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Should pakistan increase the number of troops

It's police and intelligence job to deal with internal threats not army's
We need to make our police force more potent by introducing quick response and SWAT teams, promoting detective and forensic based case building techniques,introduction of internal audit and control departments to form proper police procedures and internal controls to control corruption
@Zibago your Views

Point to you. Targeting my posts lately I've noticed haha
Ye kab hua ?? :o:

Jab b hua bus ho gya my message was deleted...

You Know nothing. they will ruin us. Believe me

Yeah I'm too ignorant... But I have idea our neighbours have some weapons which could do such lethal and silent "Surgical Strike" that we can't even hear or see them...

Happened Like a Flash I mean..!!

Hail Hanuman Army...!
Jab b hua bus ho gya my message was deleted...

Recently they also deleted one of message. don't know which one, don't know why.

Happened Like a Flash I mean..!!

Now you know Why.. , .. :lol::lol: ..

Point to you. Targeting my posts lately I've noticed haha
very sorry if you felt that way. it wasn't my intention at all.i just am like that with every other guy on the forum. won't tag you if you don't want to be tagged:enjoy:
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I think instead of increasing the number of troops, increase heli born special ops forces, and your battle assets as much as you can. Especially, the Jets, more jets need to form a small but potent dedicated strike wing, a naval wing and a general increase in the PAF's air assets and then the SAM systems. Then, for the Army, higher quality tanks, guided munitions / ATM's, and Howitzers (the GPS guided ones) and lastly, a few missile destroyers with AA/AD long range SAM systems for your Navy.

I think this list would do wonders for the Pakistani military than anything else. The air-force and other air-arms are much needed IMO.

With the Stealthy JF-18 coming and hopefully getting produced in large numbers, it would do wonders. Thanks

I saw your another post about JF-18. Did your source indicate whether it was still in the design phase, or was the prototype ready.

Just to add something to your points. :)

India was a declared Nuclear state 2 decades, well before Pakistan did a nuclear test. Moreover Pakistan was too weak during the period 1974, you just had lost your half couple of years back and had a real political instability during the 70's which is a known fact. :(

While India could have easily overrun "Pakistan like swarm of ants", nobody in India ever thought of that back then I guess. So if we didn't want to occupy Pakistan when you were going through your weakest phase while we were a newly declared nuclear state, do you expect India to be living in a dream of overrunning Pakistan while you are too strong now as compared to the 70's ?? LOL :)

Wrong at so many levels. Pakistan's conventional capability was more than enough to handle the threat from east in 1948 ( still you claim GB, AJK to be Pak Occupied Kashmir ,cutting you off from Afghanistan/Central Asia) and in 1965 (when you were defeated in every major battle, there have been threads on this topic). 1971 fiasco happened 2000km away from mainland unlike other two wars, surrounded by India from 3 sides. It was similar to what happened to US in Vietnam , imagine an army invades on top of that. Thats a long debate not suited for this thread.
To make the long story short. Pakistan's conventional parity vis a vis India in quantitative terms is 2:1 in most cases including active troops, reserves, tanks, fighter jets. Military analysts all over the world state 3:1 is enough for a defensive force, Pakistan's position is much better and can afford an offensive defence strategy.
Nuclear dimension was added in response to India's nuclear program. India didn't do anything stupid because in 1979 Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Americans were fully involved with Pakistan to counter Soviets, it would be a strategic blunder to engage Pakistan back then. By 1984 Pakistan had conducted cold tests and adopted policy of ambiguity , in 1987 when India conducted Brasstacks exercises, Zia visited India and conveyed the nuclear threat while practicing Cricket Diplomacy.
very sorry if you felt that way. it wasn't my intention at all.i just am like that with every other guy on the forum. won't tag you if you don't want to be tagged:enjoy:

It's cool don't worry about it, appreciate any knowledgable direction
i saw a show by anchor named Wajahat, he was describing the structure of Pak armed forces. And it was shown that most of our forces are placed in Punjab...And only one Core command (or whatever the biggest unit is called in military terms i forgot it) is in Sindh. And that is also the point where indians plan to execute there so called cold start doctrine. I seriously believe that we should increase our strength in Sindh region, as we should not leave any holes in our preparation given that our enemy is already bigger in numbers.

One more thing, we should station permanent 1 - 1.5 lakh soldiers along afghan border.
I might be wrong
Not to worry, your right there.

Pakistan to increase troops or to try to equal numerically India
That is losing game. India has 7:1 advantage in poulation. You think Romania could ever match Russia in size of armed forces? The same ratio applies here.

What Pakistan should do is to improve its internal security.
That is probably top on list of things that need doing. Security. Security. Security. Pakistan is actually a reasonablty well developed place contrary to what many who have not been there think. Some parts of cities are no differant from Western Europe but the real problem is security. That is where Pakistan needs Turkish style Jandarma or French style Gendarmerie to support regular police all over the country - in particular the peripheral areas which at present are almost beyond the writ of the state. Regular police needs reforming and additional funding.

If security improved everything else would improve. Slowly visitors would increase and as they go home they would tell the truth about Pakistan. That would create positive vibe which would create conditions for more investment.

Link >
Something Pakistan should have done even before 1965

In 1965 Pak had 250,000 troops compared to India's 800,000

In 1971 Pak troops increased by a minor of 30,000 i.e 280,000 unlike India where troops increased

Lack of troops eventually led to desperate attempts to fill in the numbers by recruitment of razakars which eventually culminated into a crushing defeat.
What about increasing the army's mechanized infantry. And adding automated more IFVs to the mix. This will add to the rapped deployment ability. In my opinion I feel India has over Pakistan are its robust mechanized infantry. Even f they are older BMP-1 and 2. At least they have them and they can still pack a serious punch.

There fore I believe it would be crusial for Pakistan to add IFVs to the mix outside the M-113 variants they currently have
Something Pakistan should have done even before 1965

In 1965 Pak had 250,000 troops compared to India's 800,000

In 1971 Pak troops increased by a minor of 30,000 i.e 280,000 unlike India where troops increased

Lack of troops eventually led to desperate attempts to fill in the numbers by recruitment of razakars which eventually culminated into a crushing defeat.

LOL What defeat? You mean like the fake surgical strike? Making empty claims won't hand you victory.

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