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Should the Kurds have a referendum in Turkey?

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We have a saying "Drawn by blood, can only be discarded by blood."

You wanna claim our lands...? Then face us on the battlefield as there is no other way. (Just don't lose Musul and Kerkük while you are dreaming. ;) )

Turkish military performance has been nothing for you to be proud of, which makes sense given that many of them are ill motivated conscripts (So many Turks I know in the Netherlands pay 10K to avoid conscription), TAF is inexperienced aside from fighting the PKK which barely has advanced arms (no ATGW and doesn't use armored VBIED's), IS launches high intensity raids whilst the PKK has been fighting a low intensity hit & run war. Razing a few town to the ground and calling it a victory is not impressive.

You should read again, I did not say I wanted to claim 'your' land. Read again.

As for Mosul and Kerkuk, Iraq faced several wars with the worlds superpower, one of the heaviest sanctions and betrayal on a large scale which caused the loss of these towns. However, many have been reclaimed and taking it from Kurds is far from impossible, easier militarily than from IS actually. Turkey has not undergone such tests, recently they launched the Al Bab operation and took months to take a tiny town, meanwhile they lost loads of tanks and abandoned some of them. So much for all that nationalistic nonsense of yours. You're not the strongest yourself personally, you're scrawny right? so save me the soldier talk.

What I said was drop chocolate over Qandil to keep Turkey busy, set up long range air defenses and harass Turkish jets, this is a moderate policy that might force Turkey to reconsider its policy. Very achievable militarily and it won't clash with either Russia or the US. Some more can be done in Syria. If Turkey tries to attack these air defense systems (whilst it's very hard) it would mean attacking an air base with US forces present which is very dangerous politically.

This is closer to the far right policy which you always advocate against your neighbors Sinan, don't complain.
l don't see how that's happening when %65 of Kurdish population in Turkey lives on the Turkish side of the country :crazy:
Turkish military performance has been nothing for you to be proud of, which makes sense given that many of them are ill motivated conscripts (So many Turks I know in the Netherlands pay 10K to avoid conscription), TAF is inexperienced aside from fighting the PKK which barely has advanced arms (no ATGW and doesn't use armored VBIED's), IS launches high intensity raids whilst the PKK has been fighting a low intensity hit & run war. Razing a few town to the ground and calling it a victory is not impressive.
Blah, blah..... and we still stand undefeated against non-Turkics in Anatolia for a millennia. Bet Byzantines were doing assessments like you back in time. :lol:

As for Mosul and Kerkuk, Iraq faced several wars with the worlds superpower, one of the heaviest sanctions and betrayal on a large scale which caused the loss of these towns. However, many have been reclaimed and taking it from Kurds is far from impossible, easier militarily than from IS actually. Turkey has not undergone such tests, recently they launched the Al Bab operation and took months to take a tiny town, meanwhile they lost loads of tanks and abandoned some of them. So much for all that nationalistic nonsense of yours. You're not the strongest yourself personally, you're scrawny right? so save me the soldier talk.
Refer to above.

What I said was drop chocolate over Qandil to keep Turkey busy, set up long range air defenses and harass Turkish jets, this is a moderate policy that might force Turkey to reconsider its policy. Very achievable militarily and it won't clash with either Russia or the US. Some more can be done in Syria. If Turkey tries to attack these air defense systems (whilst it's very hard) it would mean attacking an air base with US forces present which is very dangerous politically.

Since PKK has bases in Iraq and launches attacks on Turkey from Iraq... we can always choose the option to invade northern Iraq....I wonder if Iraqi army would stand against us.

You're not the strongest yourself personally, you're scrawny right?
I have posted my pic in the forum..you can judge by yourself.

I have served in 106th artillery regiment in Gaziantep/Islahiye. Were did you served ?
Blah, blah..... and we still stand undefeated against non-Turkics in Anatolia for a millennia. Bet Byzantines were doing assessments like you back in time. :lol:

Lost the ottoman empire = defeat.
Many wars against Russian factions resulted in defeats.

One can always say he did not lose it, many Americans will say they won the Vietnam war, others say they lost it. Saddam claimed he won the war against Iran, he claimed he won the war against the US in 1991 was they eventually left. Iran in 1988 claimed it won the war, but did they win? No.

Modern day Turkey since that republic was established did not face any major enemy on its own, the war of independence was fought whilst the Europeans were busy/just recovering from bombing each other to hell in WW1. It's far from comparable to something like the 1991 coalition that stood against Iraq.

1000 years from now the 2014 IS takeover might not even be mentioned as a loss for the Iraqi forces, just 2 years later they were back in Mosul. When you talk about battles fought thousands of years ago a tiny period of 1 or 2 years where the performance of one side in battles changed to the better or worse won't be mentioned by you or most people, you mention the end result hence it's very easy to paint every war as a victory.

Since PKK has bases in Iraq and launches attacks on Turkey from Iraq... we can always choose the option to invade northern Iraq....I wonder if Iraqi army would stand against us.
Done before in 2008, didn't help you. There's no ISF in Qandil, if you'd invade Tal Afar or Mosul then yes they would, you actually think they're afraid? The US and IS are more fierce in battle, don't overdo that nationalism.
I have posted my pic in the forum..you can judge by yourself.

I have served in 106th artillery regiment in Gaziantep/Islahiye. Were did you served ?
What did you do there besides fire some artillery shells on empty mountains and stand at a checkpoint, there is conscription there, it proves nothing. Many of my family members were conscripts but active in high intensity wars. Besides physically i'd easily pass those physical army tests but that's a different topic, we don't have conscription here.

They taught you a lot of nonsense, you used to say that TAF would steamroll all of northern Syria including the YPG. But look at the current situation, it's not that easy. What makes you think we are less capable than you are? 'We', you forget have seen more wars and have more recent experience. Every human has high motivation to survive, your nationalism blinds you.
Lost the ottoman empire = defeat.
Many wars against Russian factions resulted in defeats.

One can always say he did not lose it, many Americans will say they won the Vietnam war, others say they lost it. Saddam claimed he won the war against Iran, he claimed he won the war against the US in 1991 was they eventually left. Iran in 1988 claimed it won the war, but did they win? No.

Modern day Turkey since that republic was established did not face any major enemy on its own, the war of independence was fought whilst the Europeans were busy/just recovering from bombing each other to hell in WW1. It's far from comparable to something like the 1991 coalition that stood against Iraq.

1000 years from now the 2014 IS takeover might not even be mentioned as a loss for the Iraqi forces, just 2 years later they were back in Mosul. When you talk about battles fought thousands of years ago a tiny period of 1 or 2 years where the performance of one side in battles changed to the better or worse won't be mentioned by you or most people, you mention the end result hence it's very easy to paint every war as a victory.
We still stand undefeated against non-Turkics in Anatolia for a millennia.

Done before in 2008, didn't help you. There's no ISF in Qandil, if you'd invade Tal Afar or Mosul then yes they would, you actually think they're afraid? The US and IS are more fierce in battle, don't overdo that nationalism.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What did you do there besides fire some artillery shells on empty mountains and stand at a checkpoint, there is conscription there, it proves nothing. Many of my family members were conscripts but active in high intensity wars. Besides physically i'd easily pass those physical army tests but that's a different topic, we don't have conscription here.

Conscription (12-6 months military training ) readies one for the war. Teaches the chain of command to your bones. Being in the army is not playing call of duty, as a mere soldier you are given orders, you either achieve your orders or die trying. Concriptions teaches you this.

I don't care, about Iraqi army a bit and i don't consider an army too....some religious groups (PMU, ISF or whatever you call them) fighting against religious maniacs. (ISIS)
Your username and your ugly racism against Kurds both indicate a strong white inferiority complex which is worrying.

You are supporting PKK terrorists and that is a crime!
We still stand undefeated against non-Turkics in Anatolia for a millennia.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Useless responses, you're ignoring and repeating the same stuff.

Conscription (12-6 months military training ) readies one for the war. Teaches the chain of command to your bones. Being in the army is not playing call of duty, as a mere soldier you are given orders, you either achieve your orders or die trying. Concriptions teaches you this.

I don't care, about Iraqi army a bit and i don't consider an army too....some religious groups (PMU, ISF or whatever you call them) fighting against religious maniacs. (ISIS)

Ok big deal, I asked what you did in the army. So I assume you manned some checkpoints and fired some shells on empty mountains.

Didn't you keep saying how Turkey would run over IS everywhere, how Turkey would take Mosul from IS in a week. How long did tiny al Bab take?

Conclusion: TAF is very bad, very ill trained and inexperienced. You are not wolves.
Ok big deal, I asked what you did in the army. So I assume you manned some checkpoints and fired some shells on empty mountains.

Didn't you keep saying how Turkey would run over IS everywhere, how Turkey would take Mosul from IS in a week. How long did tiny al Bab take?

Conclusion: TAF is very bad, very ill trained and inexperienced. You are not wolves.
Lol how does this make TAF bad in the first place? :cheesy:

Show me where I supported PKK.
You did what infidel? :butcher:
Lost the ottoman empire = defeat.
Many wars against Russian factions resulted in defeats.

One can always say he did not lose it, many Americans will say they won the Vietnam war, others say they lost it. Saddam claimed he won the war against Iran, he claimed he won the war against the US in 1991 was they eventually left. Iran in 1988 claimed it won the war, but did they win? No.

Modern day Turkey since that republic was established did not face any major enemy on its own, the war of independence was fought whilst the Europeans were busy/just recovering from bombing each other to hell in WW1. It's far from comparable to something like the 1991 coalition that stood against Iraq.

1000 years from now the 2014 IS takeover might not even be mentioned as a loss for the Iraqi forces, just 2 years later they were back in Mosul. When you talk about battles fought thousands of years ago a tiny period of 1 or 2 years where the performance of one side in battles changed to the better or worse won't be mentioned by you or most people, you mention the end result hence it's very easy to paint every war as a victory.

Done before in 2008, didn't help you. There's no ISF in Qandil, if you'd invade Tal Afar or Mosul then yes they would, you actually think they're afraid? The US and IS are more fierce in battle, don't overdo that nationalism.

What did you do there besides fire some artillery shells on empty mountains and stand at a checkpoint, there is conscription there, it proves nothing. Many of my family members were conscripts but active in high intensity wars. Besides physically i'd easily pass those physical army tests but that's a different topic, we don't have conscription here.

They taught you a lot of nonsense, you used to say that TAF would steamroll all of northern Syria including the YPG. But look at the current situation, it's not that easy. What makes you think we are less capable than you are? 'We', you forget have seen more wars and have more recent experience. Every human has high motivation to survive, your nationalism blinds you.
Hahaha loool. This guy is hilarious.
He's comparing artifical Iraq created by British. I just don't understand how stupid some people are.

He's comparing the wars in ww1 we fought with artificial Iraqs. Absolutely hilarious.
Hahaha loool. This guy is hilarious.
He's comparing artifical Iraq created by British. I just don't understand how stupid some people are.

He's comparing the wars in ww1 we fought with artificial Iraqs. Absolutely hilarious.
You already said that before, we discussed it here:

I don't feel like repeating.

Topic here is different though, my point is that TAF is weak, we need a change in policy.
You already said that before, we discussed it here:

I don't feel like repeating.

Topic here is different though, my point is that TAF is weak, we need a change in policy.

There was never a people in the world in history in existence that I have ever heard called iraqi's. If i go to iraq tomorow and split it and make a nation called miraqi(just a random made up name), that is the same thing. In probably 20 years those miraqis will have a 'fake' built nationalism, they will be like oh we are miraqi people which is unheard of.

TAF is way stronger than iraq that has 8592593 factions. PMU what the hel is that lol or whatever its called. You dont even have an iraqi army.

We came to this area 1000 years ago and we steam rolled over everyone so go and learn some history lol. Since Great Seljuks, Alparslans, Alaatin Keykubats, Ertugrul's etc. I dont need to talk about Turks military achievements here.

I know why you are angry, but I dont understand it. You say iraq should give atgm to ypg or pkk while I have never heard of or seen us give ATGM or any weapons to barzani. We belive in territorial integrity of iraq yet you seem to be in a different world. I dont know which propoganda peices you are watching. I hate barzani as much as you do and so do most of the Turks, but we have a low IQ president.
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