry to China from countries to the west as far away as the Roman Empire, as recorded in the Book of the Later Han:

In the ninth Yanxi year [ad 166], during the reign of Emperor Huan, the king of Da Qin [the Roman Empire], Andun (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,r. 161-180), sent envoys from beyond the frontiers through Rinan... During the reign of Emperor He [ad 89-105], they sent several envoys carrying tribute and offerings. Later, the Western Regions rebelled, and these relations were interrupted. Then, during the second and the fourth Yanxi years in the reign of Emperor Huan [ad 159 and 161], and frequently since, [these] foreigners have arrived [by sea] at the frontiers of Rinan [Commandery just south of Jiaozhi] to present offerings.[7]

The Book of Liang states:

The merchants of this country [the Roman Empire] frequently visit Funan [in the Mekongdelta], Rinan (Annam) and Jiaozhi [in the Red River Deltanear modern Hanoi]; but few of the inhabitants of these southern frontier states have come to Da Qin. During the 5th year of the Huangwu period of the reign of Sun Quan [ad 226] a merchant of Da Qin, whose name was Qin Lun came to Jiaozhi [Tonkin]; the prefect [taishou] of Jiaozhi, Wu Miao, sent him to Sun Quan [the Wu emperor], who asked him for a report on his native country and its people."[8]

The capital of Jiaozhi was proposed by Ferdinand von Richthofen in 1877 to have been the port known to the geographerPtolemy and the Romans as Cattigara, situated near modern Hanoi.[9] Richthofen's view was widely accepted until archaeology at Óc Eo in the Mekong Delta suggested that site may have been its location. Cattigara seems to have been the main port of call for ships traveling to China from the West in the first few centuries ad, before being replaced by Guangdong.[10]
Yea right, Apparently Americans couldn't roll into Hanoi for all those years of Vietnam war.........not so easy like driving your car.

Wasn't it one of the episodes on Top Gear? The trio had to do in a week what Americans couldn't in 15 years?
Yea right, Apparently Americans couldn't roll into Hanoi for all those years of Vietnam war.........not so easy like driving your car.

Wasn't it one of the episodes on Top Gear? The trio had to do in a week what Americans couldn't in 15 years?

Because the Vietnam War belonged to the pre-cruise missile/precision bombing era.

Next time CPC don't has no where to hide, because KMT is still there in Taiwan.

The incompetent party like KMT was destined to collapse and to completely vanish from the history.

While CPC had made our country thriving and our enemy trembles into fear.

Beware, your CPC wannabe party might be the next victim of the US sponsored color revolution.
Because the Vietnam War belonged to the pre-cruise missile/precision bombing era.

Then no place is safe in Vietnam?
Anyway, that was more of a proverbial statement by me....had a discussion with a Vietnamese friend, and he said, today USA could take over Vietnam in less than a week........putting the boots on the ground is the tough part.....after the Airpower has done it's job.
Then no place is safe in Vietnam?
Anyway, that was more of a proverbial statement by me....had a discussion with a Vietnamese friend, and he said, today USA could take over Vietnam in less than a week........putting the boots on the ground is the tough part.....after the Airpower has done it's job.

Indeed, just look what the US has done to Iraq.

Saddam's Iraqi army was by far larger and more mechanized than the Vietcong's army.

And I don't think that Vietcong would have the luck to face off a completely evolved US army in the post-Cold War.

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