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Should the Kurds have a referendum in Turkey?

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Because we all know the majority would vote to secede from Turkey roflmao.

Who will vote? :)
What is a kurd in Turkey? how can you see or find one?
Does saying you are one by word is enough???

it's like asking pure Romans to vote a referundum in Italy...
:woot: Really?! What about the Syrian Sunnis ?! who are the majority? don't they have a right to decide their own fate in the face of the minority Alawites?!
When will you learn that you Shites minority can't rule over vast seas of Muslims?
And when will you learn that I'm not Shiite and wasn't even born into a Shiite family?

Yes, the Sunnis should decide their own fate as well.

This is the best path to Middle East peace, otherwise the various ethnic and sectarian groups in the region will continue to fight one another.

Who will vote? :)
What is a kurd in Turkey? how can you see or find one?
Does saying you are one by word is enough???

it's like asking pure Romans to vote a referundum in Italy...
There are methods to determine these issues. It's not like other countries didn't have similar referendums before. These methods already exist.
And when will you learn that I'm not Shiite and wasn't even born into a Shiite family?

Yes, the Sunnis should decide their own fate as well.

This is the best path to Middle East peace, otherwise the various ethnic and sectarian groups in the region will continue to fight one another.

You are a liberal Arab, aka Saudi hater, Islamism hater, aka Abdulnasser worshiper, aka follower of a failed ideology, aka unconsciously serving iranian agenda, aka a pawn in the shite army.
You are a liberal Arab, aka Saudi hater, Islamism hater, aka Abdulnasser worshiper, aka follower of a failed ideology, aka unconsciously serving iranian agenda, aka a pawn in the shite army.
Nope. I'm not ethnically Arab, I neither hate nor like Saudi Arabia, I don't mind Islamism if it upholds democracy and freedom like it has in Tunisia, I'm not fond of Abdel Nasser and think that Egypt would've probably been a better country had the royal family stayed in power, and I despise Khomeinism as much as I despise Salafism/Wahhabism.
You are a liberal Arab, aka Saudi hater, Islamism hater, aka Abdulnasser worshiper, aka follower of a failed ideology, aka unconsciously serving iranian agenda, aka a pawn in the shite army.

Colonel Nasser was a good man
When are we Muslims going to realize divided we are doomed united we are invincible!
And when will you learn that I'm not Shiite and wasn't even born into a Shiite family?

Yes, the Sunnis should decide their own fate as well.

This is the best path to Middle East peace, otherwise the various ethnic and sectarian groups in the region will continue to fight one another.

There are methods to determine these issues. It's not like other countries didn't have similar referendums before. These methods already exist.

Go ahead tell me how you can do it?
By DNA? By Word? Go back into endless ancestors? what about those who have a father/mother or Grand father/mother Greatfather/Mother who is "pure" turkish or not?

The answer is YOU can't... Period
Those asking referundum in others places of the globe were already seperated like being in autonomous regions or were newly greated countries or by religion etc...

In the End Turkey will not be seperated in a "kurdish state" in his own country by any votes... only if conflict arise btw population... like in Syria or any war like country...
But you don't like it... do you? at least you didn't want it for Syria... why would you for Turkey... It's a stable country with flaws, but still a stable country with opportunities...

BUT IF you want the same thing as Syria then... sry to tell you this... You are an Hypocrit and your past "beautiful" speechs about safety , liberty and rights were only BS, since you want that only for those you share "ties" with...

Anyway. Future will tell us what was right and wrong...
Nasser was a typical general dictator who got owned by Israel due to his failed policies and typical dictator propaganda (Al Qaher and Aldhaffers balistic missiles lol)

All Arab republics have had (still have) these type of mostly military rulers, Arab monarchies have kings/emirs which is just a fancy name for dictator.

Probably only Iraq and Lebanon being democracies with actual leaders being changed at the moment. Many will say Iraq and Lebanon aren't democracies, they base this upon that these countries are facing a crisis, being unaware that democracy does not mean stability.
All Arab republics have had (still have) these type of mostly military rulers, Arab monarchies have kings/emirs which is just a fancy name for dictator.

Probably only Iraq and Lebanon being democracies with actual leaders being changed at the moment.

Lol Iraq a democracy...
Lebanon yes
Turkey yes

Go ahead tell me how you can do it?
By DNA? By Word? Go back into endless ancestors? what about those who have a father/mother or Grand father/mother Greatfather/Mother who is "pure" turkish or not?

The answer is YOU can't... Period
Those asking referundum in others places of the globe were already seperated like being in autonomous regions or were newly greated countries or by religion etc...

In the End Turkey will not be seperated in a "kurdish state" in his own country by any votes... only if conflict arise btw population... like in Syria or any war like country...
But you don't like it... do you? at least you didn't want it for Syria... why would you for Turkey... It's a stable country with flaws, but still a stable country with opportunities...

BUT IF you want the same thing as Syria then... sry to tell you this... You are an Hypocrit and your past "beautiful" speechs about safety , liberty and rights were only BS, since you want that only for those you share "ties" with...

Anyway. Future will tell us what was right and wrong...
Like I said, there are methods to determine these things. I'm not an expert in how independence referendums are carried out, but I do know that methods to determine whether or not people are eligible to vote in such referendums already exist and have been applied elsewhere in the world. So you're basically trying to make an argument out of nothing.

As for the Syrians, they have a right to determine things via referendums as well.

I believe in all people's right to self-determination. Self-determination is an internationally recognized human right.

All peoples deserve to have basic human rights, freedom, civil liberties, self-determination, etc.
Like I said, there are methods to determine these things. I'm not an expert in how independence referendums are carried out, but I do know that methods to determine whether or not people are eligible to vote in such referendums already exist and have been applied elsewhere in the world. So you're basically trying to make an argument out of nothing.

As for the Syrians, they have a right to determine things via referendums as well.

I believe in all people's right to self-determination. Self-determination is an internationally recognized human right.

All peoples deserve to have basic human rights, freedom, civil liberties, self-determination, etc.

yeah... yet you cheered that secular ASSad regime was a better alternative to syrians back in the days...
Anyway Rights, equality for all is a must...
Fuel the Kurdish-Turkish war so that Turkey stops fueling wars in its Arab neighbors, when they support Barzani respond by supporting the YPG to force them reconsider their policy. Airdrop some chocolate over the Qandil mountains, set up long range air defense systems and harass their jets when they attempt to strike the PKK.

A lot is possible, it's just that Abadi likes to play it safe unlike previous leaders. Syria could do some more too.
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