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Turkey has 'nothing to learn' from Greece on religious freedoms

I hope Greece heroes take back Cyprus
Dude ,this is about religious freedom and the fact that Athens with a big muslim community doesn't have a single mosque.Per contrast,Bucharest,the capital of another orthodox majority country has 4 mosques,one of them was built entirely out of state money,because that's what modern states do for their minorities.And,believe me,Bucharest has a far smaller muslim community than Athens. ;)


I found some numbers:

Athens=around 300.000 muslims(estimated)
Bucharest=around 20.000 ,with 10.000 of them being romanian citizxens + 10.000 estimated foreign students,business men,political refugees.

UPDATE 2 (sry,i just became interested in the subject and digged up facts)

There are advanced talks between the mayors of Bucharest and Ankara for the building of a new mosque in Bucharest while in reciprocity a new church will be built in Ankara.

link(in romanian) Sorin Oprescu a discutat cu primarul Ankarei despre construirea unei moschei la Bucureşti
At least Greece DOES HAVE MOSQUES, when there are no churches at all in some Muslim countries...

I don't understand what you are trying to show here... and your numbers are wrong, the majoirty of Muslims in Greece are not in Athens, it in Thrace and their number is 100000
At least Greece DOES HAVE MOSQUES, when there are no churches at all in some Muslim countries...

I don't understand what you are trying to show here... and your numbers are wrong, the majoirty of Muslims in Greece are not in Athens, it in Thrace and their number is 100000

But we are talking about Turkey and Greece not Saudia Arabia and Greece,no ?

You see,here in Europe we like to pride ourselves with different standards and the discussion in this thread basically was :"if you live in a glass house don't throw stones".I hope you understand what i mean.
But we are talking about Turkey and Greece not Saudia Arabia and Greece,no ?

You see,here in Europe we like to pride ourselves with different standards and the discussion in this thread basically was :"if you live in a glass house don't throw stones".I hope you understand what i mean.

again go back and read my post number 11... there is big difference from turning a church into a mosque and not having a mosque in first place...
again go back and read my post number 11... there is big difference from turning a church into a mosque and not having a mosque in first place...

It was a mosque before,for over 400 years.I am an orthodox christian dude,my faith doesn't rely on a building,this is just sh$tstorming the past,nothing good comes out of it.FYI it's a musem now,not a church.
again go back and read my post number 11... there is big difference from turning a church into a mosque and not having a mosque in first place...

The issue here isn't the differences of two examples.

They don't have enough freedom of religion in their country but they have face to critic us.
It was a mosque before,for over 400 years.I am an orthodox christian dude,my faith doesn't rely on a building,this is just sh$tstorming the past,nothing good comes out of it.FYI it's a musem now,not a church.
it was a church first... right??

The issue here isn't the differences of two examples.

They don't have enough freedom of religion in their country but they have face to critic us.
there are mosques in Greece... I don't understand which religious freedom is missing in Greece?
there are mosques in Greece... I don't understand which religious freedom is missing in Greece?

Mate, you don't know the whole issue. First there is no mosques in Athens open to prayers. But that's not a big deal since Turkish minority doesn't live densely in Athens.

Greek government doesn't lets Mufti's (I don't know the exact word in English.) to appoint mosques. They sometimes let but in a few number and they do the appointment. As in Turkey, Turkish government doesn't appoints Priests to Christian Chuches, we let the minority community to do it (or the Catholic/Orthodox chuch, i'm not sure ).

And there are some other religion based troubles. So it is not just the "There is no mosque in Athens" issue.
No logical answer huh ?
give me a logical answer about Saudi "Arabia" and churches, and I will give you one about Spain... btw there are mosques in Spain

Mate, you don't know the whole issue. First there is no mosques in Athens open to prayers. But that's not a big deal since Turkish minority doesn't live densely in Athens.

Greek government doesn't lets Mufti's (I don't know the exact word in English.) to appoint mosques. They sometimes let but in a few number and they do the appointment. As in Turkey, Turkish government doesn't appoints Priests to Christian Chuches, we let the minority community to do it (or the Catholic/Orthodox chuch, i'm not sure ).

And there are some other religion based troubles. So it is not just the "There is no mosque in Athens" issue.
remember the whole issue is Greece vs. Turkey thus, Greece worries if Muslim community appoint their own leaders, they will ignite something pro Turkish ( you know what I mean)

@Sinan please don't think that I'm pro Greek... Syrians have closer ties to Turks more than Greeks...
but I disapprove the AKP terrorists acts in Syria, and their sponsoring of kidnapping two bishops..
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remember the whole issue is Greece vs. Turkey thus, Greece worries if Muslim community appoint their own leaders, they will ignite something pro Turkish ( you know what I mean)

Mate, it not a leader. It is Mufti, like imam. It's not a political movement, just giving space to Muslims to do their prayers.

But you are right, when it comes to Turkey Greece and Greek Cyprus worries a lot.
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