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Should the Kurds have a referendum in Turkey?

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All Arab republics have had (still have) these type of mostly military rulers, Arab monarchies have kings/emirs which is just a fancy name for dictator.

Probably only Iraq and Lebanon being democracies with actual leaders being changed at the moment.

You wish. Look at Egypt during the Monarchy and after General nasser. Look at oil rich Libya under General Qadhafi. You don't need to goo far, look at resource-less Arab countries ruled by Monarchies (Jordan for example) and compare it to even richer Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Sudan.

And of course I won't mention the GCC and how economically and socially developed they are, except maybe Kuwait and Oman. And the reasons are:

Kuwait: trying to import a western democratic concept and trying to implement it in a tribal society, and also the shite minority.

Oman: not having a strong relation with the true Arab bloc and GCC and having being neutral between Arabs and iranis.
yeah... yet you cheered that secular ASSad regime was a better alternative to syrians back in the days...
Anyway Rights, equality for all is a must...
Nope. I merely said that from a personal point of view, being ruled by a secular dictator was much better than being ruled by an Islamic dictator because at least the secular dictator won't try to impose his religious ultraconservative lifestyle on me.

Now, if the majority of Syrians want an Islamic dictatorship like Iran and are prepared to vote for that in a nationwide referendum, then that's their bloody choice. They're free to foolishly repeat the mistakes of other nationalities.
Fuel the Kurdish-Turkish war so that Turkey stops fueling wars in its Arab neighbors, when they support Barzani respond by supporting the YPG to force them reconsider their policy.
Who would fuel. And what's there to fuel the war ended along time ago November 2015. And guess who won. Barzani is our bet and as long as Bagdad is not offering other alternatives we will be dealing him. That's the way it is,
You are a liberal Arab, aka Saudi hater, Islamism hater, aka Abdulnasser worshiper, aka follower of a failed ideology, aka unconsciously serving iranian agenda, aka a pawn in the shite army.
She is not an Arab. She's a white American lady who pretends to be a Kuwaiti. Her nick was Turkopersian on Iranian Defence Forum.
You wish. Look at Egypt during the Monarchy and after General nasser. Look at oil rich Libya under General Qadhafi. You don't need to goo far, look at resource-less Arab countries ruled by Monarchies (Jordan for example) and compare it to even richer Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Sudan.

And of course I won't mention the GCC and economically and socially developed they are, except maybe Kuwait and Oman. And the reasons are:

Kuwait: trying to import a western democratic concept and trying to implement it in a tribal society, and also the shite minority.

Oman: not having a strong relation with the true Arab bloc and GCC and having being neutral between Arabs and iranis.

That richness does not have to do with monarchy or republic, it has to do with stability. For the same reason Iraq was rich in the 70's (stability), I thought Libya under Gadhafi was no monarchy.

By coincidence the monarchies were allied to the US whilst the Arab republics were mostly with the Soviets, Americans won so the monarchies remained secure. Yes Kings/emirs are dictators.
Nope. I'm not ethnically Arab, I neither hate nor like Saudi Arabia, I don't mind Islamism if it upholds democracy and freedom like it has in Tunisia, I'm not fond of Abdel Nasser and think that Egypt would've probably been a better country had the royal family stayed in power, and I despise Khomeinism as much as I despise Salafism/Wahhabism.
Let me guess you're a phoenician ex muslim :agree:.
Who would fuel. And what's there to fuel the war ended along time ago November 2015. And guess who won.

The war wasn't won, maybe a battle was won but no the war is far from over. Also, a town being razed to the ground isn't the best victory, not something to broadcast to the world, for that same reason it was kept quite secret from the public.

It would be an equal fair response though don't you think? We personally are taught to respond when someone else attacks us, not doing anything back is wrong.
She is not an Arab. She's a white American lady who pretends to be a Kuwaiti. Her nick was Turkopersian on Iranian Defence Forum.
I'm not a white American lady either.

I'm a non-Arab Kuwaiti. A lot of Kuwaitis are ethnically non-Arab.
The right question is (Why should not become an independent country?). I am surprised with this question, its like why should fish live inside water???

Kurd is a big nation divided among four countries Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. They tried continuously to have an independent country for themselves, but these four counties didn’t let them. Killed them, used different type of weapons against them, tried to genocide them. But they are still fighting these four counties.

Why Turkish have independent country, why Persian have a country, why Arab have more than 26 countries. Kurdish needs a country as well.
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