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Should The Hagia Sofia become a Mosque?

Several Churches in Sweden has been converted to Mosques,
but this is done in a civilized way, by buying the building first.
No complaints about that...[/QUOTE]

It was built as a house to worship God; by becoming a mosque it continues down that path. Better than being sold and used for some commercial purpose.
"If it won't be a mosque it can't be a church either."

No! It should be returned to the Christians and Muslims remove ALL Islamic decorations and pay for all renovation costs to convert it back to a church. Under Sharia law, we had NO right to take a church by force. If the Christians want to sell Hagia Sofia now to the Muslims FREELY, then that is a different matter. I'm sure the Muslims can come up with WHATEVER the Christians want! Again, if the Christians don't want to sell it, then return it back to them as a church and apologise and pay for any conversion costs back to a church,
I am fully aware that in today's time changing a place of worship to another is morally wrong. I don't think it should be a mosque again either and it's status a museum is fine. I don't like uncivilized barbarians destroying holy and historic sites, whether it be ISIS, Taliban, and especially the Saudis. How does that make me uncivilized?

pls dont forget to mention hindu saffron terrorist outfit demolishing baburi mosque in ayodhya
Hagia Sophia was built by the Orthodox Church, and its proper function is a Church.
To change it to a Mosque is showing disrespect towards Christianity.
It was converted to a mosque in 1453....when we conquered Constantinople.....

This was wrong of the Ottoman and they should RETURN Hagia Sofia back to the Christians as their Church. It is NOT ours and the Christians deserve an apology.
It is ours by conquest...it is our business and non of the foreigners have a say about our decision.
It is purely a Turkish affair .... pls get me some Turkish delight thank you :)
Muslims can pray in the countless other mosques in that area. Hagia Sophia is a building of historic significance, it have been a church as well as a mosque in the past. I will say let it be as it is, a beautiful building that was influenced and decorated by both Christians and Muslims, a real jewel! PLUS, is anyone say that Islam asks us to convert this to a mosque, he so not know the very basics of our religion.

I know one thing for sure, if it is converted to a mosque and i have a chance to be there again, i wont be praying there. Rather i will go and pray in one of thousands of other mosques in that very area.

AND, What i say is not about what is right or wrong. Istanbul was conquered by Muslims and Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque. By that rule it is there property but ethically, you do not want to create more controversy around such a land mark. More importantly, do we Muslims really need more mosques? We have even more beautiful ones. What we need are more worshipers and followers of the true Islam (not the TTP or ISIS version)

It is purely a Turkish affair .... pls get me some Turkish delight thank you :)
OH,, Me too!!
By the way,, do you or anyone know where can i find some Turkish Delight here in Pakistan? Preferable in Lahore? There are a couple of Turkish restaurants in Lahore but i do not think they have Turkish Delight :(
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Hell,it was captured by muslims and converted into mosque.So why change it into a museum.
It is ours by conquest...it is our business and non of the foreigners have a say about our decision.

No, it wasn't taken by ''you'' in conquest, it was taken by ISLAMIC OTTOMAN EMPIRE, who we love and respect.

The prophet of God in Muslim religion, Muhammad, had prophesied that the first Muslim to pray in Hagia Sophia would go to paradise. Since then, it was a great ambition for Muslim leaders to get Hagia Sophia.

There is a tendency for non-Muslims to lie and attribute quotes to Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam. So, do us the courtesy and show the hadith reference please?
Would be good gesture to make it into a church again. After all what's happening around the world.
1.Hagia Sofia has been burnt down, destroyed and desecrated several times by contending Christian rulers or pontiffs. This one is indeed a symbol of Islamic prowess. Generations of Muslims and Turks have given their life to conquer Constantinople and thus announce to the world that the Message of Islam has now entered Europe. I for one would like to see it as a mosque where Mumins will pray.
2. Don't forget - never forget al Andalusia. How many mosques have been allowed to remain. May be one or two out of thousands.
3. Same process is going on in Arakan, Burma. Some of the oldest mosques of Islam have been leveled up by the Buddhist rulers. Something similar happened in Cambodia where most of those killed in the Killing Fields in the name cultural cleansing were in fact Cambodian Muslims. You can see the few surviving families huddled in a shanty across the river in Phenom Pen.
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