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Should pakistan sell weapons to HAMAS-FATAH


Nov 28, 2006
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I am not saying that the pakistan army go to war against israel but if HAMAS-FATAH wanted to buy weapons from pakistan should we sell to them?
we should send an army of 200,000 soliders and couple of F-7s and get Iran with us and invade Israel and take back our homeland "JERUSLEM" otherwise Pakistan,Iran,Turkey,Suden,Syria,Yemen and Saudi Arabia armies are all uselss i think Islam is long fogetting in this era.
I am not saying that the pakistan army go to war against israel but if HAMAS-FATAH wanted to buy weapons from pakistan should we sell to them?

Internationally Hamas and Fatah are considered terrorist organization, why would Pakistan what to sell arms to terrorist. And even so it did, then Pakistan would be labeled as rogue state.
Internationally Hamas and Fatah are considered terrorist organization, why would Pakistan what to sell arms to terrorist. And even so it did, then Pakistan would be labeled as rogue state.

labeled as ? i think this conecept it long gone everyone i met people in New York thinks that Pakistan is a terrorist state ; The world has made up its mind already that they cant live with a "MUSLIM" nuclear armed states we are being isolated,bigger than that India propaganda...whats that about ? Muslims are just clueless at this time whats going on with us.
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I say give them ( democratically elected Hamas) the weapons that the Pakistani army has captured from Taliban most of these weapons caches contain simple but effective weapons like Ak-47's, RPG's, mines, grenades, even sniper rifles...We can afford to give them many of these weapons for free (the one's captured on the battle field)... We should also supply both Hamas and Hezbollah AT weapons to destroy this menacing Merkava, Hezbollah has already destroyed so many during the conflict of 06 and during the occupation of SO. Lebanon...Destroy more I say.

But I really support is allying with Hezbollah!

They are respected fighters, with a noble leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah.

I support giving them SA missiles to target and destroy Israeli attack helicopters and Jets. Also support giving them weapons to attack Israeli war ships...

One economic difference is Hezbollah has money, they provide many charity and social services, build homes and streets, clinics, and schools...We should support such a noble group despite them being Shias...I'm no fan of this Sunni vs Shia ordeal anyways...

Support the Resistance!
we have the capability to deal with Israeli fighter jets, we have dealt with them before in the late 60,s and early 70,s and we were successful.

Although it would be difficult, we could help our Muslim brothers.
labeled as ? i think this conecept it long gone everyone i met in New York thinks that Pakistan is a terrorist state ; The world has made up its mind already that they cant live with a "MUSLIM" nuclear armed states we are being isolated,bigger than that India propaganda...whats that about ? Muslims are just clueless at this time whats going on with us.

so true brother,labelling Pakistan as a terrorist safe haven or associating it in anyway to the 'T' word is to devalue the sovereignty of a nation.By destroying its reputation or even dehumanising it is to create the impression that Pakistan deserves being attacked cause as far as the majority are concerned all muslims are potential terrorist's.

And for those who don't know or haven't studied this subject,the illegitment state of israel with her cronies has been preparing and is in the final stages of implementing her messianic(dajjalic) goal to establish her rotten self as the ruling state in the world.And a 'MUSLIM'nuclear Pakistan is more of a threat to their global agenda than Iran or some 'terrorist' running amok with ak47's and explosives.
Palestinians are fighting a terrorist state. We should help them any way possible. Isreal already says, incase of war Isreal will help Hindustan. Why not help our bro's? Isreal has no intentions of making peace with a Muslim Nuclear power. We've helped Bosnians before when they were being buthered. I think its our moral duty.
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