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Should the Kurds have a referendum in Turkey?

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As i see, such threads are allowed here, thus Turk members here have had the right to open identical threads without any consequences:

  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Iran?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Greece?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Bulgaria?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Syria?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Iraq?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Russia?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in China?

Patiently, I reserve my rights to open such threads here and related sections in time.

@WebMaster , in case it comes down to any problem when i open such threads in related sections, in advance i tagged you in this post. Thanks.
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There was never a people in the world in history in existence that I have ever heard called iraqi's. If i go to iraq tomorow and split it and make a nation called miraqi(just a random made up name), that is the same thing. In probably 20 years those miraqis will have a 'fake' built nationalism, they will be like oh we are miraqi people which is unheard of.

TAF is way stronger than iraq that has 8592593 factions. PMU what the hel is that lol or whatever its called. You dont even have an iraqi army.

We came to this area 1000 years ago and we steam rolled over everyone so go and learn some history lol. Since Great Seljuks, Alparslans, Alaatin Keykubats, Ertugrul's etc. I dont need to talk about Turks military achievements here.

I know why you are angry, but I dont understand it. You say iraq should give atgm to ypg or pkk while I have never heard of or seen us give ATGM or any weapons to barzani. We belive in territorial integrity of iraq yet you seem to be in a different world. I dont know which propoganda peices you are watching.

I'm not angry, i'm suggesting a change in policy to force erdogan to reconsider his policy. As for Miraqis.. you wrote some strange shit there but think as you like.

I did not compare between TAF and ISF, perhaps I believe the ISF is weak as well, though they have been performing quite good which are words from American generals. Maybe I said TAF is weak compared to the common image people have of the TAF?

I hate barzani as much as you do and so do most of the Turks, but we have a low IQ president.
Which doesn't matter, as neither you nor I have the power to do anything about it. So what i'm suggesting won't happen either way.
Should the Turks have a referendum in Iran?

Yeah why not? Azerbaijani turks are quite a large minority in Iran and its independence is quite viable and practical.

  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Syria?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Iraq?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Russia?

Syria?Iraq? You mean the Turkmen? Too small of a minority to make a difference.

Russia? Maybe if you convince the Tatars and Crimean turks while influencing the Chechens,Circassians,etc. You could probably lead a revolt but otherwise no way for referendum.

Should the Turks have a referendum in China?

You mean the Turkic minority? Highly unlikely... China would crush it nearly in an instant.
Never understood why European empires chose Turks to rule Turkey or didn't separate the region into multiple countries like they did to the Middle East after the empire was abolished. I can understand why they formed an independent Iran for the ethnic Persians since historically, they were allies with Europe and have always maintained good relationship with them but not the Turks and [Suuni] Arabs who have had deep hostilities with Europe and have fought countless wars with them for almost thousand years.

When the Ottoman empire was abolished and Sykes Picot was formed, the Europeans formed countries for the Arabs, Turks and Iranians. Why would they ignore the Kurds or other minor ethnics when they were probably Europe's best interest since Europeans and Turks were enemies to the bone back then. Yet, they ignored the Kurds and the others who would be the perfect interest to suit them. Why allow the Turks to take full control over the country when they could've divided into small countries like they did to the Middle East so they could take advantage over it in the future like they're doing in the chaotic Middle East today?

The French chose the Alawites to rule Syria for their interest and completely barred the Suuni Arabs for an obvious reason. Daniel Pipes perfectly explained the Franco-Syria and the Alawite capture of power in Syria (see article below). They didn't do this in Turkey which makes no sense.

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Never understood why European empires chose Turks to rule Turkey or didn't separate the region into multiple countries like they did to the Middle East after the empire was abolished. I can understand why they formed an independent Iran for the ethnic Persians since historically, they were allies with Europe and have always maintained good relationship with them but not the Turks and [Suuni] Arabs who have had deep hostilities with Europe and have fought countless wars with them for almost thousand years.

When the Ottoman empire was abolished and Sykes Picot was formed, the Europeans formed countries for the Arabs, Turks and Iranians. Why would they ignore the Kurds or other minor ethnics when they were probably Europe's best interest since Europeans and Turks were enemies to the bone back then. Yet, they ignored the Kurds and the others who would be the perfect interest to suit them. Why allow the Turks to take full control over the country when they could've divided into small countries like they did to the Middle East so they could take advantage over it in the future like they're doing in the chaotic Middle East today?

The French chose the Alawites to rule Syria for their interest and completely barred the Suuni Arabs for an obvious reason. Daniel Pipes perfectly explained the Franco-Syria and the Alawite capture of power in Syria (see article below). They didn't do this in Turkey which makes no sense.

They did tried.


But ultimately failed.
Yeah why not? Azerbaijani turks are quite a large minority in Iran and its independence is quite viable and practical.

Syria?Iraq? You mean the Turkmen? Too small of a minority to make a difference.

Russia? Maybe if you convince the Tatars and Crimean turks while influencing the Chechens,Circassians,etc. You could probably lead a revolt but otherwise no way for referendum.

You mean the Turkic minority? Highly unlikely... China would crush it nearly in an instant.

what matters here is that with this thread, Turks have earned the right to open such threads here and related sections in order to keep an eye on their ethnic brothers' conditions and rights in threads titled as:

  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Iran?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Greece?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Bulgaria?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Syria?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Iraq?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in Russia?
  • Should the Turks have a referendum in China?

In time, I will personally open such threads and mention about those Turks, then you will find some answers regarding ''How''.
lsn't there a Turkic minority called *sekels* in Romania? They should go independent as well, seems only fair.

Never understood why European empires chose Turks to rule Turkey or didn't separate the region into multiple countries like they did to the Middle East after the empire was abolished. I can understand why they formed an independent Iran for the ethnic Persians since historically, they were allies with Europe and have always maintained good relationship with them but not the Turks and [Suuni] Arabs who have had deep hostilities with Europe and have fought countless wars with them for almost thousand years.

When the Ottoman empire was abolished and Sykes Picot was formed, the Europeans formed countries for the Arabs, Turks and Iranians. Why would they ignore the Kurds or other minor ethnics when they were probably Europe's best interest since Europeans and Turks were enemies to the bone back then. Yet, they ignored the Kurds and the others who would be the perfect interest to suit them. Why allow the Turks to take full control over the country when they could've divided into small countries like they did to the Middle East so they could take advantage over it in the future like they're doing in the chaotic Middle East today?

The French chose the Alawites to rule Syria for their interest and completely barred the Suuni Arabs for an obvious reason. Daniel Pipes perfectly explained the Franco-Syria and the Alawite capture of power in Syria (see article below). They didn't do this in Turkey which makes no sense.


They didn't choose Turks to rule Turkey:rofl:

We had an independence war to rule ourselves, you know that's the whole point of giving an independence war.

ln fact we also killed bunch from your people when they were forced to attack Turks during the war, because you were British colony in that time(maybe even now?)
ln fact we also killed bunch from your people when they were forced to attack Turks during the war, because you were British colony in that time(maybe even now?)
lol, not an Aussie. There isn't a second option to change your country flag here.
Kurds can all be deported to USA?

They can make a Kudristan in USA , lot of realestate by Navada Desert
Currently Turkey is facing a Kurd war of independence.While Erdogan is yapping about nonsense in Europe his military is repressing with sheer force and disregard for human rights the Kurd struggke for freedom.

Hipocrisy much?
What Kurdish struggle are you talking about,the PKK terrorists?
What kind of thread is this @WebMaster @waz @The Eagle ,he opened it only because he has some issues with Turkish members.
Is this a military forum or a kindergarden with all these childish threads?
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