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Should ISI collaborate with Mossad to undermine RAW's presence in IRAN?



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Feb 11, 2020
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My fellow Pakistanis,

Following on from the recent event in Balouchistan & death of our brave soldiers, it got me thinking whether we should change our approach towards Iran and finally accept the fact that they do not love us as much as our government & some Pakistanis would have us believe!

RAW's presence in Iran is a well known secret - and Pakistan's ISI did well to bust the gang with the capture of Kulbushan Yadav but I don't think it had much of an impact - or even if it did, it was short-term.

We know that India lost few soldiers in Kashmir recently, and openly threatened us - and if this was India's retaliation then this tell us something:

* This attack happened within days after recent events in Kashmir. What does this say? Their presence in Iran is pretty sophisticated, established & well set up. I mean you would think it would take them time to plan & execute this but no, it was done within days and they were successful. Almost as if all it needed was a green signal from RAW's HQ and bang!

* Is IRAN aware, or even collaborating with RAW, to undermine our homeland security? This can be debated but I would find it hard to believe that they are not part of this...or, as a bare minimum, looking the other way...i.e. aware of the presence but not doing anything about it.

So, in light of the above, I think we need to change our approach and be more aggressive towards Iran...and covertly. The issue is, just like Afghanistan, it happens to be a Muslim nation and our people are often emotional & short sighted...so we can't do much publicly but nothing stops us from lighting a fire here & there to let them know we mean business...

And here comes Mossad in the picture: Israel/Iran relationship can be summed up to what ours is with India - we can't stand each other. Mossad must have a deep, & well established set up in Iran - much better than ISI's.

Despite what many think, I do not think Israel is our real enemy here, they have no land/border issues with us and our love of Arabs is what keeps them suspicious of us. If, hypothetically speaking, Iran/Pak went to war, you can be rest assured that Israel will support us - as we would lesser of two evils in their eyes. And, also remember due to our approach towards Israel, we pushed them towards India (which is also another topic).

For me, being a Pakistani, Pakistan comes first - our security, our nation & our goals FIRST. I think, it's about time we became more pragmatic in our approach and time to teach our enemies a lesson. Mossad/ISI can certainly help each other out...couple of tip offs from them about Indian activities in Iran would do nicely & our boys can clean up the mess. In return, ISI can help Mossad out also...all done discreetly, and this doesn't need to be announced - so long the objectives are achieved!

What do members think?
My fellow Pakistanis,

Following on from the recent event in Balouchistan & death of our brave soldiers, it got me thinking whether we should change our approach towards Iran and finally accept the fact that they do not love us as much as our government & some Pakistanis would have us believe!

RAW's presence in Iran is a well known secret - and Pakistan's ISI did well to bust the gang with the capture of Kulbushan Yadav but I don't think it had much of an impact - or even if it did, it was short-term.

We know that India lost few soldiers in Kashmir recently, and openly threatened us - and if this was India's retaliation then this tell us something:

* This attack happened within days after recent events in Kashmir. What does this say? Their presence in Iran is pretty sophisticated, established & well set up. I mean you would think it would take them time to plan & execute this but no, it was done within days and they were successful. Almost as if all it needed was a green signal from RAW's HQ and bang!

* Is IRAN aware, or even collaborating with RAW, to undermine our homeland security? This can be debated but I would find it hard to believe that they are not part of this...or, as a bare minimum, looking the other way...i.e. aware of the presence but not doing anything about it.

So, in light of the above, I think we need to change our approach and be more aggressive towards Iran...and covertly. The issue is, just like Afghanistan, it happens to be a Muslim nation and our people are often emotional & short sighted...so we can't do much publicly but nothing stops us from lighting a fire here & there to let them know we mean business...

And here comes Mossad in the picture: Israel/Iran relationship can be summed up to what ours is with India - we can't stand each other. Mossad must have a deep, & well established set up in Iran - much better than ISI's.

Despite what many think, I do not think Israel is our real enemy here, they have no land/border issues with us and our love of Arabs is what keeps them suspicious of us. If, hypothetically speaking, Iran/Pak went to war, you can be rest assured that Israel will support us - as we would lesser of two evils in their eyes. And, also remember due to our approach towards Israel, we pushed them towards India (which is also another topic).

For me, being a Pakistani, Pakistan comes first - our security, our nation & our goals FIRST. I think, it's about time we became more pragmatic in our approach and time to teach our enemies a lesson. Mossad/ISI can certainly help each other out...couple of tip offs from them about Indian activities in Iran would do nicely & our boys can clean up the mess. In return, ISI can help Mossad out also...all done discreetly, and this doesn't need to be announced - so long the objectives are achieved!

What do members think?

Nope, you don't collaborate with enemies best friend who also want you be destroyed.
israel not forgive u.s for fulfilling their negative objectives as evident from condition of u.s today so how can they help us when we are much less beneficial to them
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Iran can be reconciled, Israel cannot.

Paksitan has a $hit load of opportunities to fix Iran using though means - but Paksitan is not willing to harm Iran as it knows they can correct themselves. If they do not quit facilitating India against you - invite USA to set up a base in Paksitan right at their border that would monitor their seas, airspace, and land from one commonplace.

Its not a "threat", Paksitan can do it and will earn huge favors from USA for this amazing gift.
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No. Iran can be reconciled, Israel cannot.
You are wrong about Israel. That being said, Pakistan should sit down with Iran and solve all the issues to end the issue of Indian spying and Baluch insurgents using Iranian soil. We can have a very good friendship with Israel and Iran simultaneously. In fact i would go on to say that Palestinian problem can only be solved if we sit down with Israel and negotiate the way out.
You are wrong about Israel. That being said, Pakistan should sit down with Iran and solve all the issues to end the issue of Indian spying and Baluch insurgents using Iranian soil. We can have a very good friendship with Israel and Iran simultaneously. In fact i would go on to say that Palestinian problem can only be solved if we sit down with Israel and negotiate the way out.

I can be wrong, Quran is not, and time hasn't been wrong either. How many billion times do you want to see Israel with India against you before you would conclude?
Thank you for replying folks.

I am all in favour of having dialogue and trying to resolve the issues peacefully. I mean due to Iran, Pakistan kept a neutral stance on GCC/Iran issue - which I am still in favour of. When Iran had an issue with US recently, we mediated between the two - which I think was also excellent.

We caught Iran/India pants down when we captured Yadav - wasn't that the point we had a discussion with them then to politely tell Iranians enough is enough and no more? Have they appeared to have taken any action to stop Indian activities? I highly doubt it.

So when does talking stop and action taken? I am not suggesting any overtly or publicly... I am talking about being covert. What you have to understand is India's presence in IRAN is worrying for Pakistan - we are surrounded from all sides! So when India threatens to retaliate, they can do so from multiple points, as evidenced by recent events. We can't be everywhere all the time - we need to secure our borders. We have control Afghanistan side to an extent and can keep the Indians in check over there. It's about time we paid more attention towards Iran/Balouchsitan. Iran should know and understand that we mean BUSINESS now...

I can be wrong, Quran is not, and time hasn't been wrong either. How many billion times do you want to see Israel with India against you before you would conclude?

Please understand that Israel is only in India's camp due to our own failures. If we had played our cards right, we could have kept Israel away from India (best case scenario) or neutral (worst case). But, due to our own mistakes, we now find our self in this situation.

PS: in international affairs, there is no concept of friends/brothers/ummah. It's all about interests...
The problem with fanboys they just utter things that come into their mind without any critical thought process.
Do u know Mossad is a staunch ally of RAW?? Why in the world would they stop RAW in Iran? Infact i think its mosaad that helped RAW get a foothold in iran. The israelis trust indians and u think they will ditch india for us? I guess the fasting has gone to ur head.
One of Israel's biggest bone of contention is our nuclear assets. Either we make a full peace treaty (like Egypt and Jordan did) or we ignore them. No half meddling. It could be dangerous.
The problem with fanboys they just utter things that come into their mind without any critical thought process.
Do u know Mossad is a staunch ally of RAW?? Why in the world would they stop RAW in Iran? Infact i think its mosaad that helped RAW get a foothold in iran. The israelis trust indians and u think they will ditch india for us? I guess the fasting has gone to ur head.

How do you know I am fasting?

I am well aware of the fact that Ind/Israel are in bed together...and I am also aware of the fact that we are partly to blame for this.

Israel has a bigger fish to fry :IRAN & Iran's nuclear goal. Yes, they maybe friends with India but given a choice a they would rather concentrate their efforts on Iran on any given day (just like we would on India).

Now, you talk about critical thought process....so how about we offer to help sabotage Iran's goals in return for Mossad ditching India - don't you think they would consider it? You bet they would! It's business...where both parties benefit.

In an ideal world, it doesn't have to come to this. We would much rather talk to Iran and get them to kick out Indians...but it would appear that they are not so keen on talking. So, maybe we should change our approach?

Lastly, let's keep this discussion civil and to the point. Don't dismiss different opinions as fanboys thinking etc. Pakistan is in deep trouble and the loss of our citizens/armed forces lives deeply hurt us. We need to take action and consider changing our attitudes/thinking as/when needed.

Unfortunately, soldiers will continue to embrace shahadat, because they don’t have proper PPE and MRAP’s.
Those who have no vision to expand are condemned to dwindle.

7 decades have passed and we are still fighting enemies inside in our own territories.

Pakistan will always be on the back foot and quiet possibly perish if it continuous its path of "friend of all" and peace mantra.
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