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Should The Hagia Sofia become a Mosque?

The Sultan had to show to the Muslims that the Hadith about conquering Constantinopole had indeed been fulfilled and Islam had indeed been victorious. Conversion of Aya Sofia did that job. It quenched the anger among the victors to take revenge from the warring party as was the norm of the day. A large portion of Ottoman subjects were Christians. If the Muslim majority didn't feel entitled at least from the honor point of view, how could the internal peace be maintained and the minority feel safe?

The conquest of Constantinople is AFTER the Malhama. Did the Sultan forget that bit?

Also conquering a city does not mean you conquer a place of worship. Even if we agree (for the sake of argument) that the prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was fulfilled it by no means meant to forcibly convert a Cathedral.
Those victors who wanted revenge... what can I say. Wasn't the conquest enough? Instead they had to denigrate the name of Islam by doing such an action. Shame on them!
The conquest of Constantinople is AFTER the Malhama. Did the Sultan forget that bit?

Also conquering a city does not mean you conquer a place of worship. Even if we agree (for the sake of argument) that the prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was fulfilled it by no means meant to forcibly convert a Cathedral.
Those victors who wanted revenge... what can I say. Wasn't the conquest enough? Instead they had to denigrate the name of Islam by doing such an action. Shame on them!
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han (May Allah be pleased with him) doesn't require any defense from any mortal in this world for his actions regarding the conquest of Istanbul. He had already been given the news of the blessing of Allah u Azimusshan by none other that the Last Prophet (Peace be upon him)* thousand years back. Moreover, he embraced Shehadet (martyrdom) by being poisoned to death while in an expedition by a conspiracy hatched by the Vatican. On most accounts, he was an Aulia, that means, his actions and words were modulated by Allah u Azimusshan as per our BOOK.

*The hadis-I-sheriff, “Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!”
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han (May Allah be pleased with him) doesn't require any defense from any mortal in this world for his actions regarding the conquest of Istanbul. He had already been given the news of the blessing of Allah u Azimusshan by none other that the Last Prophet (Peace be upon him)* thousand years back. Moreover, he embraced Shehadet (martyrdom) by being poisoned to death while in an expedition by a conspiracy hatched by the Vatican. On most accounts, he was an Aulia, that means, his actions and words were modulated by Allah u Azimusshan as per our BOOK.

*The hadis-I-sheriff, “Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!”

Yes but after the Malhama. The Malhama has not yet occurred.
Yes but after the Malhama. The Malhama has not yet occurred.

If it was for After Malhama then why Sahaba Ikraam (R.A) tried to conquer Constantinople before Malhama? it seems u too are follower of Shaikh Imran (Russia wali Sarkar) :D

On serious note we are not Aalim or Muftis to judge anyone ... every hadees is not 100% right.. Hadees have different qualities or i should say categories, some are Sahih some are Zaeef (with doubts in chain of narrations).. i believe our elders used to have more knowledge and understanding of Haram and Halal then us.. so we should not make judgment on what we see today... the world was not same like its today back then.. they may have excuse for converting it into mosque...
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If it was for After Malhama then why Sahaba Ikraam (R.A) tried to conquer Constantinople before Malhama? it seems u too are follower of Shaikh Imran (Russia wali Sarkar) :D

On serious note we are not Aalim or Muftis to judge anyone ... every hadees is not 100% right.. Hadees have different qualities or i should say categories, some are Sahih some are Zaeef (with doubts in chain of narrations).. i believe our elders used to have more knowledge and understanding of Haram and Halal then us.. so we should not make judgment on what we see today... the world was not same like its today back then.. they may have excuse for converting it into mosque...

Granted that Ahadith may not always be authentic or we laymen lack the knowledge of proper interpretation.

However in Islam is there any justification of converting a Church into a Mosque even during war and conflict? Did the Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) not respect Houses of Worship when he conquered Jerusalem?
Granted that Ahadith may not always be authentic or we laymen lack the knowledge of proper interpretation.

However in Islam is there any justification of converting a Church into a Mosque even during war and conflict? Did the Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) not respect Houses of Worship when he conquered Jerusalem?

as i said they know Islam better then us... They may have a reason to do this...

Also bro Allah(swt) Says..

{Why, when you heard it [the falsehood against ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her], did not the believing men and believing women think good of one another?}[Quran 24:12]

So be positive bro and think positive... They Must have a reason back then otherwise even a kid knows converting someone else place of worship is Haram...
There is one mosque in front of it. Why turn it into a mosque?
Its good to be religious, it is good to follow Islam as a deen but Turkey please do not get radicalised
Its good to be religious, it is good to follow Islam as a deen but Turkey please do not get radicalised

I have seen this from many Pakistanis... guys, we are very different from you.

If the Cordoba mosque can be turned into cathedral then Hagia sofia can be made into a mosque as well.
I have seen this from many Pakistanis... guys, we are very different from you.

I am not saying u guys are radicalzed, what I am saying is do not get radicalised like us.
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