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Should Kashmir get a chance to decide their future through Referendum?

Should Kashmir get a chance to decide their future through Referendum?

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And how can we trust indians with that after all you betrayed us in the past when we agreed to a ceasefire when nehru told us india would hold a referendum. Did india hold it?
Did Pakistan fulfil the first criterion for referendum?
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I think Kashmir's case is pretty strong here, they too deserve to decide their future..

UN must implement its decision of referendum in Kashmir.

So I say Yes, they should get a chance.

p.s. If you are answering No, then also explain why not? what other possible solution do you suggest?


It can happen in almost every country, and there will be no end to it...leaders/politicians/religious leaders with selfish agenda can mislead people and ask for freedom..better to stay united!
--some examples...
Baloch in Pak,
Kashimir in India,
HK in China
Xinjiang (China)
Tibet is under aggression of China (if voting done, it will be a disaster for china!)
Taiwan is under risk of aggression from China
Crimea (Ukraine/ Russia)
Catalonia (Spain)
Venice (Italy)
Flanders (Belgium)
Kurdistan (Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria)
etc etc
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Please enlighten me

here comes..
birth of pakistan in 1948...attack on harisingh... J-K

1965 attack on j-k with thinking of Kashmiris will support pak but it was boomrang .. which tunred defeneding lahor

1971... betrayed your own people from sharing power.. instead ... cruelty... result bangladesh

1999.. we came for peace talkw ith bus ... you gave us kargil..

you betraed your own peole . making officlay calling them non muslim
waht to expect from it
global level betral
it by BBC not by indian or me by the way
I'm no supporter of that fellow, but in this instance I have to point out that the pic is a fake. Only NewsX carried the story, and they only showed the picture and not a video, and Geelani himself has denied it and called it propoganda by NewsX.

And it is pretty well known that he has been in Delhi all along, sitting in comfort in the capital of India and enjoying medical services in New Delhi, while criticizing the army's efforts in the rescue operation.
here comes..
birth of pakistan in 1948...attack on harisingh... J-K

1965 attack on j-k with thinking of Kashmiris will support pak but it was boomrang .. which tunred defeneding lahor

1971... betrayed your own people from sharing power.. instead ... cruelty... result bangladesh

1999.. we came for peace talkw ith bus ... you gave us kargil..

you betraed your own peole . making officlay calling them non muslim
waht to expect from it
1948 we attack hari singh because he was going against his people and did just what india did in hyderabad and jungadh
1965 we waited for too long and for the UN to hold the referendum or even nehru hold it but hypocrisy and india didnt
1971 pakistan got the situation in control but indian army in mukhti bahini clothes drove the rebellion and this whole concept of independence came into the minds of people. I wont go into details of what we did cause we tried everything even made bengali the official language
1999 that was the only time i accept it was pakistan's mistake
1 mistake against several of india's
1948 we attack hari singh because he was going against his people and did just what india did in hyderabad and jungadh
1965 we waited for too long and for the UN to hold the referendum or even nehru hold it but hypocrisy and india didnt
1971 pakistan got the situation in control but indian army in mukhti bahini clothes drove the rebellion and this whole concept of independence came into the minds of people. I wont go into details of what we did cause we tried everything even made bengali the official language
1999 that was the only time i accept it was pakistan's mistake
1 mistake against several of india's

1) Hari Singh wanted to remain independant. It was AFTER Pakistani forces attacked his country, that he acceeded to India. So Pakistanis talking about independence for Kashmir is like Hitler lecturing on the rights of jews. It was Pakistan that destroyed their independence in the first place.

2) In 1965 you thought the entire state of Kashmir would welcome you as liberators. Instead they led your commandos to the local police stations, and your country that hoped to take Kashmir ended up desperately defending Lahore.

3) The freedom movement in E Pakistan started long before India intervened, due to West Pakistan's undemocratic behaviour. And they, unlike west Pakistanis, were not going to be cowed down by force by petty dictators who sieze power illegitimately. I'm sure Pak army could have subdued them eventually by operations like searchlight, but India's involvement put an end to such massacress, and gave them the freedom they wanted. And BTW, Indian forces were received joyously by erstwhile East Pakistanis, and cheered and welcomed by them - what Pakistan had hoped awaited them in Kashmir earlier.

4) In 1999, Pakistan violated the mutual agreement to vacate posts during winter, by infiltrating mujahideens and armymen too scared to put on a uniform. Of course they were all sent back or killed, as usual.

Bonus point 5) Kashmir rahega Hindustan, there is no going back now. As far as we are concerned, the issue is settled. We might continue with these pointless talks just to keep Pakistanis humored, but no amount of talking will get you an inch of Kashmir. And by force, there is no way you will take it from us. Not now, not ever.

I hope I have cleared up the whole affair for you. Feel free to ask any questions.
1948 we attack hari singh because he was going against his people and did just what india did in hyderabad and jungadh
1965 we waited for too long and for the UN to hold the referendum or even nehru hold it but hypocrisy and india didnt
1971 pakistan got the situation in control but indian army in mukhti bahini clothes drove the rebellion and this whole concept of independence came into the minds of people. I wont go into details of what we did cause we tried everything even made bengali the official language
1999 that was the only time i accept it was pakistan's mistake
1 mistake against several of india's
who decide hari singh going aginst his people .. a few hr born nation ?
hydrabad .. Nizam protecting his wealth nothing for people
that does not give to invade ..did scots invaded england even after 300 yrs?..
your failur in UN cant be justifed as war
going by your logic then
tommorrow you satert nuclear war and end the earth becasue you waited for 60 plus yeaar right ..
becuase of kashmir you will kill earth...wow
read histry how west pakistani trarted bengali..
read election and power shraing that time...
you wil get ans why mukti bahni came in to birth
thanks for being truthfull
can you quaote indias betral pleae .. sure with prrof
1) Hari Singh wanted to remain independant. It was AFTER Pakistani forces attacked his country, that he acceeded to India. So Pakistanis talking about independence for Kashmir is like Hitler lecturing on the rights of jews. It was Pakistan that destroyed their independence in the first place.

2) In 1965 you thought the entire state of Kashmir would welcome you as liberators. Instead they led your commandos to the local police stations, and your country that hoped to take Kashmir ended up desperately defending Lahore.

3) The freedom movement in E Pakistan started long before India intervened, due to West Pakistan's undemocratic behaviour. And they, unlike west Pakistanis, were not going to be cowed down by force by petty dictators who sieze power illegitimately. I'm sure Pak army could have subdued them eventually by operations like searchlight, but India's involvement put an end to such massacress, and gave them the freedom they wanted. And BTW, Indian forces were received joyously by erstwhile East Pakistanis, and cheered and welcomed by them - what Pakistan had hoped awaited them in Kashmir earlier.

4) In 1999, Pakistan violated the mutual agreement to vacate posts during winter, by infiltrating mujahideens and armymen too scared to put on a uniform. Of course they were all sent back or killed, as usual.

Bonus point 5) Kashmir rahega Hindustan, there is no going back now. As far as we are concerned, the issue is settled. We might continue with these pointless talks just to keep Pakistanis humored, but no amount of talking will get you an inch of Kashmir. And by force, there is no way you will take it from us. Not now, not ever.

I hope I have cleared up the whole affair for you. Feel free to ask any questions.
For point one i must remind you that the mujahideen attacked not pakistan army our army came way after in the war.
Points 2, 3 and 4 are totally wrong but i wont comment on them for obvious reasons now a bonus point
Kashmir banega pakistan now just answer this question that why is it that the hindus of junagadh get a referendum of choosing countries and the muslims of kashmir dont get it?
All the Indians are voting No as they know Kashmiris don't want to be with them. They know they are an occupying force.
For point one i must remind you that the mujahideen attacked not pakistan army our army came way after in the war.
Points 2, 3 and 4 are totally wrong but i wont comment on them for obvious reasons now a bonus point
Kashmir banega pakistan now just answer this question that why is it that the hindus of junagadh get a referendum of choosing countries and the muslims of kashmir dont get it?

An honest answer to your last question....India has the capacity to takeover what it feels it is needed for us...We only faltered in Kashmir becoz of idiotic Nhru...Otherwise..even Kashmir would have clean merger like other states...Who cares about treaties and rules above your national interest?..

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